Ginsburg Hospitalized.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office

Years ago I worked at a State University hospital mostly in the intensive Care wards. it was there that I first became familiar with the term parkinsonian mask. That actually is a condition of muscle relaxation in the facial area that is a reliable precursor of death.

You get to recognize it when you see it and realize sadly what it means.

I look at Ruth bader Ginsburg I see it very loudly. I believe Ruth is being pressured to stay in ofgice by the DNC and not retire.
I believe they are responsible for what happens to her. This poor woman can barely stay awake she should be home on a completely different regimen that caters to her frail health.

This is all going to happen very quickly.

Tards have been offering her their organs. These people are using this frail old woman. She doesn't have the sense to step down and leave with a little dignity.
Broken ribs aren't a relatively minor injury....It's especially instructive to note they were broken in, what would be for anyone under the age of 70, a minor fall.

She probably fell out of her wheel chair trying to get up ....wasn't being watched for a few minutes.
I'm guessing she's full blown Alzheimer's at t his point and they are just wheeling her around like a posthumous puppet...I hope they get found out and prosecuted for this if it turns out to be what it looks like.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office

Years ago I worked at a State University hospital mostly in the intensive Care wards. it was there that I first became familiar with the term parkinsonian mask. That actually is a condition of muscle relaxation in the facial area that is a reliable precursor of death.

You get to recognize it when you see it and realize sadly what it means.

I look at Ruth bader Ginsburg I see it very loudly. I believe Ruth is being pressured to stay in ofgice by the DNC and not retire.
I believe they are responsible for what happens to her. This poor woman can barely stay awake she should be home on a completely different regimen that caters to her frail health.

This is all going to happen very quickly.

Tards have been offering her their organs. These people are using this frail old woman. She doesn't have the sense to step down and leave with a little dignity.

I'm wondering if she's even being asked....

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office

Years ago I worked at a State University hospital mostly in the intensive Care wards. it was there that I first became familiar with the term parkinsonian mask. That actually is a condition of muscle relaxation in the facial area that is a reliable precursor of death.

You get to recognize it when you see it and realize sadly what it means.

I look at Ruth bader Ginsburg I see it very loudly. I believe Ruth is being pressured to stay in ofgice by the DNC and not retire.
I believe they are responsible for what happens to her. This poor woman can barely stay awake she should be home on a completely different regimen that caters to her frail health.

This is all going to happen very quickly.

Tards have been offering her their organs. These people are using this frail old woman. She doesn't have the sense to step down and leave with a little dignity.

Has anyone offered her a penis yet? Just wondering considering the left....and their predilections.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office

Years ago I worked at a State University hospital mostly in the intensive Care wards. it was there that I first became familiar with the term parkinsonian mask. That actually is a condition of muscle relaxation in the facial area that is a reliable precursor of death.

You get to recognize it when you see it and realize sadly what it means.

I look at Ruth bader Ginsburg I see it very loudly. I believe Ruth is being pressured to stay in ofgice by the DNC and not retire.
I believe they are responsible for what happens to her. This poor woman can barely stay awake she should be home on a completely different regimen that caters to her frail health.

This is all going to happen very quickly.

Tards have been offering her their organs. These people are using this frail old woman. She doesn't have the sense to step down and leave with a little dignity.

I'm wondering if she;s even being asked....

She is obviously is being used for political purposes only
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office

Years ago I worked at a State University hospital mostly in the intensive Care wards. it was there that I first became familiar with the term parkinsonian mask. That actually is a condition of muscle relaxation in the facial area that is a reliable precursor of death.

You get to recognize it when you see it and realize sadly what it means.

I look at Ruth bader Ginsburg I see it very loudly. I believe Ruth is being pressured to stay in ofgice by the DNC and not retire.
I believe they are responsible for what happens to her. This poor woman can barely stay awake she should be home on a completely different regimen that caters to her frail health.

This is all going to happen very quickly.

Tards have been offering her their organs. These people are using this frail old woman. She doesn't have the sense to step down and leave with a little dignity.

I'm wondering if she;s even being asked....

She is obviously is being used for political purposes only

I hope not...but if that is true and this is not with her full knowledge and consent....there should be prosecutions.

Shes hurting bad with every breath. Pneumonia in the next week is likely.

Injuries in the elderly quickly evolve into mental and physical collapse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the next 6 months she’s either asking where’s her friend from first grade and/or a physical collapse of her health.

Picking up Senators guarantees Trump will get yet another Justice sometime next year.

I'm wondering how she got the injury....I was told she is being wheeled in and out of the SCOTUS building. Sounds like elder abuse to me. Surely she must have family that will intervene here! This should be in front of the local state level probate judge for a care and keeping decree IMO.


Maybe it was Trump's chaufeur that was pushing her wheelchair.
Thats how my Grandmother went.
Broke her hip but she was too frail to operate,she didnt last long after that.

Yeah I'm guessing this is it for her...
What I would like to know is how long has the masquerade been going on?

On the bright, Ms. Ginsberg's injuries is one of the few things that will make Godless liberal haters get on their knees and pray!
Shes hurting bad with every breath. Pneumonia in the next week is likely.

Injuries in the elderly quickly evolve into mental and physical collapse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the next 6 months she’s either asking where’s her friend from first grade and/or a physical collapse of her health.

Picking up Senators guarantees Trump will get yet another Justice sometime next year.

I'm wondering how she got the injury....I was told she is being wheeled in and out of the SCOTUS building. Sounds like elder abuse to me. Surely she must have family that will intervene here! This should be in front of the local state level probate judge for a care and keeping decree IMO.


Maybe it was Trump's chaufeur that was pushing her wheelchair.

Or maybe it was some crazy leftist asshole that kept whispering in her ear that she just has to last until we have a democrat POTUS. She should have been out four or five years ago.

The OP is right.
A fall isn't good at any age, and it's worse the older you get.
However, the only good thing is that she's proven herself to be a pretty tough cookie and she has access to the best healthcare money and modern science affords.
So let's pray she can hold on through this crazy Administration.
Whenever I start to think that deplorable trumpanzees aren't quite so deplorable....all I have to do is go to threads like this.

Deplorable is using a frail old woman for a posthumous political puppet.
The OP is right.
A fall isn't good at any age, and it's worse the older you get.
However, the only good thing is that she's proven herself to be a pretty tough cookie and she has access to the best healthcare money and modern science affords.
So let's pray she can hold on through this crazy Administration.

That's it? That's all you have? What a selfish Prick you are...

Let us pray that her family intervenes and stops this cruelty!
I smell a care and keeping ruling on the way here.


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