Giuliani: No 'Successful Radical Islamic' US Terror Attacks Before Obama

No, he said 8 years, it was fucking 7.5 years. That changes everything, his entire message was crap and should be entirely rejected. Obviously 8 years and 7.5 years are ENTIRELY different things, there is frankly no comparison between them.


So now you answer a question. Do you seriously not realize when he said 8 years, he was referring specifically to 9/11? You really, truly didn't get that?
Except this is not the first time Guiliani has told this lie and rather than give a time he said specifically no domestic terrorist attacks under BUSH!!!!!!!!

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."
- Jan 8, 2010
No, he said 8 years, it was fucking 7.5 years. That changes everything, his entire message was crap and should be entirely rejected. Obviously 8 years and 7.5 years are ENTIRELY different things, there is frankly no comparison between them.


So now you answer a question. Do you seriously not realize when he said 8 years, he was referring specifically to 9/11? You really, truly didn't get that?
Except this is not the first time Guiliani has told this lie and rather than give a time he said specifically no domestic terrorist attacks under BUSH!!!!!!!!

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."
- Jan 8, 2010
kaz tried really bard to twist giuliani's words to ignore 9/11 and even acknowledges that tbere were terror attacks after 9/11 and before Obama - but he still can't admit that Guiliani was wrong.

he's not an honest person, don't expect him to acknowledge this
Most on the right, like Giuliani, have been lying for so long they don’t even know what the truth is anymore.

Or they just don’t care.
Oh they know, they believe their talent for lying on loan from Gawwwwddd-da proves their superior intelligence.

"Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well."
- Samuel Butler
No, he said 8 years, it was fucking 7.5 years. That changes everything, his entire message was crap and should be entirely rejected. Obviously 8 years and 7.5 years are ENTIRELY different things, there is frankly no comparison between them.


So now you answer a question. Do you seriously not realize when he said 8 years, he was referring specifically to 9/11? You really, truly didn't get that?
Except this is not the first time Guiliani has told this lie and rather than give a time he said specifically no domestic terrorist attacks under BUSH!!!!!!!!

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."
- Jan 8, 2010

Exactly, what is confusing you
No, he said 8 years, it was fucking 7.5 years. That changes everything, his entire message was crap and should be entirely rejected. Obviously 8 years and 7.5 years are ENTIRELY different things, there is frankly no comparison between them.


So now you answer a question. Do you seriously not realize when he said 8 years, he was referring specifically to 9/11? You really, truly didn't get that?
Except this is not the first time Guiliani has told this lie and rather than give a time he said specifically no domestic terrorist attacks under BUSH!!!!!!!!

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."
- Jan 8, 2010
kaz tried really bard to twist giuliani's words to ignore 9/11 and even acknowledges that tbere were terror attacks after 9/11 and before Obama - but he still can't admit that Guiliani was wrong.

he's not an honest person, don't expect him to acknowledge this

Ignore 9/11? WTF are you talking about? Giuliani is dead on right. 9/11 was an attack that was planned and trained for under Clinton and happened shortly after W took office. From 9/11 to W, no terror groups attacked the US successfully here. There were a few random nut jobs who killed people for Allah, you cited those. Giuliani is talking to people with brains. Not word parsing chicks like you who will never be satisfied.

Hey, remember how you think my saying chicks being picky means I hate women? That was classic. First of all, to raise that to the level of hating woman is the ridiculous hyperbole that is you. Chicks do that a lot too. You say that to the guys? Oh yeah, women are picky! Women exaggerate! You're a bunch of misogynists!!! Even ask women you know if chicks are usually picker than guys. You'll get a hell yeah.

You don't really fit in with anyone, do you? And you're totally a virgin or you'd know what the hell I'm talking about
OK, Giuliani said eight years. He should have realized that you imbeciles won't get the reference to 9/11, which was actually seven and a half years before Obama took over and not eight.
Guiliani has been telling this lie for over 6 (SIX) years!

Where's the lie?

Giuliani said, "we had no domestic attacks under Bush."

But in reality, we had several with a total of about 3,000 people killed. Bush actually has the worst record with domestic Islamic terrorism.
No, he said 8 years, it was fucking 7.5 years. That changes everything, his entire message was crap and should be entirely rejected. Obviously 8 years and 7.5 years are ENTIRELY different things, there is frankly no comparison between them.


So now you answer a question. Do you seriously not realize when he said 8 years, he was referring specifically to 9/11? You really, truly didn't get that?
Except this is not the first time Guiliani has told this lie and rather than give a time he said specifically no domestic terrorist attacks under BUSH!!!!!!!!

Rudy Giuliani: "We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama."
- Jan 8, 2010
kaz tried really bard to twist giuliani's words to ignore 9/11 and even acknowledges that tbere were terror attacks after 9/11 and before Obama - but he still can't admit that Guiliani was wrong.

he's not an honest person, don't expect him to acknowledge this

Ignore 9/11? WTF are you talking about? Giuliani is dead on right. 9/11 was an attack that was planned and trained for under Clinton and happened shortly after W took office. From 9/11 to W, no terror groups attacked the US successfully here. There were a few random nut jobs who killed people for Allah, you cited those. Giuliani is talking to people with brains. Not word parsing chicks like you who will never be satisfied.

Hey, remember how you think my saying chicks being picky means I hate women? That was classic. First of all, to raise that to the level of hating woman is the ridiculous hyperbole that is you. Chicks do that a lot too. You say that to the guys. Oh yeah, women are picky! Women exaggerate! You're a bunch of misogynists!!! Even ask women you know if chicks are usually picker than guys. You'll get a hell yeah.

You don't really fit in with anyone, do you?
Do you ever stop kazzing?

Giuliani is dead on right.
see what i mean? given the very plain historical facts that prove without a doubt that Giuliani was wrong and kaz still wants to pretend that down is up.

he is not an honest person.
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Giuliani is dead on right.
see what i mean? given the very plain historical.facts that prove without a doubt that Giuliani was wrong and kaz still wants to pretend that down is up.

he is not an honest person.

You know the 9/11 hijackers were in the US preparing for their mission under Clinton, you're a fundamentally dishonest person. And your examples were random individuals, not terror groups. You are a ... wait for it ... liar. The worst kind, a partisan ho
Giuliani is dead on right.
see what i mean? given the very plain historical.facts that prove without a doubt that Giuliani was wrong and kaz still wants to pretend that down is up.

he is not an honest person.

You know the 9/11 hijackers were in the US preparing for their mission under Clinton, you're a fundamentally dishonest person. And your examples were random individuals, not terror groups. You are a ... wait for it ... liar. The worst kind, a partisan ho
They also planned it ... and executed it ... under Bush. They couldn't execute it under Clinton. When they tried, Clinton had airport security raised at suspected airports and thwarted their efforts. Bush comes into office, does absolutely nothing to prevent the attack, and the fuckers manage to hijack 4 planes in one morning.

The epitome of malfeasance. And now jackasses like Giuliani like to think; well, except for the worst terrorist sttack in U.S. history which scarred us forever as a nation, Bush did a wonderful job protecting the homeland. :cuckoo:
Giuliani is dead on right.
see what i mean? given the very plain historical.facts that prove without a doubt that Giuliani was wrong and kaz still wants to pretend that down is up.

he is not an honest person.

You know the 9/11 hijackers were in the US preparing for their mission under Clinton, you're a fundamentally dishonest person. And your examples were random individuals, not terror groups. You are a ... wait for it ... liar. The worst kind, a partisan ho
i haven't lied about anything.

you on the other hand still want to pretend that Giuliani's statement was correct even when it has been factually proven to be false.

what does that make you?
Giuliani is dead on right.
see what i mean? given the very plain historical.facts that prove without a doubt that Giuliani was wrong and kaz still wants to pretend that down is up.

he is not an honest person.

You know the 9/11 hijackers were in the US preparing for their mission under Clinton, you're a fundamentally dishonest person. And your examples were random individuals, not terror groups. You are a ... wait for it ... liar. The worst kind, a partisan ho
i haven't lied about anything.

you on the other hand still want to pretend that Giuliani's statement was correct even when it has been factually proven to be false.

what does that make you?

It makes you a chick who isn't grasping what he said. He knows 9/11 happened after Bush took over. He's saying though accurately that it was a Clinton planned and executed attack. And he's referring to terrorist organizations, not the lone attackers you pointed out which no one can stop. His point was about terror organizations

You're showing again your dreadful fear of women and your virginity. Ironic since you're a chick. Here in North Carolina, you still have to use the men's room though since that's technically on your birth certificate, Darlene. Sucks, huh.

Stop lying, Giuliani was dead on, you're just splitting hairs and ignoring what he meant. You're just a fundamentally dishonest person. You disagree with his point, fine, argue that. But your argument that duh, you don't get it is just juvenile.
Stop lying, Giuliani was dead on,
he was unequivocally wrong. in the eight years before obama became president there were multiple islamic terror attacks in the united states. that is historical fact.

you understand this isn't a matter of opinion, right? Giuliani claimed there were no - as in zero - islamic terror attacks in the united states for the eight years of the bush presidency. if we give him the benefit of the doubt and believe his comments actually meant 'after 9/11' HE IS STILL WRONG

so why are you lying pretending he was not incorrect?
What with Giuliani? One week he defending that voters will have a say in who Hillary picks for the Supreme Court and then this. Luckily with this one he's doing himself more harm than it reflecting on Trump.
Stop lying, Giuliani was dead on,
he was unequivocally wrong. in the eight years before obama became president there were multiple islamic terror attacks in the united states. that is historical fact.

you understand this isn't a matter of opinion, right? Giuliani claimed there were no - as in zero - islamic terror attacks in the united states for the eight years of the bush presidency. if we give him the benefit of the doubt and believe his comments actually meant 'after 9/11' HE IS STILL WRONG

so why are you lying pretending he was not incorrect?

Look, Giuliani is unlike you an expert in this. He knows what he was saying. After 9/11, there were no significant terrorist organization attacks until Obama. He wasn't talking to chicks like you who want to word parse what he said, you'll never be satisfied with anything he said because you're a liar.

Yet you endlessly whore for the party who classified San Bernardino "workplace violence" and wouldn't classify Dallas as a hate crime and change "allah" to "god" in 9/11 calls in Orlando.

You are a l-i-a-r. Argue his point, stop bull shitting and chick word parsing how he phrased it
Stop lying, Giuliani was dead on,
he was unequivocally wrong. in the eight years before obama became president there were multiple islamic terror attacks in the united states. that is historical fact.

you understand this isn't a matter of opinion, right? Giuliani claimed there were no - as in zero - islamic terror attacks in the united states for the eight years of the bush presidency. if we give him the benefit of the doubt and believe his comments actually meant 'after 9/11' HE IS STILL WRONG

so why are you lying pretending he was not incorrect?

Look, Giuliani is unlike you an expert in this. He knows what he was saying.
then why did he choose to lie, and why do you support the lie?
Giuliani would have been such a great president and the world wouldn't have to suffer from Obama, the Muslim gay... How come Republicans dumped him in Iowa and traded for a crazy loser McCain?...

I guess you've forgotten. Guiliani was pretty much driven out of New York for his crazy antics, especially his wife and his mistress and all that public personal crap, and had long been discredited within the Republican Party, long before he disgraced himself at this year's Republican Convention.
Stop lying, Giuliani was dead on,
he was unequivocally wrong. in the eight years before obama became president there were multiple islamic terror attacks in the united states. that is historical fact.

you understand this isn't a matter of opinion, right? Giuliani claimed there were no - as in zero - islamic terror attacks in the united states for the eight years of the bush presidency. if we give him the benefit of the doubt and believe his comments actually meant 'after 9/11' HE IS STILL WRONG

so why are you lying pretending he was not incorrect?

Look, Giuliani is unlike you an expert in this. He knows what he was saying.
then why did he choose to lie, and why do you support the lie?

He was talking to people smarter than you are, girlfriend. Let me explain women to you. Must suck to be a chick in a guy's body. There's a reason guys have to put up with women, but we don't have to put up with you. Know what it is?


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