Ginsburg Hospitalized.

She's had colon cancer, pancreatic cancer. She really should call it quits, her brain can't pissibly be firing on all cylinders.

She probably knows the constitution inside and out, better than Kav, as he thinks its ok to lie under oath.
Ginsburg will probably die in office

Jim Bunning said that years ago. Said it was imminent, that she'd be dead by 2010.

He's dead now.
Yes. Quite obviously Ruth Bader Ginsburg will live forever.

I'm sure Trump has already chosen her successor. The Trump Supreme Court will likely be his greatest contribution
to the nation though driving the left insane is also a wonderful legacy for him.
She's had colon cancer, pancreatic cancer. She really should call it quits, her brain can't pissibly be firing on all cylinders.

She probably knows the constitution inside and out, better than Kav, as he thinks its ok to lie under oath.
How would you know she’s been too busy sleeping...
Shes hurting bad with every breath. Pneumonia in the next week is likely.

Injuries in the elderly quickly evolve into mental and physical collapse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the next 6 months she’s either asking where’s her friend from first grade and/or a physical collapse of her health.

Picking up Senators guarantees Trump will get yet another Justice sometime next year.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office

Years ago I worked at a State University hospital mostly in the intensive Care wards. it was there that I first became familiar with the term parkinsonian mask. That actually is a condition of muscle relaxation in the facial area that is a reliable precursor of death.

You get to recognize it when you see it and realize sadly what it means.

I look at Ruth bader Ginsburg I see it very loudly. I believe Ruth is being pressured to stay in ofgice by the DNC and not retire.
I believe they are responsible for what happens to her. This poor woman can barely stay awake she should be home on a completely different regimen that caters to her frail health.

This is all going to happen very quickly.

You are so full of crap!

She is very healthy and mentally sharp; she makes public appearances frequently and speaks at length about her life and work. She started a fitness program at the Court and has recruited other Justices and clerks and court staff. There's nothing wrong with her beyond the normal effects of aging and she's not even the oldest SCOTUS Justice in history.

You are a fucking vulture.
If she gets pneumonia it's over. They might put her on a machine but she'll never come out of it, and her career will certainly be over. Number one reason old people die is due to lung collapse.
Dimocrats should be working through Trump’s list of SCOTUS candidates now so they’re ready to Kavanaugh the next nominee if the old bat croaks.

OH...haven't you heard? There is a thirteen year old boy scout ready to swear to the fact that AMY BARETT forced a blow job on him at a scouting event last year.

Haven't seen a thread or post about this but it just came across the banner on the bottom of my TV that she fell and broke three ribs while in court...anyone else hear/read this?

Hoping it’s fatal. That would make libtards heads explode.
I wouldn't wish death on anyone, but if she can't discharge her duties as a jurist, she must resign. I believe that's constitutional.

If I’m ever in such a condition that I can’t hold my own head up or walk without someone carrying me then I’m hoping someone rolled up and puts three bullets in my noggen. I’m not so sure she has the mental faculty to sit on the court. I mean shit, she can’t even work in her office alone. It’s her time.
Make you a deal, a do you if you do me.

Any time. It’s sad to even see the woman try to talk. But ya, I would help ansuffering soul if I could. Deal.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office

Years ago I worked at a State University hospital mostly in the intensive Care wards. it was there that I first became familiar with the term parkinsonian mask. That actually is a condition of muscle relaxation in the facial area that is a reliable precursor of death.

You get to recognize it when you see it and realize sadly what it means.

I look at Ruth bader Ginsburg I see it very loudly. I believe Ruth is being pressured to stay in ofgice by the DNC and not retire.
I believe they are responsible for what happens to her. This poor woman can barely stay awake she should be home on a completely different regimen that caters to her frail health.

This is all going to happen very quickly.

You are so full of crap!

She is very healthy and mentally sharp; she makes public appearances frequently and speaks at length about her life and work. She started a fitness program at the Court and has recruited other Justices and clerks and court staff. There's nothing wrong with her beyond the normal effects of aging and she's not even the oldest SCOTUS Justice in history.

You are a fucking vulture.

OH? Her last public appearance was a catastrophe....

Ruth Bader Ginsburg clearly showing toxic effects of “chemo brain” … unable to think clearly, takes LONG pauses during conversations
I imagine if th DNC pressured the Ginzer or any other lib justice to retire the response would be a resounding go fuck yourselves! And ditto to the RNC if they ever tried it too.
I am a card-carrying, straight-ticket-voting, yellow-flag-waiving, porcupine worshiping Libertarian...

...and I am gloating!


The Court will belong to the constitutionalists for at least 50 years. Hopefully it can reverse 80 years of leftist "interpretation" (A.K.A. Judicial Misconduct).
Ginsburg, 85, hospitalized after fracturing 3 ribs in fall

WASHINGTON (AP) — Eighty-five-year-old Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fractured three ribs in a fall in her office at the Supreme Court and is in the hospital, the court said Thursday.

The court’s oldest justice fell Wednesday evening, the court said. She went to George Washington University Hospital in Washington early Thursday after experiencing discomfort overnight.

She was admitted to the hospital for treatment and observation after tests showed she fractured three ribs.

She should be admitted to a psychiatric hospital for impersonating a judge
Dimocrats should be working through Trump’s list of SCOTUS candidates now so they’re ready to Kavanaugh the next nominee if the old bat croaks.

OH...haven't you heard? There is a thirteen year old boy scout ready to swear to the fact that AMY BARETT forced a blow job on him at a scouting event last year.

Really? Boy, that’s sure to grow attendance at future events Amy’s scheduled to be at. (hands raised, waving)...”Me!, Me!...ME!...MEEEE, Amy!...PLEASE, AMY, PLEEEASE, MEEEE!!!!!!
Shes hurting bad with every breath. Pneumonia in the next week is likely.

Injuries in the elderly quickly evolve into mental and physical collapse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the next 6 months she’s either asking where’s her friend from first grade and/or a physical collapse of her health.

Picking up Senators guarantees Trump will get yet another Justice sometime next year.

I'm wondering how she got the injury....I was told she is being wheeled in and out of the SCOTUS building. Sounds like elder abuse to me. Surely she must have family that will intervene here! This should be in front of the local state level probate judge for a care and keeping decree IMO.


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