Giuliani: No 'Successful Radical Islamic' US Terror Attacks Before Obama

OK, Giuliani said eight years. He should have realized that you imbeciles won't get the reference to 9/11, which was actually seven and a half years before Obama took over and not eight.
Guiliani has been telling this lie for over 6 (SIX) years!

Where's the lie?

The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil

Either quote where Giuliani specified the "radical Islamic terrorist attacks" had to be committed by "foreign terror groups" or your kazzing is once again exposed.
OK, Giuliani said eight years. He should have realized that you imbeciles won't get the reference to 9/11, which was actually seven and a half years before Obama took over and not eight.
Guiliani has been telling this lie for over 6 (SIX) years!

Where's the lie?

The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil

Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them
Guiliani has been telling this lie for over 6 (SIX) years!

Where's the lie?

The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil

Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them

It is obvious you cannot show Guiliani the liar saying 9/11 so all you have are personal insults.
Thank you!
Guiliani has been telling this lie for over 6 (SIX) years!

Where's the lie?

The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil

Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them

Brains and Trump rallies are like oil and water.
Where's the lie?
The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil
Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them
It is obvious you cannot show Guiliani the liar saying 9/11 so all you have are personal insults.
Thank you!

Yes, Giuliani was assuming you weren't an idiot and realized 9/11 was 7 1/2 years before Obama, not 8. He stands corrected
Where's the lie?
The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil
Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them

Brains and Trump rallies are like oil and water.
Thump. My head hitting the table from boredom of the idiocy of another leftist dumb ass.

Obviously you have to grasp at this point I'm arguing Trump = Hillary, they both suck. So what is the point of your inane comment in that regard?
The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil
Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them
It is obvious you cannot show Guiliani the liar saying 9/11 so all you have are personal insults.
Thank you!

Yes, Giuliani was assuming you weren't an idiot and realized 9/11 was 7 1/2 years before Obama, not 8. He stands corrected
9.11 was not even 7.5 years before Obama. Here you are, still kazzing. :ack-1:
Giuliani would have been such a great president and the world wouldn't have to suffer from Obama, the Muslim gay... How come Republicans dumped him in Iowa and traded for a crazy loser McCain?...

Giuliani.... a noun a verb and 9/11.... had horrible approval ratings in NYC until we got attacked.

and the only reason he was walking around downtown manhattan after the attack was because he was too stupid to listen to his advisors and not put the emergency operations center in 7 WTC....

he's a vile and ugly person.... thank heaven he was never president.
The perpetual dumb act defense.

So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil
Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them
It is obvious you cannot show Guiliani the liar saying 9/11 so all you have are personal insults.
Thank you!

Yes, Giuliani was assuming you weren't an idiot and realized 9/11 was 7 1/2 years before Obama, not 8. He stands corrected
But Guiliani the liar does not say 8 years either, he says "UNDER BUSH!"
Just even paying any attention to what "truthers" have to say is anti-semitic - right?

You are either a censored, clueless closed minded "American" guided by Zionist lies or you are anti-semitic....

TRUTH is "anti-semitic..."
So between 9/11 and January, 2009, name the attacks by foreign terror groups on US soil
Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them
It is obvious you cannot show Guiliani the liar saying 9/11 so all you have are personal insults.
Thank you!

Yes, Giuliani was assuming you weren't an idiot and realized 9/11 was 7 1/2 years before Obama, not 8. He stands corrected
But Guiliani the liar does not say 8 years either, he says "UNDER BUSH!"

Right, 9/11 hijackers were in the US training and preparing under Clinton and attacked shortly after with Clinton's airline security procedures. W hadn't had a chance to do anything about it yet. If you don't agree with that it's one thing. To claim that duh, dar, drool, you don't even know what he meant is just stupid
Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them
It is obvious you cannot show Guiliani the liar saying 9/11 so all you have are personal insults.
Thank you!

Yes, Giuliani was assuming you weren't an idiot and realized 9/11 was 7 1/2 years before Obama, not 8. He stands corrected
But Guiliani the liar does not say 8 years either, he says "UNDER BUSH!"

Right, 9/11 hijackers were in the US training and preparing under Clinton and attacked shortly after with Clinton's airline security procedures. W hadn't had a chance to do anything about it yet. If you don't agree with that it's one thing. To claim that duh, dar, drool, you don't even know what he meant is just stupid

US air traffic authority had multiple Bin Laden hijack warnings before 9/11
By Patrick Martin
11 February 2005

According to former officials of the 9/11 commission who spoke with the Times, the Bush administration finally approved both the classified report on the FAA’s performance before September 11 and a declassified 120-page version two weeks ago, delivering them to the National Archives. The declassified version is heavily “redacted,” with significant passages entirely deleted. Nonetheless, the Times reported, “the declassified version provides the firmest evidence to date about the warnings that aviation officials received concerning the threat of an attack on airliners and the failure to take steps to deter it.”

The declassified report says that the FAA officials were “lulled into a false sense of security,” and that “intelligence that indicated a real and growing threat leading up to 9/11 did not stimulate significant increases in security procedures,” according to the Times.

Altogether, FAA officials received 52 intelligence reports from their own security branch that named bin Laden or Al Qaeda, during the five months before September 11. Either the terrorist leader or his network was mentioned in half of all the intelligence summaries circulated through the agency leadership. Five of these reports discussed Al Qaeda’s ability to conduct hijackings, while two mentioned suicide operations.

It has been previously reported that the FAA issued general warnings to the airline industry in the spring and summer of 2001 about the possibility of hijackings by Islamic terrorists. One such warning, cited in the 9/11 commission document, cautions US airport administrators that while the FAA still regarded an overseas hijacking as the greater likelihood, if “the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable.” This quote refutes once again the statements by Bush administration representatives like Condoleezza Rice, who notoriously declared, in 2002, that no one could have imagined “that they would try to use an airplane as a missile.”

According to the 9/11 commission document, the FAA “had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon.” In 2001 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking, the report said, and the FAA conducted briefings during the summer for security officials from 19 of the busiest US airports, specifically warning of the threat posed by bin Laden and his organization. This did not stop the hijackers from successfully boarding airplanes at Boston, Newark and Dulles Airports only months later.

A number of issues are raised by the Times report on the 9/11 commission document. It vindicates the testimony of Mary Schiavo, former inspector general of the Department of Transportation, who has been a public critic of the FAA and an ally of the September 11 families, who sought to force an independent investigation of the role of the federal government before and during the attacks.

Schiavo said in her statement to the commission, “The notion that these hijackings and terrorism were an unforeseen and unforeseeable risk is an airline and FAA public-relations management myth.” She was opposed by Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta—the only Democrat in the Bush cabinet—who told the commission, “I don’t think we ever thought of an aircraft being used as a missile.”

The document also confirms the testimony of former Bush counterterrorism adviser Richard Clarke, who charged that the administration had been grossly negligent about security preparations in relation to US air traffic in the period leading up to September 11. On July 5, 2001, Clarke, Rice, and Andrew Card, White House chief of staff, convened a meeting of domestic agency heads to discuss urgent counterterrorism preparations.

An e-mail message the following day from Clarke to Rice noted that the meeting had agreed on developing “detailed response plans in the event of three to five simultaneous attacks.” Yet neither FAA Administrator Jane Garvey nor Transportation Secretary Mineta were informed of the decisions of this meeting or tasked to carry them out.

The Bush administration initially opposed the formation of the 9/11 commission, only accepting it when the families began a public campaign against the refusal to hold an investigation more than a year after the bloodiest single event on US soil since the Civil War. Even after the formation of the commission, headed by trusted figures in the political establishment, the FAA in particular refused to cooperate. The agency had to be subpoenaed by the commission and directed by the White House to comply before it would deliver records on the responses of air traffic controllers and the radar record of the movement of air defense fighters on September 11.

The latest revelation about the circumstances leading up to the 9/11 attack also suggests the following obvious question, although the Times does not ask it: If the FAA had 52 warnings, how many did the CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon have?
The declassified version is heavily “redacted,”

You bet it was....

Even after the formation of the commission, headed by trusted figures in the political establishment

My ass "trusted"....

Bernie warned us about this fellow... - Kissinger resigns as head of 9/11 commission - Dec. 13, 2002

"President Bush named Kissinger to lead the 10-member commission last month, dropping his longstanding opposition to an independent probe of the events leading up to the September 11 terrorist attacks.

In a letter to the president, Kissinger, 79, said he was stepping down from the appointment to remove any questions about even the appearance of a conflict of interest regarding his ties to several organizations and public figures"

Nice try on the first "trusted" commissioner, W...

Every single one of the 911 Commission members had a conflict - every one

William Cohen - another "Republican/Democrat" ah whatever ZIONIST who installed a JEWISH owned "security firm" at the Pentagon to MAKE SURE THE TAPES NEVER GOT RELEASED.

One is a Boeing exec = Boeing went on to make tens of billions off the bogus "wars" to follow, and never cooperated with WHERE THE PLANES ACTUALLY WENT (supposedly Cleveland)

One is the head of the genocidal traitors known as Blackwater

None were unbiased patriotic Americans - NONE..
Show where Guiliani the liar said 9/11 first.

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."

I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them
It is obvious you cannot show Guiliani the liar saying 9/11 so all you have are personal insults.
Thank you!

Yes, Giuliani was assuming you weren't an idiot and realized 9/11 was 7 1/2 years before Obama, not 8. He stands corrected
But Guiliani the liar does not say 8 years either, he says "UNDER BUSH!"

Right, 9/11 hijackers were in the US training and preparing under Clinton and attacked shortly after with Clinton's airline security procedures. W hadn't had a chance to do anything about it yet. If you don't agree with that it's one thing. To claim that duh, dar, drool, you don't even know what he meant is just stupid

IF President Bush has spent half the time on ME terrorism as he did with Missile Defense maybe they could have stopped it. But he didn't.

Missile Defense, Not Terror, Was Bush’s ‘Most Urgent Threat’ Before 9/11 | Analysis | NTI

In reality Clinton's proposed airline security measures were watered down by the Industry and their associates in Congress. Guess which party opposed the stricter measures?
No US airport security failed on 911.

The pilots were in on it, shut down the tracking systems and darted off the radar, likely to Cleveland. No commercial airplane crashed on 911.

1. North Tower - blew up from inside
2. South Tower - hit by 767 CARGO version, likely a drone
3. Pentagon - cruise missile
4. Shanksville - nothing, a ditch filled with metal junk set on fire for brief TV shots
No US airport security failed on 911.

The pilots were in on it, shut down the tracking systems and darted off the radar, likely to Cleveland. No commercial airplane crashed on 911.

1. North Tower - blew up from inside
2. South Tower - hit by 767 CARGO version, likely a drone
3. Pentagon - cruise missile
4. Shanksville - nothing, a ditch filled with metal junk set on fire for brief TV shots


Tell me about building #7......:desk:
I'm going with the obvious.

The stupid that you people actually claim to be is stunning. He wasn't talking to you, edthelemur, he was talking to people with a brain who didn't need the obvious broken down for them
It is obvious you cannot show Guiliani the liar saying 9/11 so all you have are personal insults.
Thank you!

Yes, Giuliani was assuming you weren't an idiot and realized 9/11 was 7 1/2 years before Obama, not 8. He stands corrected
But Guiliani the liar does not say 8 years either, he says "UNDER BUSH!"

Right, 9/11 hijackers were in the US training and preparing under Clinton and attacked shortly after with Clinton's airline security procedures. W hadn't had a chance to do anything about it yet. If you don't agree with that it's one thing. To claim that duh, dar, drool, you don't even know what he meant is just stupid

US air traffic authority had multiple Bin Laden hijack warnings before 9/11
By Patrick Martin
11 February 2005

According to former officials of the 9/11 commission who spoke with the Times, the Bush administration finally approved both the classified report on the FAA’s performance before September 11 and a declassified 120-page version two weeks ago, delivering them to the National Archives. The declassified version is heavily “redacted,” with significant passages entirely deleted. Nonetheless, the Times reported, “the declassified version provides the firmest evidence to date about the warnings that aviation officials received concerning the threat of an attack on airliners and the failure to take steps to deter it.”

The declassified report says that the FAA officials were “lulled into a false sense of security,” and that “intelligence that indicated a real and growing threat leading up to 9/11 did not stimulate significant increases in security procedures,” according to the Times.

Altogether, FAA officials received 52 intelligence reports from their own security branch that named bin Laden or Al Qaeda, during the five months before September 11. Either the terrorist leader or his network was mentioned in half of all the intelligence summaries circulated through the agency leadership. Five of these reports discussed Al Qaeda’s ability to conduct hijackings, while two mentioned suicide operations.

It has been previously reported that the FAA issued general warnings to the airline industry in the spring and summer of 2001 about the possibility of hijackings by Islamic terrorists. One such warning, cited in the 9/11 commission document, cautions US airport administrators that while the FAA still regarded an overseas hijacking as the greater likelihood, if “the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable.” This quote refutes once again the statements by Bush administration representatives like Condoleezza Rice, who notoriously declared, in 2002, that no one could have imagined “that they would try to use an airplane as a missile.”

According to the 9/11 commission document, the FAA “had indeed considered the possibility that terrorists would hijack a plane and use it as a weapon.” In 2001 the FAA distributed a CD-ROM presentation to airlines and airports that cited the possibility of a suicide hijacking, the report said, and the FAA conducted briefings during the summer for security officials from 19 of the busiest US airports, specifically warning of the threat posed by bin Laden and his organization. This did not stop the hijackers from successfully boarding airplanes at Boston, Newark and Dulles Airports only months later.

A number of issues are raised by the Times report on the 9/11 commission document. It vindicates the testimony of Mary Schiavo, former inspector general of the Department of Transportation, who has been a public critic of the FAA and an ally of the September 11 families, who sought to force an independent investigation of the role of the federal government before and during the attacks.

Schiavo said in her statement to the commission, “The notion that these hijackings and terrorism were an unforeseen and unforeseeable risk is an airline and FAA public-relations management myth.” She was opposed by Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta—the only Democrat in the Bush cabinet—who told the commission, “I don’t think we ever thought of an aircraft being used as a missile.”

The document also confirms the testimony of former Bush counterterrorism adviser Richard Clarke, who charged that the administration had been grossly negligent about security preparations in relation to US air traffic in the period leading up to September 11. On July 5, 2001, Clarke, Rice, and Andrew Card, White House chief of staff, convened a meeting of domestic agency heads to discuss urgent counterterrorism preparations.

An e-mail message the following day from Clarke to Rice noted that the meeting had agreed on developing “detailed response plans in the event of three to five simultaneous attacks.” Yet neither FAA Administrator Jane Garvey nor Transportation Secretary Mineta were informed of the decisions of this meeting or tasked to carry them out.

The Bush administration initially opposed the formation of the 9/11 commission, only accepting it when the families began a public campaign against the refusal to hold an investigation more than a year after the bloodiest single event on US soil since the Civil War. Even after the formation of the commission, headed by trusted figures in the political establishment, the FAA in particular refused to cooperate. The agency had to be subpoenaed by the commission and directed by the White House to comply before it would deliver records on the responses of air traffic controllers and the radar record of the movement of air defense fighters on September 11.

The latest revelation about the circumstances leading up to the 9/11 attack also suggests the following obvious question, although the Times does not ask it: If the FAA had 52 warnings, how many did the CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon have?

Yes, the CIA, FBI and every other agency was in W's office screaming we're all going to die to W and he ignored them all! Idiot
The in context quote I provided was also from the article shit head, it matched the video in the article, you and ABC are just hacks trying to spin reality into propaganda. At least ABC chose to provide the real quote in the article, you chose to ignore it and get all pissy when you're called on it. So little boy, feel free to keep lying and spinning and I'll keep pointing it out and providing the truth.
the truth is there is no context that makes guiliani's statement true.

Context proves the op and the ABC headline a lie, of course you're good with their lies, aren't you?
they could have been more precise

but then saying "they all started when clinton and obama got into office" supports the headline

Except he didn't say that did he?
The hell he didn't...
Rudy Giuliani said:
"Remember, we didn't start this war. They did. We don't want this war. They do. Under those eight years before Obama came along, we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."

How about you point were the line you had in bold was included in the video or the article linked in the OP.

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