Giuliani: No 'Successful Radical Islamic' US Terror Attacks Before Obama

AGAIN, for at least the third time, for the willfully blind tards:

1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters

1993 World Trade Center bombing

1994 Brooklyn Bridge shooting

2000 Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale

September 11, 2001 attacks - FBI, Justice: El Al attack was terrorism - Apr. 12, 2003

2006 UNC SUV attack

2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting

Four Islamic terrorist incidents during Bush. Go fuck yourselves, you unbelievably ignorant, credulous rubes.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Jury finds Haq guilty in Jewish Federation Center shootings

Jewish Federation shooter Naveed Haq was found guilty of aggravated murder Tuesday, with jurors unanimously rejecting claims of insanity raised by the defense.

Haq, 34, had been charged with aggravated first-degree murder in the July 28, 2006, shooting that left one woman dead and another five seriously injured. The jury convicted him on all eight counts, including five counts of attempted murder.
You purposefully posted a link with a lying assed title and an out of context quote.
You never fucking learn, cowboy...shooting from the LIP with blanks is downright STUPID! Both the title and the quote were directly from the article. If you have an issue with that take it up with ABC, dummy!

Because you want it to be so does not make it so, fool! Your judgment is clouded and prejudiced. Even your quote in my signature line displays the depth of your perception of the world around you! Your measure has been taken and found wanting, Tex!

The in context quote I provided was also from the article shit head, it matched the video in the article, you and ABC are just hacks trying to spin reality into propaganda. At least ABC chose to provide the real quote in the article, you chose to ignore it and get all pissy when you're called on it. So little boy, feel free to keep lying and spinning and I'll keep pointing it out and providing the truth.
the truth is there is no context that makes guiliani's statement true.

Context proves the op and the ABC headline a lie, of course you're good with their lies, aren't you?
they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

Except he didn't say that did he?
Taheri-azar, a native of Iran, outlined his thinking in a series of letters sent from jail to the University of North Carolina's student newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel.

The paper says, in one letter, Taheri-azar wrote, "I was aiming to follow in the footsteps of one of my role models, Mohammad Atta, one of the 9/11/01 hijackers, who obtained a doctorate degree." This was an apparent reference to Taheri-azar's intention to pursue a psychology degree.

That was before he allegedly drove a Jeep into the crowd of students the afternoon of March 3, plowing through a pedestrian area on the Chapel Hill campus known as the Pit.

Police say Taheri-azar admits the attack but, according to one letter, he said he is not guilty of a crime because "people who fight in the cause of Allah are not guilty if and when they have no intention of killing more persons among their enemies than their enemies have killed among the believers." - FBI, Justice: El Al attack was terrorism - Apr. 12, 2003

The FBI and the Department of Justice have agreed with a previous federal conclusion that a shooting at an Israeli airline ticket counter last year fit "the definition of terrorism," an FBI spokesman said Friday.

In September, federal investigators determined that the shooting at the El Al ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport on July 4, 2002, was a terrorist act carried out by a lone gunman bent on becoming a martyr.

Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, a 41-year-old Egyptian national, opened fire at the airport, killing two Israelis and wounding four others before being shot dead by a security guard for the Israeli airline.
You never fucking learn, cowboy...shooting from the LIP with blanks is downright STUPID! Both the title and the quote were directly from the article. If you have an issue with that take it up with ABC, dummy!

Because you want it to be so does not make it so, fool! Your judgment is clouded and prejudiced. Even your quote in my signature line displays the depth of your perception of the world around you! Your measure has been taken and found wanting, Tex!

The in context quote I provided was also from the article shit head, it matched the video in the article, you and ABC are just hacks trying to spin reality into propaganda. At least ABC chose to provide the real quote in the article, you chose to ignore it and get all pissy when you're called on it. So little boy, feel free to keep lying and spinning and I'll keep pointing it out and providing the truth.
the truth is there is no context that makes guiliani's statement true.

Context proves the op and the ABC headline a lie, of course you're good with their lies, aren't you?
they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

Except he didn't say that did he?
no, that's an exact quote. that's why it's in quotation marks.
AGAIN, for at least the third time, for the willfully blind tards:

1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters

1993 World Trade Center bombing

1994 Brooklyn Bridge shooting

2000 Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale

September 11, 2001 attacks - FBI, Justice: El Al attack was terrorism - Apr. 12, 2003

2006 UNC SUV attack

2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting

Four Islamic terrorist incidents during Bush. Go fuck yourselves, you unbelievably ignorant, credulous rubes.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Those were all workplace violence using the Obama Administration standards.
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You purposefully posted a link with a lying assed title and an out of context quote.
You never fucking learn, cowboy...shooting from the LIP with blanks is downright STUPID! Both the title and the quote were directly from the article. If you have an issue with that take it up with ABC, dummy!

Because you want it to be so does not make it so, fool! Your judgment is clouded and prejudiced. Even your quote in my signature line displays the depth of your perception of the world around you! Your measure has been taken and found wanting, Tex!

The in context quote I provided was also from the article shit head, it matched the video in the article, you and ABC are just hacks trying to spin reality into propaganda. At least ABC chose to provide the real quote in the article, you chose to ignore it and get all pissy when you're called on it. So little boy, feel free to keep lying and spinning and I'll keep pointing it out and providing the truth.
the truth is there is no context that makes guiliani's statement true.

Context proves the op and the ABC headline a lie, of course you're good with their lies, aren't you?
I have provided hard evidence Giuliani lied. Read the topic before making more of a fool of yourself.

ogibillm is absolutely correct. There is no context whatsoever which makes idiot Rudy's statement true.

There also nothing that makes the OPs or ABCs headlines factually accurate either, both pulled words from the middle of the sentence to give it a different meaning with full knowledge of the actual context. You don't get more dishonest than that.
The in context quote I provided was also from the article shit head, it matched the video in the article, you and ABC are just hacks trying to spin reality into propaganda. At least ABC chose to provide the real quote in the article, you chose to ignore it and get all pissy when you're called on it. So little boy, feel free to keep lying and spinning and I'll keep pointing it out and providing the truth.
the truth is there is no context that makes guiliani's statement true.

Context proves the op and the ABC headline a lie, of course you're good with their lies, aren't you?
they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

Except he didn't say that did he?
no, that's an exact quote. that's why it's in quotation marks.

Except he didn't say that did he?

See how easy it is to completely alter the meaning when you only take selected words from a sentence. Now run along child and defend your liars.
the truth is there is no context that makes guiliani's statement true.

Context proves the op and the ABC headline a lie, of course you're good with their lies, aren't you?
they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

Except he didn't say that did he?
no, that's an exact quote. that's why it's in quotation marks.

Except he didn't say that did he?

See how easy it is to completely alter the meaning when you only take selected words from a sentence. Now run along child and defend your liars.
wow. so you lie and claim that he didn't say what was a direct quote (and complete sentence) and you follow that up by accusing me of lying?

you're giving kaz a run for his money
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Context proves the op and the ABC headline a lie, of course you're good with their lies, aren't you?
they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

Except he didn't say that did he?
no, that's an exact quote. that's why it's in quotation marks.

Except he didn't say that did he?

See how easy it is to completely alter the meaning when you only take selected words from a sentence. Now run along child and defend your liars.
wow. so you lie and claim that he didn't say ehat was a direct quote (and complete sentence) and you follow that up by accusing me of lying?

you're giving kaz a run for his money

The quote I posted from you was also an accurate quote, doesn't alter the fact that it gives a completely false impression of what you actually said does it?

This is what he actually said, what's in quotations is what they ran with.

Rudy Giuliani: In 8 years before Pres. Obama "we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack" in US
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OK, Giuliani said eight years. He should have realized that you imbeciles won't get the reference to 9/11, which was actually seven and a half years before Obama took over and not eight.
Guiliani has been telling this lie for over 6 (SIX) years!

Where's the lie?

The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil
OK, Giuliani said eight years. He should have realized that you imbeciles won't get the reference to 9/11, which was actually seven and a half years before Obama took over and not eight.
Guiliani has been telling this lie for over 6 (SIX) years!

Where's the lie?

The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil

Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."
You never fucking learn, cowboy...shooting from the LIP with blanks is downright STUPID! Both the title and the quote were directly from the article. If you have an issue with that take it up with ABC, dummy!

Because you want it to be so does not make it so, fool! Your judgment is clouded and prejudiced. Even your quote in my signature line displays the depth of your perception of the world around you! Your measure has been taken and found wanting, Tex!

The in context quote I provided was also from the article shit head, it matched the video in the article, you and ABC are just hacks trying to spin reality into propaganda. At least ABC chose to provide the real quote in the article, you chose to ignore it and get all pissy when you're called on it. So little boy, feel free to keep lying and spinning and I'll keep pointing it out and providing the truth.
the truth is there is no context that makes guiliani's statement true.

Context proves the op and the ABC headline a lie, of course you're good with their lies, aren't you?
they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

Except he didn't say that did he?
The hell he didn't...
Rudy Giuliani said:
"Remember, we didn't start this war. They did. We don't want this war. They do. Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."
AGAIN, for at least the third time, for the willfully blind tards:

1993 shootings at CIA Headquarters

1993 World Trade Center bombing

1994 Brooklyn Bridge shooting

2000 Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale

September 11, 2001 attacks - FBI, Justice: El Al attack was terrorism - Apr. 12, 2003

2006 UNC SUV attack

2006 Seattle Jewish Federation shooting

Four Islamic terrorist incidents during Bush. Go fuck yourselves, you unbelievably ignorant, credulous rubes.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Those were all workplace violence using the Obama Administration standards.
Oh? You have evidence Hesham Mohamed Hadayet worked for El-Al?
And Rudy spoketh the trutheth

as nobody Islamic was involved with 911, nobody...

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