Giss says HOTTEST NOV in record history and hottest Fall!!!!!

When the world as a whole is getting warmer than it has in over ten thousand years and is doing so at a rate not seen in millions of years, it's something worthy of your concern. When the logical and the only possible cause is increased greenhouse gases, it's worth looking further. When virtually the sole source of all that increased greenhouse gas is human activity, it's time to do something about it.



I have a far less cartoonish and far less cherry picked graph Frank. It looks like this:


Even without Karl, a better look at global climate trends looks like this:


Its Alarmists who are totally oblivious to the SINE wave of normal cyclical variation. And yet there it is...
When the world as a whole is getting warmer than it has in over ten thousand years and is doing so at a rate not seen in millions of years, it's something worthy of your concern. When the logical and the only possible cause is increased greenhouse gases, it's worth looking further. When virtually the sole source of all that increased greenhouse gas is human activity, it's time to do something about it.



I have a far less cartoonish and far less cherry picked graph Frank. It looks like this:


Even without Karl, a better look at global climate trends looks like this:

Tell us again how Popeye the Sailor measured those ocean temperatures to an accuracy on a tenth of a degree back in 1890
When the world as a whole is getting warmer than it has in over ten thousand years and is doing so at a rate not seen in millions of years, it's something worthy of your concern. When the logical and the only possible cause is increased greenhouse gases, it's worth looking further. When virtually the sole source of all that increased greenhouse gas is human activity, it's time to do something about it.



I have a far less cartoonish and far less cherry picked graph Frank. It looks like this:


Even without Karl, a better look at global climate trends looks like this:

Tell us again how Popeye the Sailor measured those ocean temperatures to an accuracy on a tenth of a degree back in 1890

And how'd he do it all the way down in the "heat eating zone"?
ghey thread................

ultimate fAiL from one of the hysterical k00ks >>>

Satellite Data Shows 2015 Wasn’t Even Close To Being The Hottest Year On Record

Now this is a hoot...


This shows the difference between GISS land-ocean unaltered data and after Karl Et Al adjustments. Can you see the Bias created by NOAA and NASA with all of their falsification of records? Simply stunning..

This is what happens after over 26 "corrections" to data sets.. The unaltered data Vs adjusted data.... We have a serious problem with our government shysters..

100% Of Reported US Warming Since 1990 Is Fake
Posted on February 4, 2015 by stevengoddard
100% Of Reported US Warming Since 1990 Is Fake

The animation below flashes between the average of measured adjusted USHCN temperatures, and the estimated (infilled) ones – which are marked with an “E”. As you can see, all US warming since 1990 is due to infilling fake data. And even the measured zero warming temperatures have been tampered with using various other adjustments. USHCN is losing data at a spectacular rate over the last three years, with more than 50% of the 2015 data marked as estimated, and nearly 40% of the 2014 data marked as estimated.
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What I do not see is any justification for your use of the term "falsification". Karl et al fully explained what they did and why they did it. You and yours have YET to give one atom of explanation for your charges of falsification beyond the fact that the data is going in a direction that makes you look even more stupid.
When the world as a whole is getting warmer than it has in over ten thousand years and is doing so at a rate not seen in millions of years, it's something worthy of your concern. When the logical and the only possible cause is increased greenhouse gases, it's worth looking further. When virtually the sole source of all that increased greenhouse gas is human activity, it's time to do something about it.



I have a far less cartoonish and far less cherry picked graph Frank. It looks like this:


Even without Karl, a better look at global climate trends looks like this:

View attachment 58854

Its Alarmists who are totally oblivious to the SINE wave of normal cyclical variation. And yet there it is...

Are you sure you want to finish the job the warmers have done to get rid of the warming of the 30's and 40's?
What I do not see is any justification for your use of the term "falsification". Karl et al fully explained what they did and why they did it. You and yours have YET to give one atom of explanation for your charges of falsification beyond the fact that the data is going in a direction that makes you look even more stupid.

They did it because the raw data is a DENIER!!!! and should have known better
The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.

When it is warmer its called Global warming ,When it is cold its called climate change, bunch of asshats.:poop:

See those cold patches on my giss map? They're small comparably to the warm areas...Guess what a avg is? Calculating the warm -cold anomalies to find a global avg. Sure there's colder areas caused mostly by the set up of the jet stream driving unseasonable cooler/cold temperate zones.
The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.

Oh, NOOOO! The sky is falling!!!

Global warming alarmists are fucking stupid.

People that want to defund science and act like the taliban are the stupid ones!
The world began in 1880....I'm shocked. I had thought it was older than that. :bsflag:

That is how far the record goes back for global surface data. Not that the world started in 1880.

Goddamn, lol.

Most surface proxies when put together at the global level support the idea of the last decade being the warmest in at least a thousand years. ;) Is that good enough for you?
Birthers, Antivaxxers, 9/11 Truthers and Moon Landing Hoaxers make much more sense than the deniers here, and they lie much less often than deniers, yet those groups get auto-tossed into the conspiracy folder and deniers don't. Why is it that out of all the stupid conspiracy theories out there, only denialism gets a free pass here?

Today's image ... in the USA, every single state east of the Mississippi just experienced the warmest December on record.

When the world as a whole is getting warmer than it has in over ten thousand years and is doing so at a rate not seen in millions of years, it's something worthy of your concern. When the logical and the only possible cause is increased greenhouse gases, it's worth looking further. When virtually the sole source of all that increased greenhouse gas is human activity, it's time to do something about it.



I have a far less cartoonish and far less cherry picked graph Frank. It looks like this:


Even without Karl, a better look at global climate trends looks like this:

View attachment 58854

Its Alarmists who are totally oblivious to the SINE wave of normal cyclical variation. And yet there it is...

Are you sure you want to finish the job the warmers have done to get rid of the warming of the 30's and 40's?

Most of that warmth was caused by regional short term climate patterns that effected mostly north America. The same thing occurred over a much longer period which we call the little ice age.
The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.

When it is warmer its called Global warming ,When it is cold its called climate change, bunch of asshats.:poop:

See those cold patches on my giss map? They're small comparably to the warm areas...Guess what a avg is? Calculating the warm -cold anomalies to find a global avg. Sure there's colder areas caused mostly by the set up of the jet stream driving unseasonable cooler/cold temperate zones.

Guess what a avg is?

Are you going to give us a global average temp? LOL!
The world began in 1880....I'm shocked. I had thought it was older than that. :bsflag:

That is how far the record goes back for global surface data. Not that the world started in 1880.

Goddamn, lol.

Most surface proxies when put together at the global level support the idea of the last decade being the warmest in at least a thousand years. ;) Is that good enough for you?

Surface proxies have a resolution of 50-100 years. They are incapable of showing yearly spikes or or above average temps within the term averaged.

So... NO its not good enough for me. all you have shown is the average temp wasn't as high as the El Niño enhanced single year.
What I do not see is any justification for your use of the term "falsification". Karl et al fully explained what they did and why they did it. You and yours have YET to give one atom of explanation for your charges of falsification beyond the fact that the data is going in a direction that makes you look even more stupid.

Give us your percentage of the amount of data points in the US dataset that are estimated or infilled. Then tell us whether the 'manufactured' data have more or less warming than the measured data.

Better yet point us to the official site that gives this information. And the maturity graphs that show the changes associated with each of the new versions of methodology. I've looked and can't find them, perhaps you'll have better luck.
The mind just got blown straight out the ass with this update!

November came in at 1.05c with a .98c for Sept, oct and Nov!!!!

From January to Nov we're now at .84 or a mind blowing .11c above last years record.

This nino is getting ready to give us possibly our first 1.1c's by January!!!!

This really makes the deniers and skeptics look dumb.

Oh, NOOOO! The sky is falling!!!

Global warming alarmists are fucking stupid.

People that want to defund science and act like the taliban are the stupid ones!
I think that people who want to waste our limited scientific research funds on the AWG religion are stupid and/or stealing.

That includes you, obviously.
Birthers, Antivaxxers, 9/11 Truthers and Moon Landing Hoaxers make much more sense than the deniers here, and they lie much less often than deniers, yet those groups get auto-tossed into the conspiracy folder and deniers don't. Why is it that out of all the stupid conspiracy theories out there, only denialism gets a free pass here?

Today's image ... in the USA, every single state east of the Mississippi just experienced the warmest December on record.


Are you saying that that the climate has changed and we've seen the last of cold winters in the Eastern USA or are you just taking a weather event and passing it off as "Climate change"?

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