Giuliani; 600k Ballots in PA in Question

It's just the beginning of this litigation with evidence mounting by the hour. This week we will go to the next step into separating illegal to legal votes. The democrat Trump Haters asked for it. And they will get it.
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.
Well for sure there can be recounts established. Count each legal vote thoroughly. I'm in no hurry. The future of the country's integrity is at stake. Meanwhile the witnesses are making their accounts on to where it can affect the actual raw numbers of votes. President Trump doesn't need to concede this.
Agree with most of that...The question remains as to how the janky ballots are going to be identified and rejected.
It's just the beginning of this litigation with evidence mounting by the hour. This week we will go to the next step into separating illegal to legal votes. The democrat Trump Haters asked for it. And they will get it.
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.
Well for sure there can be recounts established. Count each legal vote thoroughly. I'm in no hurry. The future of the country's integrity is at stake. Meanwhile the witnesses are making their accounts on to where it can affect the actual raw numbers of votes. President Trump doesn't need to concede this.
Agree with most of that...The question remains as to how the janky ballots are going to be identified and rejected.

They found ballots that circled two candidates in the same box. All kinds of evidence growing in these key states like PA especially. That's just the start how much most of these mail in ballots can be deducted.
It's just the beginning of this litigation with evidence mounting by the hour. This week we will go to the next step into separating illegal to legal votes. The democrat Trump Haters asked for it. And they will get it.
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.
Well for sure there can be recounts established. Count each legal vote thoroughly. I'm in no hurry. The future of the country's integrity is at stake. Meanwhile the witnesses are making their accounts on to where it can affect the actual raw numbers of votes. President Trump doesn't need to concede this.
Agree with most of that...The question remains as to how the janky ballots are going to be identified and rejected.

They found ballots that circled two candidates in the same box. All kinds of evidence growing in these key states like PA especially. That's just the start how much most of these mail in ballots can be deducted.
Well, OK...A few million are going to need to be rejected, across the states involved....That's going to take some doing.
It's just the beginning of this litigation with evidence mounting by the hour. This week we will go to the next step into separating illegal to legal votes. The democrat Trump Haters asked for it. And they will get it.
I'd be very interested to see how that works, since it's only logical to conclude that the fraudulent ballots have been thoroughly shuffled in with the legitimate ones.
Well for sure there can be recounts established. Count each legal vote thoroughly. I'm in no hurry. The future of the country's integrity is at stake. Meanwhile the witnesses are making their accounts on to where it can affect the actual raw numbers of votes. President Trump doesn't need to concede this.
Agree with most of that...The question remains as to how the janky ballots are going to be identified and rejected.

They found ballots that circled two candidates in the same box. All kinds of evidence growing in these key states like PA especially. That's just the start how much most of these mail in ballots can be deducted.
Well, OK...A few million are going to need to be rejected, across the states involved....That's going to take some doing.

Never forget how the media has called an election result wrong before.
If Giuliani can not even make the Hunter’s laptop stick with no opposition. He screwed that up too. Let alone going after the election process. I strongly recommend Donnie to ask a judge in Washington for a public defender rather than Rudy.

Whatever happened to the high powered attorneys that Trump has in his barracks?

Like this rape case in October 21, 2020. Trump lawyers did not even show up to defend him. Bad boy Donnie is in big trouble after life in WH.

“I’m stunned, stunned, and actually speechless, which is unusual,” Carroll told reporters outside the courthouse.

Attorney Roberta Kaplan, an attorney for Carroll, said it was a “shocking scenario for the government to just, essentially surrender, and not even try to argue the case.”
Giuliani wouldn't be able to find his way out of a corn maze. The guy is fully demented.
And yet our Globalist Media still proclaim Biden the winner...
As the fake claims viciously attacking democracy are extinguished, thanks to decent, patriotic Americans, including Republican election officials, Trump's own national security personnel, and the apolitical judicial system, your Giuliani deserves dishonorable mention.

When the anals of Trumpery are written, Rudy Toot Toot will be recalled as a fellow of infinite jest.

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”I’ve got a Hunter ‘laptop from hell’ in my pants!”

Remember this classic? At the time P-Grabber was trying to deny that he was a big, fat slut, Rudy’s blurting out the truth killed that absurd pretense:
May 6, 2018

Giuliani says Cohen would’ve paid more women to stay silent ‘if it was necessary’[/quote]

Of course, who can forget the Trumpy lickspittle extraordinaire teaming up with the Borscht Boys in Lame Donald Duck's slimy Ukraine caper that fizzled and got Lardass impeached!
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He maintained his hilarious shtick to the pitiful end:

Giuliani wrecks Trump campaign's well-laid legal plans
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The campaign spent months building a legal apparatus to contest close elections. Then along came the former New York City mayor.

He has been a comic gem!
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Nobody believes the election was legit.
The fastidious scrutiny that the manure barge of bogus accusations received have resulted in its having been recognized as the most legitimate presidential election on record.
Department of Homeland Security calls election
"the most secure in American history"

... Back to Rude Boy's act that was so brazen and shameless that it embarrassed the proximate porn store.

"There goes the neighborhood!"

... Key witness #1 whom Giuliani called to the podium to lodge baseless vote fraud allegations was a notorious, convicted sex offender!

As a notorious sex offender, Daryl Brooks, was featured as a character witness for Trump, also present and deserving of indictment were David Bossie, the Trump flunky who just tested positive for Covid. (Oh, those Trumpy maskless, super-spreader hazing rituals!) and Bernie Kerik who skulked in the background like the Spirit of Halloween Past. (In the aftermath of 9/11, Kerik conducted two extramarital affairs simultaneously, using a Battery Park City apartment that had been set aside for first responders at ground zero. In 2009, Kerik pleaded guilty to eight federal felony charges and was sentenced to four years in federal prison.)

Several people loitered in the vicinity of the farce for a while, hoping in vain for a cameo by Borat and/or entertaining the rumor that Bam Bam Bannon would behead Omarosa Onee Manigault Newman as a sacrifice to the gods of democratic negation.

When the extravaganza sputtered like a surplus Korean War whoopee cushion, the handful of fun-seekers present wandered off to Delassandro’s for a cheesesteak whilst pondering such ponderous matters as, “Why doesn't he fall back on Biden having been born in Kenya?” or “Will he now lock himself in a White House bathroom, discretely ignored for years by Jill and Joe?”
Yes they are you shit-for-brains.

Name Obama's great accomplishments in his last few months?
Trump lost by nearly 6 million votes - which was hardly surprising since, after losing the popular vote by 2.9 million in 2016, most Americans surveyed, in poll after poll, continued to disapprove of the P*ssy Grabber, throughout his term, consistently and relentlessly.

Cry Baby Don's mindless cult have their heads so far up, their acquaintance with reality is extremely restricted.

Desperate attempts at diversion to successful presidents are futile.

The one unresolved question is whether he now becomes a flight risk.
Our president has stopped presidenting already. We are a rudderless ship.

The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths rise daily. We need leadership.
Hun...NO ONE IS ABLE TO STOP THE VIRUS FROM SPREADING> Once CHINA sent their infected people off into the world-----this sealed our fate. All we ever could do was slow it at a horrible cost--but after the DEMS purposely spread the disease in Nursing homes---even shutting our borders and masking everyone up ended all hope of stopping it.

It is doing as it was always going to do once CHINA, Cuomo, Witmer, and the other dems purposely spread it.
Our president has stopped presidenting already. We are a rudderless ship.

The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths rise daily. We need leadership.
Name Obama's great accomplishments in his last few months? If Trump even loses in the first place.

Hmmmm. First, he contributed to a peaceful transfer of power.

He absolutely continued working right through to Inauguration Day. He didn’t throw a tantrum and stop working.

Our president has stopped presidenting already. We are a rudderless ship.

The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths rise daily. We need leadership.
Name Obama's great accomplishments in his last few months? If Trump even loses in the first place.

Hmmmm. First, he contributed to a peaceful transfer of power.

He absolutely continued working right through to Inauguration Day. He didn’t throw a tantrum and stop working.

What is it you expect? Wouldn't you folks just whine about it anyway? Far as I can tell everything is still working as intended.
Rudy the Ghoul is in charge of the election law suits now

You guys might as well just forget it
And yet our Globalist Media still proclaim Biden the winner

Rudy Giuliani announced on Saturday that President Donald Trump will not concede the 2020 presidential election, as the validity of “at least 600,000 ballots” are still in question in Pennsylvania — a key swing state.
“Obviously, he’s not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question,” Giuliani said in response to a reporter’s question about the president conceding in the wake of media calling Pennsylvania for Joe Biden.
Lol right if Rudy the masturbator says it it must be true.
... Especially when Montgomery Co. alone gave Obama 59k votes and now Biden 130k votes!
I'm no statistician, but even Stevie Wonder should be scratching his head.
Non-statistician hyper-partisans are free to scratch wherever they need to, but empirical reality has its constraints.

In Montgomery County in 2020, as elsewhere, the GOP is free to contest any and all votes cast.

Its legal "challenge" is to 98 votes out of Biden's total of 247,363 in the County.

Loser Trump's lawyers have contested the election processes, vote counting, and the certification process in multiple states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. Many cases were quickly dismissed as frivolous and/or baseless. If Trump's lawyers were ever to succeed in disenfranchising any voters, it will be far too small a number to effect the outcome of the election.

No matter how many lies he projectile discharges upon his fanatical worshippers, no matter how much he whines and bitches, Donald Lame Duck will have to go away. Our democratic system and over 50% of American voters have so decreed.

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