Giuliani Calls for the Democratic Party To Be Abolished

I'd love it if he could pull this off. This could really save America. Unfortunately Rudy is a has-been.

---Former New York mayor and former Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani said that American politics should "get rid" of the Democratic party because it's "too corrupt"---

After getting some of the details on his personal life I'm good to go a bit further and say he's a never had been.
Our two party system is failing us.

I don't agree. I think our political system is perfect. Conservative and Liberals. Yin and Yang. The pendulum swings both ways.

I thought about this last night. All through the 2000's us liberals said Bush was failing the middle class. We said the middle class was shrinking and struggling while the rich got richer. Republicans defended trickle down.

But today it's Republicans who worry about uneducated blue collar workers. They worry that these people aren't making enough to keep up with inflation.

Republicans don't want to pay them more. They believe or want us to believe that they are going to bring the cos. t of things down.

And today it's Republicans saying bring jobs back home. Of course those jobs won't pay more than $15.

Remember Mitt and McCain and Bush loved illegal immigrants? Said they were here doing jobs Americans won't do. Today Republicans want to build a wall and keep them out. Of course they refuse to talk about the reason the come. Illegal employers.

But my point is we have the perfect yin and yang. Let's face it. There are only two sides to every story. Israel, abortion, global warming, guns, gays, taxes, unions. Yer either fer or against.

What is this 3rd party going to add?
Not even close....

Giuliani Lawyer Says Georgia Election Workers' Damages Demand Amounts To 'Death Penalty'​

The jury heard audio recordings of the threats the two women received after Rudy Giuliani falsely accused them of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Giuliani Lawyer Says Georgia Election Workers' Damages Demand Amounts To 'Death Penalty'​

The jury heard audio recordings of the threats the two women received after Rudy Giuliani falsely accused them of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
So much for liberals believing in the right to free speech.
So much for liberals believing in the right to free speech.
Right to slander? And Rudy did it again yesterday. He still insisted these two women did something wrong. He deserves the financial version of the death penalty.

Don't worry. Those women will get as much as the Goldman's got from OJ.
I'd love it if he could pull this off. This could really save America. Unfortunately Rudy is a has-been.

---Former New York mayor and former Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani said that American politics should "get rid" of the Democratic party because it's "too corrupt"---

All that's needed to eliminate the democrat Party is to have up to date voter database and free amd fair elections
Only if you prefer a government without Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Harris, Gillibrand, Klobuchar, Speier, and Ellison.
They will still exist under another name just like the Republicans could still be called Whigs or Democratic-Republicans.

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