Giss says HOTTEST NOV in record history and hottest Fall!!!!!

According to GISS, November 2015 is warmest on record by +0.25C. It's also 0.4C warmer than the last similar November El Nino, in 1997


Top 5 Novembers

2015: +1.05C
2013: +0.80C
2010: +0.79C
2009: +0.78C
2005: +0.75C

And record cold month of Feb.not to mention all the single day records were set last winter.What shall we do!!!?? Warm is good,look what grew on this earth during warm periods.
cold is a concern, the rate of warm has declined for the last 50 years. That ought to be the concern,

Wow..... This is what passes for news these days. And lo and behold they only tell part of the story. Figures. This IS propaganda after all....


And look at that the Arctic sea ice is within the norm.. Who knew! Based on the propaganda you would think the ice was gone...but is strolling right along like always. And they studiously ignore the Antarctic.


What's also funny is the claim about the temps over land. There are no stations for most of the Arctic. What there are are based near airports so you get a nice UHI effect from the tarmac, but who cares about facts when a good dose of propaganda is all you need. The useful idiots lap it up!
According to GISS, November 2015 is warmest on record by +0.25C. It's also 0.4C warmer than the last similar November El Nino, in 1997


Top 5 Novembers

2015: +1.05C
2013: +0.80C
2010: +0.79C
2009: +0.78C
2005: +0.75C

And record cold month of Feb.not to mention all the single day records were set last winter.What shall we do!!!?? Warm is good,look what grew on this earth during warm periods.

This is for the world...NOT just the eastern half of the United states. Saying this makes you look foolish.
From the lead posts article:

Air temperature anomalies over land were 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.3 degrees Celsius) above average, “the highest since records began in 1900,” said the 2015 Arctic Report Card, an annual peer-reviewed study issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

That, then, includes whatever warm spell your 1922 news stories are getting so excited about. Even warmer than that.
From the lead posts article:

Air temperature anomalies over land were 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit (1.3 degrees Celsius) above average, “the highest since records began in 1900,” said the 2015 Arctic Report Card, an annual peer-reviewed study issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

That, then, includes whatever warm spell your 1922 news stories are getting so excited about. Even warmer than that.

But but but but NOAA said that readings from back then are unreliable and must be adjusted

You know, it is damned interesting to look at the temperature graphs today, and those of not so long ago. Here, have a look at this one produced by GISS in 1999


Note in your graph, in 1934, the temperature anomaly was .1 while in the graph produced by the same outfit in 1999 says that in 1934 the temperature anomaly was damned near 1.5...then in 1998 your graph says that the anomaly was about .2 while in 1999 the same outfit said that the temperature anomaly was about .75. Do you see anything wrong with the discontinuity of these two graphs produced by the same group using the same historical record?

Just wondering....
That is the US temperature, you stupid fuck. Mathew presented the global temperature. Deliberate lie on your part.
The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.


This just shows that simpleminded people will believe whatever propaganda their masters shove down their throats.

Nothing new.
And here is Mr. Westwall doubling down on the stupid and the lie. Phd Geologist, indeed, LOL

Wow..... This is what passes for news these days. And lo and behold they only tell part of the story. Figures. This IS propaganda after all....


And look at that the Arctic sea ice is within the norm.. Who knew! Based on the propaganda you would think the ice was gone...but is strolling right along like always. And they studiously ignore the Antarctic.


What's also funny is the claim about the temps over land. There are no stations for most of the Arctic. What there are are based near airports so you get a nice UHI effect from the tarmac, but who cares about facts when a good dose of propaganda is all you need. The useful idiots lap it up!
Damn. Very near the bottom of the two standard deviation line, and this fool states 'norm'? And claims to be a Phd Geologist? Statistics is required in the first two years even for a BS in Geology.

You know, it is damned interesting to look at the temperature graphs today, and those of not so long ago. Here, have a look at this one produced by GISS in 1999


Note in your graph, in 1934, the temperature anomaly was .1 while in the graph produced by the same outfit in 1999 says that in 1934 the temperature anomaly was damned near 1.5...then in 1998 your graph says that the anomaly was about .2 while in 1999 the same outfit said that the temperature anomaly was about .75. Do you see anything wrong with the discontinuity of these two graphs produced by the same group using the same historical record?

Just wondering....
That is the US temperature, you stupid fuck. Mathew presented the global temperature. Deliberate lie on your part.

But warm week in NY proves your stupid theory??? Lol
Present Antarctic Sea Ice anomaly, 0.041

Present Arctic Sea Ice anomaly, 0.600

Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

Ol' Mr. Westwall, a day late and a dollar short once again.
Are we back on global warming? How much ice is created for each 10ppm reduction in CO2, what does your missing lab work show?

Here you go, Frankie Boy, judge for yourself



Did you scientifically trained eye catch that?
Did not your eye catch that in some places it lags, in some places it leads. As to be expected in the Milankovic Cycles.
According to GISS, November 2015 is warmest on record by +0.25C. It's also 0.4C warmer than the last similar November El Nino, in 1997


Top 5 Novembers

2015: +1.05C
2013: +0.80C
2010: +0.79C
2009: +0.78C
2005: +0.75C

And record cold month of Feb.not to mention all the single day records were set last winter.What shall we do!!!?? Warm is good,look what grew on this earth during warm periods.

This is for the world...NOT just the eastern half of the United states. Saying this makes you look foolish.
using fake data to make a point is disgusting.
Present Antarctic Sea Ice anomaly, 0.041

Present Arctic Sea Ice anomaly, 0.600

Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

Ol' Mr. Westwall, a day late and a dollar short once again.
dude, the data line for 2015 is almost in the middle of the other years. So? Still don't understand what your point is? you use faked temperature sets and then post up some nonsense about temperature warming. So what? What is your exact point in this thread?

Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Area

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