Giss says HOTTEST NOV in record history and hottest Fall!!!!!

The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.


Well, since you identified the Nino as the cause, I think you are the one with the stupid attack.

Rock layers have recorded climate change since the beginning, welcome to climate cycles.
Did not your eye catch that in some places it lags, in some places it leads. As to be expected in the Milankovic Cycles.

There's not one place in the 450,000 data set where CO2 leads, can you point it out if its there?

The chart shows that CO2 does not drive climate and is not a "Control knob"
The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.


This just shows that simpleminded people will believe whatever propaganda their masters shove down their throats.

Nothing new.
And here is Mr. Westwall doubling down on the stupid and the lie. Phd Geologist, indeed, LOL

That's the best you can silly boy? The one thing that all of you have in common is a lack of scientific acumen, a powerful ignorance about history in general and a blind willingness to suck down whatever your masters tell you too. In other words all of you are the perfect sort of robots. Heydrich would have loved you.

What is not in doubt is the claim is false. The instrumentation is not capable of measuring to that fine a degree (which you well know) yet you asshats parrot the propaganda and think you're winning. You're not. This most recent Paris accord is evidence of that.

Wow..... This is what passes for news these days. And lo and behold they only tell part of the story. Figures. This IS propaganda after all....


And look at that the Arctic sea ice is within the norm.. Who knew! Based on the propaganda you would think the ice was gone...but is strolling right along like always. And they studiously ignore the Antarctic.


What's also funny is the claim about the temps over land. There are no stations for most of the Arctic. What there are are based near airports so you get a nice UHI effect from the tarmac, but who cares about facts when a good dose of propaganda is all you need. The useful idiots lap it up!
Damn. Very near the bottom of the two standard deviation line, and this fool states 'norm'? And claims to be a Phd Geologist? Statistics is required in the first two years even for a BS in Geology.

Yep....but still within, isn't it silly boy. The claim was the Arctic would be ice free by 2013. Hows that prediction working out for you?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Present Antarctic Sea Ice anomaly, 0.041

Present Arctic Sea Ice anomaly, 0.600

Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

Ol' Mr. Westwall, a day late and a dollar short once again.

According to your clowns predictions there should be no ice. So I think I'm doing pretty damned good. Don't you? Your claim zero ice. My claim ice. My claim wins. Ta dah!
Did not your eye catch that in some places it lags, in some places it leads. As to be expected in the Milankovic Cycles.

It does? Where? I see one place where it stays level and then the temp passes it again. I see no place where CO2 precedes temp.
Why isn't denier yammering now auto-shifted to the conspiracy folder? After all, most deniers are every bit as crazy as birthers, 9/11 truthers, moon landing hoaxers, antivaxxers, flat earthers and grassyknollers. Yes, I understand there's a PC special exemption for deniers, but I'm not very PC, and America is getting sick of that denier PC standard as well.

Now, what was the topic deniers were trying so hard to deflect from again? That's right, the way 2015 is shattering the old record high for average global temperature.

So, two mainstay denier mantras are now dead. These two now RIP.

"NO WARMING IN 15/16/17/18/19 YEARS!'

"NASA said there was only 38% chance that 2014 was the warmest!"

And as Rocks pointed out, "But CO2 lags temp!" is also dead.

Deniers, your list of senseless reality-defying mantras grows thin. No wonder you have to run from the actual science and create fraudulent stories about what we supposedly said. On the bright side, in a few years, you'll probably be able to shriek "THERE'S BEEN NO WARMING SINCE 2015!".
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Why isn't denier yammering now auto-shifted to the conspiracy folder? After all, most deniers are every bit as crazy as birthers, 9/11 truthers, moon landing hoaxers, antivaxxers, flat earthers and grassyknollers. Yes, I understand there's a PC special exemption for deniers, but I'm not very PC, and America is getting sick of that denier PC standard as well.

Now, what was the topic deniers were trying so hard to deflect from again? That's right, the way 2015 is shattering the old record high for average global temperature.

So, two mainstay denier mantras are now dead. These two now RIP.

"NO WARMING IN 15/16/17/18/19 YEARS!'

"NASA said there was only 38% chance that 2014 was the warmest!"

And as Rocks pointed out, "But CO2 lags temp!" is also dead.

Deniers, your list of senseless reality-defying mantras grows thin. No wonder you have to run from the actual science and create fraudulent stories about what we supposedly said. On the bright side, in a few years, you'll probably be able to shriek "THERE'S BEEN NO WARMING SINCE 2015!".
18 years and no warming. 'Hiatus' simple little word. It means mantooth is wrong. And writing nonsense on a message board to bloviate is truly funny. I love your posts, you make me laugh. You must be working in comedy, cause you write a lot of it.

And 2015 is done and isn't the warmest year by a long shot.
The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.

I'm in NYC and it's been positively roasty the past couple weeks. Just saying. Where's Imhof's Snowball this year?
...and all you have to do is add in the imaginary "excess heat" eaten by the oceans to not only make the 2 decade pause disappear, but it BECOMES THE HOTTEST YEARS EVAH!!!!!
Link to whomever is making that claim. Seems you have adapted Silly Billy's habit of pulling unsupported statements our of your ass.
what is it you'd like me to post up? That was as clear as mud.
Link to whomever is making that claim. Seems you have adapted Silly Billy's habit of pulling unsupported statements our of your ass.
BTW, NASA has already admitted it has altered history of temps. So, to date, no one has explained why that is needed. can you answer why it is needed?
Link to whomever is making that claim. Seems you have adapted Silly Billy's habit of pulling unsupported statements our of your ass.
BTW, NASA has already admitted it has altered history of temps. So, to date, no one has explained why that is needed. can you answer why it is needed?

NOAA said that old thermometers were notoriously unreliable too
The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.

I'm in NYC and it's been positively roasty the past couple weeks. Just saying. Where's Imhof's Snowball this year?
Link to whomever is making that claim. Seems you have adapted Silly Billy's habit of pulling unsupported statements our of your ass.
BTW, NASA has already admitted it has altered history of temps. So, to date, no one has explained why that is needed. can you answer why it is needed?

NOAA said that old thermometers were notoriously unreliable too
What does that mean? I would love to see what malfunctions on a thermometer. I've only seen ones where the glass breaks and then it is broken, but inaccurate? Never ever seen one. Which libturd can post up what a malfunctioned thermometer looks like?
Sou's tracking graph, showing the cumulative average as each year has gone on.

Building on that, the first half of December was about as hot as November and October. Hence, like I said before, the only things that could stop a new record high are a sudden supervolcano eruption or massive asteroid impact.

The smarter deniers have already retreated to "It's natural!" or "warming is good!". Only the most diehard cultists are still crazy enough to deny the new record high temps.


Wow..... This is what passes for news these days. And lo and behold they only tell part of the story. Figures. This IS propaganda after all....


And look at that the Arctic sea ice is within the norm.. Who knew! Based on the propaganda you would think the ice was gone...but is strolling right along like always. And they studiously ignore the Antarctic.


What's also funny is the claim about the temps over land. There are no stations for most of the Arctic. What there are are based near airports so you get a nice UHI effect from the tarmac, but who cares about facts when a good dose of propaganda is all you need. The useful idiots lap it up!

'There are no stations for most of the Arctic."

This is the key statement. The whole hottest ev'a mantra is a figment of falsified and made up date... Its called INFILLING. In order for GCM's to work they require grid square temps at 6-9 levels thought the atmosphere above where ground stations do not exist.

What they do is FILL IN the grid with made up numbers. Generally three or more stations averaged in near proximity, in the arctic these are 1500 miles apart and over the oceans...... They use UHI influenced station's to create their INFILL numbers. Creating a warming Bias of + 3-5 deg F.for the whole region and oceans.. Whala... instant hottest ev'a!

The warmest ev'a crap is BULL SHIT!
Sou's tracking graph, showing the cumulative average as each year has gone on.

Building on that, the first half of December was about as hot as November and October. Hence, like I said before, the only things that could stop a new record high are a sudden supervolcano eruption or massive asteroid impact.

The smarter deniers have already retreated to "It's natural!" or "warming is good!". Only the most diehard cultists are still crazy enough to deny the new record high temps.

nope, I'm right here and that graph is made up. I could get an excel program and do exactly the same thing and show the opposite. So what? Big deal, you got nothing in that graph, it.

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