Girl who Performed at Inauguration Shot Dead in Chicago...

There must be some kind of mistake here.

Chicago has VERY STRICT gun control laws!

How come these gang-bangers and other criminals refuse to obey the laws? I just don't get it.

Somehow ignorance isn't a compelling argument.

You might not realise this, but other states in the US do NOT have strict gun control laws, hence anything Illinois does is only ever going to be so much help.

If you want to argue that gun control doesn't work, start by explaining why the UK's murder rate is about 1/10th of that in the US.


[PDF] Gun Control in England: The Tarnished Gold Standard

Tracing the history of gun control in the United Kingdom since the late 19th century, this ... The consequence has been a tremendous increase in violent crime, and ... control measure passed that year, imposed a near-complete ban on private .... number of burglaries in London in which firearms were used was two per year; ...


Check the OVERALL homicide rate.

USA 4.8

UK 1.2

So which country has an epidemic?
No doubt your stats are adjusted for the difference in population??.......... :cool:

Usually, it goes something like 4.8 in 100,000. They aren's saying 4 point 8 deaths here and only 1 point 2 in UK.

Whether in the US or the UK, 100,000 has the same number as 100,000.

Hope that helped.
If only those blue state, reactionary, hysterical bureaucrats in chicago had banned guns altogether this never would have

Check the OVERALL homicide rate.

USA 4.8

UK 1.2

So which country has an epidemic?
No doubt your stats are adjusted for the difference in population??.......... :cool:

Usually, it goes something like 4.8 in 100,000. They aren's saying 4 point 8 deaths here and only 1 point 2 in UK.

Whether in the US or the UK, 100,000 has the same number as 100,000.

Hope that helped.
Thanks for the explanation......but no it didn't help.....because the graph doesn't say any such thing.

But nice try.......... :thup:
Republicans are such hypocrites.

Here they are cheering Mitt Romney for saying he would have fewer police.

So why are shootings dropping in New York and not in Chicago? Commitment.

In New York, Bloomberg is actively pursuing illegal arms. And he is working with the entire state. In Chicago, Emanuel has targeted a 15% cut in police, something Republicans should be cheering, like they did for Mitt. Then you step outside Democratic Chicago to the Republicans part of the state and you can buy weapons in bushels. All the strict laws in the world are no good if there are no police to enforce them and 5 miles away, you can buy as many as you want, cheap.
Thank you for making an excellent point.

The State of Illinois, and particularly Chicago really needs to step up and target gangs. There needs to be a targeted, concentrated, committed effort to really eradicate these bastards from off the street that are killing our children.

If the Governor of the State and/or the Mayor of Chicago aren't the people for the job, then get them out and put in people that are able to do the job.

Enough is enough.

Law enforcement methods cannot eradicate terrorists, and street gangs are terrorists. Modern gang bangers, like Islamic radicals, have little respect for their own lives, and less for the lives of others. The only way to get rid of them is to kill them off at a faster rate than they can recruit new members.

Otherwise, we live with them and the misery they cause, just as we have done for the last sixty to seventy years. Sometimes, a society must cut out the cancers to save the rest of the body.
If you want to argue that gun control doesn't work, start by explaining why the UK's murder rate is about 1/10th of that in the US.
And yet knife stabbings are epidemic in the UK........ :cool:


Check the OVERALL homicide rate.

USA 4.8

UK 1.2

So which country has an epidemic?


if you took blacks out of the equation....U.S. murder rates would fall to European levels.....


Check the OVERALL homicide rate.

USA 4.8

UK 1.2

So which country has an epidemic?


if you took blacks out of the equation....U.S. murder rates would fall to European levels.....

What you say is Absolutely True but Generations of People being Enslaved and kept Ignorant by Liberal Policies is not Exactly all their Fault.

It's time Liberals took Credit for the War Zones they have Created, Cultivated and Filled since LBJ.


Republicans are such hypocrites.

Here they are cheering Mitt Romney for saying he would have fewer police.

So why are shootings dropping in New York and not in Chicago? Commitment.

In New York, Bloomberg is actively pursuing illegal arms. And he is working with the entire state. In Chicago, Emanuel has targeted a 15% cut in police, something Republicans should be cheering, like they did for Mitt. Then you step outside Democratic Chicago to the Republicans part of the state and you can buy weapons in bushels. All the strict laws in the world are no good if there are no police to enforce them and 5 miles away, you can buy as many as you want, cheap.

Right. It's the number of police officers. Delude yourself a little more why don't you.

Chicago has an officer to population rate of about 1 officer to 270 citizens and a murder rate of 15.9%

Nashville has an officer to population rate of about 1 officer to 470 citizens and a murder rate of 8.2 %.

How much good are your additional officers doing?

No wonder you didn't bother with a link. Police stopped making arrests in Nashville to concentrate on certain types of crimes.

Domestic violence for instance:

In 2005, police cleared 211 cases without making an arrest. One year later, the number jumped to 3,866, and by 2009, it was 5,600.

There are other similiar stories.

Remember, when right wingers don't add a link, there is always a reason. Something they don't want you to know.

Sweet heavens are you incapable of getting information unless it is spoon fed to you?

Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee (TN) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news

Chicago, Illinois (IL) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news

Raw data, see if you can figure it out without someone holding your hand.
There must be some kind of mistake here.

Chicago has VERY STRICT gun control laws!

How come these gang-bangers and other criminals refuse to obey the laws? I just don't get it.

Somehow ignorance isn't a compelling argument.

You might not realise this, but other states in the US do NOT have strict gun control laws, hence anything Illinois does is only ever going to be so much help.

If you want to argue that gun control doesn't work, start by explaining why the UK's murder rate is about 1/10th of that in the US.

couldn't have a thing to do with big brother (CCTV) watching you every few yards, could it?
There must be some kind of mistake here.

Chicago has VERY STRICT gun control laws!

How come these gang-bangers and other criminals refuse to obey the laws? I just don't get it.

Somehow ignorance isn't a compelling argument.

You might not realise this, but other states in the US do NOT have strict gun control laws, hence anything Illinois does is only ever going to be so much help.

If you want to argue that gun control doesn't work, start by explaining why the UK's murder rate is about 1/10th of that in the US.

What a dick........meanwhile, gun crimes are up 340% since the ban.:fu: In the bubble world of any typical lefty, thats OK though!!!,2933,336689,00.html

By the way s0n......nobody cares what somebody in Finland thinks, just like gun comments by that limpwrister Lakota who hails from Scratchmyassville South Dakota. When you live in an irrelevant place, nobody cares about your opinion.
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I wonder how many read the story far enough to realize this girls grandfather is 36, how do you have a grand child at 21. Something is seriously wrong with the society in general, if that is the case. I just can't imagine how you make those numbers work.
Why is it only honor students get shot in the hood??........ :cool:

it does not matter why to the Anti-gun nutters.....they are more concerned about the guy down the street who happens to own 4-5 guns and is overly concerned about the 2nd Amendment and is probably all talk and would never shoot anyone......meanwhile the REAL gun nutters.....the violent street gangs just keep on shooting......and hitting many innocent kids while shooting at their rivals.....of course being that those poor innocent kids live in the poor side of town their lives are not as important as the more well to do kids.....
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There must be some kind of mistake here.

Chicago has VERY STRICT gun control laws!

How come these gang-bangers and other criminals refuse to obey the laws? I just don't get it.

Somehow ignorance isn't a compelling argument.

You might not realise this, but other states in the US do NOT have strict gun control laws, hence anything Illinois does is only ever going to be so much help.

If you want to argue that gun control doesn't work, start by explaining why the UK's murder rate is about 1/10th of that in the US.

The UK has fewer people than the US.

They can still be hacked to death.
16-year-old screamed as he was hacked to death with swords in central London - Telegraph
Republicans are such hypocrites.

Here they are cheering Mitt Romney for saying he would have fewer police.

So why are shootings dropping in New York and not in Chicago? Commitment.

In New York, Bloomberg is actively pursuing illegal arms. And he is working with the entire state. In Chicago, Emanuel has targeted a 15% cut in police, something Republicans should be cheering, like they did for Mitt. Then you step outside Democratic Chicago to the Republicans part of the state and you can buy weapons in bushels. All the strict laws in the world are no good if there are no police to enforce them and 5 miles away, you can buy as many as you want, cheap.
Thank you for making an excellent point.

The State of Illinois, and particularly Chicago really needs to step up and target gangs. There needs to be a targeted, concentrated, committed effort to really eradicate these bastards from off the street that are killing our children.

If the Governor of the State and/or the Mayor of Chicago aren't the people for the job, then get them out and put in people that are able to do the job.

Enough is enough.

The problem is cultural. There are areas of Chicago that are really poor. They just happen to be the same areas where the gangs are. Funny how that works out.

It's not just police and the mayor. Jobs and education are needed. And more of those dreaded "community organizers".

I hate the hypocracy of the GOP when they cry for police cuts and want more guns and then point and laugh at the brutal effects of their dangerous and disasterous policies.

The GOP doesn't hire police officers in Chicago, the city of Chicago does. Chicago has had Democrat Mayors since 1931.
Republicans are such hypocrites.

Here they are cheering Mitt Romney for saying he would have fewer police.

So why are shootings dropping in New York and not in Chicago? Commitment.

In New York, Bloomberg is actively pursuing illegal arms. And he is working with the entire state. In Chicago, Emanuel has targeted a 15% cut in police, something Republicans should be cheering, like they did for Mitt. Then you step outside Democratic Chicago to the Republicans part of the state and you can buy weapons in bushels. All the strict laws in the world are no good if there are no police to enforce them and 5 miles away, you can buy as many as you want, cheap.
Thank you for making an excellent point.

The State of Illinois, and particularly Chicago really needs to step up and target gangs. There needs to be a targeted, concentrated, committed effort to really eradicate these bastards from off the street that are killing our children.

If the Governor of the State and/or the Mayor of Chicago aren't the people for the job, then get them out and put in people that are able to do the job.

Enough is enough.

Guns kill, not people

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