Girl who Performed at Inauguration Shot Dead in Chicago...

WGN just reported that the crowd took off running. No one stuck around to help that girl, or the others wounded.

Not Surprised at all... Americans are Safer in Afghanistan than they are in that DemocRAT Cesspool.



In 2012 there were 295 US troops KIA in Afghanistan, and 506 to 516 (depending on your source) in Chicago. There have already been 42 killed in Chicago as of today.

The Democrat machine that has ran Chicago for decades is not doing their job of protecting the people of that once great city.
Republicans are such hypocrites.

Here they are cheering Mitt Romney for saying he would have fewer police.

So why are shootings dropping in New York and not in Chicago? Commitment.

In New York, Bloomberg is actively pursuing illegal arms. And he is working with the entire state. In Chicago, Emanuel has targeted a 15% cut in police, something Republicans should be cheering, like they did for Mitt. Then you step outside Democratic Chicago to the Republicans part of the state and you can buy weapons in bushels. All the strict laws in the world are no good if there are no police to enforce them and 5 miles away, you can buy as many as you want, cheap.

Going to play devils advocate here. How will having more or less police effect how many people are murdered? Police, generally, are called in after the crime has already occured.

It seems to me that the only real way to not be a victim of a violent crime is:

1) To fight back
2) Change the hearts and minds of the people.

Since we know that you are opposed to law abiding citizens having weapons to defend themselves, and to people actually following moral guidelines and religion, what exactly are you going to do to fix the real problem?
I wonder how many read the story far enough to realize this girls grandfather is 36, how do you have a grand child at 21. Something is seriously wrong with the society in general, if that is the case. I just can't imagine how you make those numbers work.

As usual, the bad guy aims, but he never hits the other bad guy . . . He hits the one that hurts the most to lose,” the victim’s godfather, Damon Stewart, 36, who is a police officer, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

I couldn't imagine how you make those numbers work either, so I double checked and found it was her godfather not grandfather. Easy mistake to make
There must be some kind of mistake here.

Chicago has VERY STRICT gun control laws!

How come these gang-bangers and other criminals refuse to obey the laws? I just don't get it.

Somehow ignorance isn't a compelling argument.

You might not realise this, but other states in the US do NOT have strict gun control laws, hence anything Illinois does is only ever going to be so much help.

If you want to argue that gun control doesn't work, start by explaining why the UK's murder rate is about 1/10th of that in the US.

too bad we can't send you the people that populate those areas.

How do you think that would work for ya?
There must be some kind of mistake here.

Chicago has VERY STRICT gun control laws!

How come these gang-bangers and other criminals refuse to obey the laws? I just don't get it.

They probably need a very strict gun law to be put in place that will fix everything.:clap2:
We should let the Liberals run everything. I mean just look at how well they have done with Chicago.
I wonder how many read the story far enough to realize this girls grandfather is 36, how do you have a grand child at 21. Something is seriously wrong with the society in general, if that is the case. I just can't imagine how you make those numbers work.

As usual, the bad guy aims, but he never hits the other bad guy . . . He hits the one that hurts the most to lose,” the victim’s godfather, Damon Stewart, 36, who is a police officer, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

I couldn't imagine how you make those numbers work either, so I double checked and found it was her godfather not grandfather. Easy mistake to make

My mistake, thanks.
There must be some kind of mistake here.

Chicago has VERY STRICT gun control laws!

How come these gang-bangers and other criminals refuse to obey the laws? I just don't get it.

Well, I guess we have to take gun control even further then.
We should let the Liberals run everything. I mean just look at how well they have done with Chicago.

Los Angeles
Chocolate Town
St. Louis

We had an Awesome run of Black on White Hate Crimes in Denver in 2009... For Months it went on.

Media Ignored it until it was just to much to Deny.

Had the EXACT same number of Assualts happened in that period but were White on Black, the UN would have been Sanctioning Denver and Je$$e woulda been Marchin!


WGN just reported that the crowd took off running. No one stuck around to help that girl, or the others wounded.

In what may well have been a hit by a gang? That's a quick way to end up as "collateral damage".
No doubt your stats are adjusted for the difference in population??.......... :cool:

Usually, it goes something like 4.8 in 100,000. They aren's saying 4 point 8 deaths here and only 1 point 2 in UK.

Whether in the US or the UK, 100,000 has the same number as 100,000.

Hope that helped.
Thanks for the explanation......but no it didn't help.....because the graph doesn't say any such thing.

But nice try.......... :thup:

Some things are so obvious, they don't have to be ex..........

Check the OVERALL homicide rate.

USA 4.8

UK 1.2

So which country has an epidemic?


if you took blacks out of the equation....U.S. murder rates would fall to European levels.....

What you say is Absolutely True but Generations of People being Enslaved and kept Ignorant by Liberal Policies is not Exactly all their Fault.

It's time Liberals took Credit for the War Zones they have Created, Cultivated and Filled since LBJ.



Then how do you explain southern white wingers?

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