Giuliani; 600k Ballots in PA in Question

It's just the beginning of this litigation with evidence mounting by the hour. This week we will go to the next step into separating illegal to legal votes. The democrat Trump Haters asked for it. And they will get it.
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.
Well for sure there can be recounts established. Count each legal vote thoroughly. I'm in no hurry. The future of the country's integrity is at stake. Meanwhile the witnesses are making their accounts on to where it can affect the actual raw numbers of votes. President Trump doesn't need to concede this.
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.

I agree many states screwed up bad with their State Elections Laws ... Oregon has been mail-in only for a couple of decades and we have an 8pm Election night cut off ... ballots received in Wednesday's mail are NOT counted ...

The legal question is which FEDERAL LAW is broken when States allow ballots received and counted by postmark ... and second, does Federal Law override State Law in State elections ... c.f. Oregon vs Mitchell (1970) ...
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.

I agree many states screwed up bad with their State Elections Laws ... Oregon has been mail-in only for a couple of decades and we have an 8pm Election night cut off ... ballots received in Wednesday's mail are NOT counted ...

The legal question is which FEDERAL LAW is broken when States allow ballots received and counted by postmark ... and second, does Federal Law override State Law in State elections ... c.f. Oregon vs Mitchell (1970) ...
Election laws are left to the state...Though none of the recent ballot regs have been a product of legitemate legislation...They were either just ordered into place by overreaching corrupt governors, or created out of thin air by overreaching corrupt courts.
It's just the beginning of this litigation with evidence mounting by the hour. This week we will go to the next step into separating illegal to legal votes. The democrat Trump Haters asked for it. And they will get it.
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.
DHS can sort it out. their security measures set up against the Chicoms or Russia hacking/fraud in our elections can also stop Democrat ballot stuffing as well.
It's just the beginning of this litigation with evidence mounting by the hour. This week we will go to the next step into separating illegal to legal votes. The democrat Trump Haters asked for it. And they will get it.
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.
DHS can sort it out. their security measures set up against the Chicoms or Russia hacking/fraud in our elections can also stop Democrat ballot stuffing as well.
I have heard about that....Though I'm completely in the dark about how you would go about the logistics of a central agency like DHS distributing that many ballots, covering the myriad of ballot formats and races throughout the nation.

Seems implausible to me at this point in time.
Our president has stopped presidenting already. We are a rudderless ship.

The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths rise daily. We need leadership.
We will have none for the next three months
You fell for another Rudy Ruse huh?
Sucker - But we see that the the "Four Seasons" provided a garden hose to clean up the BS and spittle. :cool-45:

I have heard about that....Though I'm completely in the dark about how you would go about the logistics of a central agency like DHS distributing that many ballots, covering the myriad of races throughout the nation.
Seems implausible to me at this point in time.
Well this is the EO Trump signed.

We’re going to take strong action to secure our election systems and the process.

President Donald J. Trump

PROTECTING OUR ELECTIONS: President Donald J. Trump is issuing an Executive Order that will work to respond to and deter foreign attempts to interfere in our elections.
  • President Trump’s Executive Order “Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election” shows his commitment to protecting our elections.
    • President Trump is directing the Administration to develop a process, in coordination with State and local officials, for assessing and determining if interference in a United States election occurred.
  • The Executive Order authorizes action against those determined to have interfered in a United States election, including through:
    • Sanctions against those determined to have participated in foreign interference in our elections.
      • Additional measures that would have wide-ranging impact on foreign governments, entities, and individuals who interfere in our elections.
    • President Trump’s Executive Order mandates interagency reporting of potential foreign interference following each Federal election.
    • This Executive Order builds on the Administration’s robust efforts to expose, disrupt, and impose costs on those responsible for election interference.
WORKING ACROSS ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT: The Trump Administration is working across all levels of government to help protect America’s elections from foreign interference.
  • The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is working with State and local election officials and the private sector to coordinate a response to attempts at election interference.
    • DHS and election officials across 50 States and 1,100 local jurisdictions formed the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center to share security information.
    • The Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is providing DHS with actionable intelligence so State and local officials can strengthen election security.
  • These efforts build on the Administration’s support to States during past elections and the ongoing 2018 elections.
    • During 2017, the Administration provided on-site cybersecurity support to States.
      • A pilot program was launched to help officials at all levels of government share information and rapidly respond to security issues.
What document security measures involve are not necessarily all that complex and well within the capability of DHS to act on to validate ballots. Could be anything from a database of valid registered voters, to security measures put on the ballot itself to prove it is authentic. But the rumor is that Trump guided dHS to use some kind of secret encrypted verification of which there are literally thousands of ways to do it.

As these ballots are mostly requested by the voter, in the case of GA, MI, WI, PA and AZ, this data can be encrypted on the ballot via all kinds of codes.

This is a WaPo article on the subject

But no one knows any of the classified security measures taken, obviously, so how true these rumors are is anybodies guess right now.
Giuliani; 600k Ballots in PA in Question.
No, they aren't.

And yet our Globalist Media still proclaim Biden the winner

Rudy Giuliani announced on Saturday that President Donald Trump will not concede the 2020 presidential election, as the validity of “at least 600,000 ballots” are still in question in Pennsylvania — a key swing state.
“Obviously, he’s not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,” Giuliani said in response to a reporter’s question about the president conceding in the wake of media calling Pennsylvania for Joe Biden.
AHHH, the noose tightens!

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