Ginsburg Hospitalized.

Shes hurting bad with every breath. Pneumonia in the next week is likely.

Injuries in the elderly quickly evolve into mental and physical collapse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the next 6 months she’s either asking where’s her friend from first grade and/or a physical collapse of her health.

Picking up Senators guarantees Trump will get yet another Justice sometime next year.

I'm wondering how she got the injury....I was told she is being wheeled in and out of the SCOTUS building. Sounds like elder abuse to me. Surely she must have family that will intervene here! This should be in front of the local state level probate judge for a care and keeping decree IMO.


Maybe it was Trump's chaufeur that was pushing her wheelchair.
No way to know, period. She seems like a tough ol' broad, and I mean that in a good way.
The timing of this, though. Holy crap.
It’s funny how progressive don’t give a shit about her health… They only care about her politics.
SHe obviously is not well, it’s best if she hangs it up
Seems progressives don’t have your priorities straight...
Anyone here who claims that the political ramifications of this hadn't occurred to them is a transparent, weak, stone cold liar.

So tell me, had they occurred to you?

Looking forward to this.
No way to know, period. She seems like a tough ol' broad, and I mean that in a good way.
The timing of this, though. Holy crap.
It’s funny how progressive don’t give a shit about her health… They only care about her politics.
SHe obviously is not well, it’s best if she hangs it up
Seems progressives don’t have your priorities straight...
Anyone here who claims that the political ramifications of this hadn't occurred to them is a transparent, weak, stone cold liar.

Tell me, had they occurred to you?

Looking forward to this.
Well, I would say this makes the rural and urban divide in this country even more obvious...
Whenever I start to think that deplorable trumpanzees aren't quite so deplorable....all I have to do is go to threads like this.
You're the one keeping her on a ventilator for political reasons. Ginsberg, Pelosi and Hillary all need to be put out to pasture.
Broken ribs are no fun. I had broken ribs when I was in my twenties. It's probably way tougher on a senior citizen. Bones are a little more brittle at that age.

And their bodies, specifically their immune systems, are not working very efficiently.

My mother-in-law started with an accidental fall that broke her hip, and then it was like a cascade of dominos faling. A year later, she passed away, despite everything we could do for her.

I actually do hope that's not the case here, because I would never wish death on someone (except perhaps a murderer on death row), but I wouldn't be surprised if this went badly.
Broken ribs are no fun. I had broken ribs when I was in my twenties. It's probably way tougher on a senior citizen. Bones are a little more brittle at that age.

And their bodies, specifically their immune systems, are not working very efficiently.

My mother-in-law started with an accidental fall that broke her hip, and then it was like a cascade of dominos faling. A year later, she passed away, despite everything we could do for her.

I actually do hope that's not the case here, because I would never wish death on someone (except perhaps a murderer on death row), but I wouldn't be surprised if this went badly.
Happened to my mother like that. Within 6 months she went from a fairly healthy "senior citizen" to a frail old woman. Died within that 6 months. Old age sucks.
Broken ribs are no fun. I had broken ribs when I was in my twenties. It's probably way tougher on a senior citizen. Bones are a little more brittle at that age.

And their bodies, specifically their immune systems, are not working very efficiently.

My mother-in-law started with an accidental fall that broke her hip, and then it was like a cascade of dominos faling. A year later, she passed away, despite everything we could do for her.

I actually do hope that's not the case here, because I would never wish death on someone (except perhaps a murderer on death row), but I wouldn't be surprised if this went badly.

Yeah. I imagine she'll retire soon.
Broken ribs are no fun. I had broken ribs when I was in my twenties. It's probably way tougher on a senior citizen. Bones are a little more brittle at that age.

And their bodies, specifically their immune systems, are not working very efficiently.

My mother-in-law started with an accidental fall that broke her hip, and then it was like a cascade of dominos faling. A year later, she passed away, despite everything we could do for her.

I actually do hope that's not the case here, because I would never wish death on someone (except perhaps a murderer on death row), but I wouldn't be surprised if this went badly.
If she survives pneumonia she’ll likely get, her mind and body will begin shutting down soon after this major fall.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fall in her office

Years ago I worked at a State University hospital mostly in the intensive Care wards. it was there that I first became familiar with the term parkinsonian mask. That actually is a condition of muscle relaxation in the facial area that is a reliable precursor of death.

You get to recognize it when you see it and realize sadly what it means.

I look at Ruth bader Ginsburg I see it very loudly. I believe Ruth is being pressured to stay in ofgice by the DNC and not retire.
I believe they are responsible for what happens to her. This poor woman can barely stay awake she should be home on a completely different regimen that caters to her frail health.

This is all going to happen very quickly.


Dude, I don't think anyone's pressuring her to do anything. I think it is all her being determined to hang onto power until her last breath, and past it if she can.
She's broken ribs before a few years back; osteoporosis happens to all older folks and her bones have endured chemo, too. She's very tough and she'll be fine. She fell in her office, while working late. She's a trooper!

She's almost 90. She wasn't "fine" BEFORE she broke her ribs.
She's broken ribs before a few years back; osteoporosis happens to all older folks and her bones have endured chemo, too. She's very tough and she'll be fine. She fell in her office, while working late. She's a trooper!

She's almost 90. She wasn't "fine" BEFORE she broke her ribs.

I agree.

That woman seriously needs to retire.

She might be able to hang on till the next election but if Trump wins a second term she'll retire.
I'm not a fan of her politics, but it truly sucks to have an injury like that at any age.

Just let go of the politics for 10 seconds and imagine she's your grandmother

Probably not gonna work in my case. My grandmother was a bitch. ;)

I do feel sorry for RBG, though. I don't want her on the bench, but I'd prefer it to happen by her retiring over her dying.
You people are assholes, slobbering over the injury of an elderly person.

For the record, she gets around on her own two feet, attends a physical fitness class every day in the Court’s private gym, and has a very busy schedule off season as well as when court is in session. She’s probably a lot more physically fit that a lot of the fat useless basement dwelling fucks who post here, and she’s definitely a shitload more intelligent than many of you combined.

On Tour With Notorious R.B.G., Judicial Rock Star

How Ruth Bader Ginsburg stays in shape - CNN Video
You people are assholes, slobbering over the injury of an elderly person.

For the record, she gets around on her own two feet, attends a physical fitness class every day in the Court’s private gym, and has a very busy schedule off season as well as when court is in session. She’s probably a lot more physically fit that a lot of the fat useless basement dwelling fucks who post here, and she’s definitely a shitload more intelligent than many of you combined.

On Tour With Notorious R.B.G., Judicial Rock Star

Speaking of assholes............
She will probably die in her Supreme Court chair.

Apparently she's not smart enough to retire and at 85 she should.

Well, not everyone dislikes their work and waits impatiently for the first chance they get to retire. I suppose I can't fault her for wanting to spend her entire life doing what she wants to do, for whatever reason.

I think the country would be better off if she'd go away, but I can understand that she doesn't agree.

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