Gitmo likely to stay open for business under Trump, say top aides

Feb 20, 2017
Gitmo likely to stay open for business under Trump, say top aides
Top White House aides suggest that President Trump intends to keep the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay open, even as one former detainee's suicide attack near Mosul Tuesday underscored the danger of releasing dangerous captives.

President Trump pledged to keep the controversial facility known as Gitmo open during his campaign, even as President Obama released waves of detainees in keeping with his promise to close it. Trump's commitment to “load it up” with some “bad dudes,” as he said on the campaign trail, has not wavered, according to one top aide.

“The President has been really explicit that Gitmo is a very, very important tool,” Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka told Fox News. “Beyond just the question of detention facilities or tribunals, it’s also important to understand that Guantanamo Bay is an incredibly important intelligence asset.”

Read more- Gitmo likely to stay open for business under Trump, say top aides

Now that the law is lawless I wrote so that you might be able to survive.

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Barry's attempts to close down GITMO were in order to placate the global Leftist America-haters that he so admired. (He was one of them).

It also was a result of his inability to grasp the difference between a POW (enemy combatant) and a criminal, being held for having committed a "crime." It's not that difficult, but Lefties don't seem - or want - to get it.
Before 9/11, you're either a criminal or a soldier. What the government said was, We want a third category where the black shade is drawn, where there are no protections whatsoever, where there is no law.

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