Giuliani: No 'Successful Radical Islamic' US Terror Attacks Before Obama

most obviously would be the attacks on the wtc and pentagon

OMG, so you're arguing that he can't round. OMG, those were 7 1/2 years before Obama, not eight! What is Rudy talking about?

You make yourself look more stupid than anyone could make you look. Seriously, that's your argument? It was seven and a half years, not eight?


OMG, that is funny
omg, i take someone at their word?

incidentally 9/11/01 is less than 7.5 years from obama's inauguration, meaning rounding would make it 7 years, not 8.

It takes someone truly butt stupid to think that Giuliani wasn't referring to after 9/11

He also referred to Mr. Pence as governor of Ohio. Keep tap dancing as fast as you can, dear.

Watch the video there Pocahontas. He says first thing in the video "eight years" obviously referring to after 9/11
Bush gave up the worst terrorist attack in history killing almost 3000 in four separate attacks

To claim he kept us safe is a sham. We were not safe....we were openly attacked

Next Republicans will claim that there was nothing Bush could have done. There is no evidence that Bush did anything to improve our defensive posture against terrorist attacks. He did not even meet with his top anti-terrorism advisors. Bush/Cheney considered terrorism a distraction and had bigger fish to fry....the country paid the price

To make matters worse, Bush's response to 9-11 was to get us involved in two unprovoked wars that cost an additional 7000 American lives

But Republicans will try to convince you that the less than 100 dead under Obama was worse

To claim the "terror war" crowd didn't have a whole lot of Dems is completely dishonest.


all were deeply in bed with the whole scam

Always have to laugh as Conservatives try to blame Bush's blunder on the Democrats

"You should have known better than to give Bush what he asked for"
for ignoring all the warnings and not preparing.

NOT A PLANE.... not even close...

Sorry Mr. Dexter, but this is video tape that has a timer that skips every 1-2 seconds and a camera focused on the gates. It wasn't a digital recording.
And the missile theory has been debunked. Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - The Pentagon

Having said that, I don't believe the Bush administration has come clean or were clean in what happened. The Bush family was and is TOO CLOSE to the House of Saud.

I see what appears to be a plane at the 0:25 mark...


Please do not allow him to divert this into another "truther" thread
2002 l.a. airport shooting
2002 beltway sniper
2006 UNC-Chapel hill suv driver
2006 seattle jewish federation shooting

need more?

Gulianni's point exactly, you have a total of 12 deaths, and only one of those within six years of Obama taking over. Compare that to what has happened since. You're not doing very well
wow. even when presented with clear proof that gulianni was wrong you keep insisting he was right

have you no shame?

Right, I have no shame. The guy who doesn't grasp that Gulianni was referring to 9/11 and who thinks one death proves Giuliani wrong. This is the ridiculous black and white extreme that you leftist morons are. I'm not engaging anymore in your eight year old tantrum
proven wrong so you throw a fit and pretend that everyone else has the problem

I was wrong? LOL.

So this actually sounds good to you, doesn't it?

- Giuliani said "eight years" when damn it, it was seven and a half

- You came up with one person dying in an Islamic attack on US soil dying within six years of Obama taking office and a total of 12 after 9/11

OMG, Giuliani's a liar! You nailed him!

You're a genius there, Ace, wow, you nailed him to the wall ...

Fuck, you can't stop kazzing, can you?

"They [radical Islamic attacks in the U.S.] all started when Clinton and Obama got into office."
most obviously would be the attacks on the wtc and pentagon

OMG, so you're arguing that he can't round. OMG, those were 7 1/2 years before Obama, not eight! What is Rudy talking about?

You make yourself look more stupid than anyone could make you look. Seriously, that's your argument? It was seven and a half years, not eight?


OMG, that is funny
omg, i take someone at their word?

incidentally 9/11/01 is less than 7.5 years from obama's inauguration, meaning rounding would make it 7 years, not 8.

It takes someone truly butt stupid to think that Giuliani wasn't referring to after 9/11
No! It only takes a die hard apologist to constantly credit someone with something they did not say in plain fucking English! Gosh, who could that be Kazimir?

I always wonder about liberals. Anyone with half a brain knows "eight years" refers to 9/11. That you would insist you don't grasp that is mind boggling to me. To think that you're a liar is preferable to believing you're so mind numbingly stupid that you don't get obvious references. And that's YOUR story.

Amazing, 9/11 was seven ... and a half ... fucking years. Giuliani said EIGHT years.

You want more time to come up with a better argument? Trust me, I'd take the time and do that.

Beyond that, your examples of the attacks that happened in the eight years before 2009 included ... 1993 ...

Not a math major, were you, Sport?

The funniest part of your op is where you said you wanted to focus on"facts," then you presented a video where the first thing he said was eight years in your thread that said he said there had never been attacks ... :lmao:
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
Moron, 9.11 occurred during those "eight years."
kaz will not admit that gulliani was wrong.

OK, Giuliani said eight years. He should have realized that you imbeciles won't get the reference to 9/11, which was actually seven and a half years before Obama took over and not eight.

Happy? Here's a cookie
Always have to laugh as Conservatives try to blame Bush's blunder on the Democrats

It was no blunder, it was 100% deliberate.

Democrats were involved, and still are. Sorry if that truth offends your petty little false universe of

conservatives = bad
liberals = good

Then the question happens

Can you name ONE SINGLE THING W did that was actually "conservative?"

Start the Jeopardy! music
You know they faked the moon landing too

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other??

You need to be audited to see what your INVESTMENTS did in 2001?

Did you load up on defense stocks in 2001H1???

Always have to laugh as Conservatives try to blame Bush's blunder on the Democrats

It was no blunder, it was 100% deliberate.

Democrats were involved, and still are. Sorry if that truth offends your petty little false universe of

conservatives = bad
liberals = good

Then the question happens

Can you name ONE SINGLE THING W did that was actually "conservative?"

Start the Jeopardy! music

My Final Jeopardy answer: What are Tax cuts for the wealthy?
Last edited:
Always have to laugh as Conservatives try to blame Bush's blunder on the Democrats

It was no blunder, it was 100% deliberate.

Democrats were involved, and still are. Sorry if that truth offends your petty little false universe of

conservatives = bad
liberals = good

Then the question happens

Can you name ONE SINGLE THING W did that was actually "conservative?"

Start the Jeopardy! music

Bush a 'Conservative?' Wow, pretty delusional take. Bush is a Big Government/Corporate NWO Globalist Elite. He's anything but a Conservative.
Always have to laugh as Conservatives try to blame Bush's blunder on the Democrats

It was no blunder, it was 100% deliberate.

Democrats were involved, and still are. Sorry if that truth offends your petty little false universe of

conservatives = bad
liberals = good

Then the question happens

Can you name ONE SINGLE THING W did that was actually "conservative?"

Start the Jeopardy! music
Cut taxes.

How many ways are you going to demonstrate for the forum that you're batshit crazy?
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
Moron, 9.11 occurred during those "eight years."
kaz will not admit that gulliani was wrong.

OK, Giuliani said eight years. He should have realized that you imbeciles won't get the reference to 9/11, which was actually seven and a half years before Obama took over and not eight.

Happy? Here's a cookie
less than 7.5 years, but even if he was excluding 9/11 he would have been wrong, as we have shown you repeatedly.

why do you still defend a statement that is factually wrong?
for ignoring all the warnings and not preparing.

NOT A PLANE.... not even close...

Sorry Mr. Dexter, but this is video tape that has a timer that skips every 1-2 seconds and a camera focused on the gates. It wasn't a digital recording.
And the missile theory has been debunked. Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - The Pentagon

Having said that, I don't believe the Bush administration has come clean or were clean in what happened. The Bush family was and is TOO CLOSE to the House of Saud.

I see what appears to be a plane at the 0:25 mark...


Look just to the right of the top of that box standing in the photo. What looks like smoke there in that horizontal trail is either smoke or fuel vapor pouring out of the damage to one of the wings from hitting 6-8 lampposts on the roadways before the impact. At the very left top corner of the box is the nose of the aircraft. The graphic reconstruction of the events during the last few seconds displays it clearly noting each lamppost as the wings struck them.
According to Rudi "the Pride of New York" Giuliani there were no attacks carried out in the US by Islamic terrorists until President Obama was elected. Off the top of my head, I came up with two (2); 1993 world Trade Center bombing and the calamitous Twin towers attack on 9/11/2001 when that IDIOT Giuliani was Mayor of New York! He even ran for president waving his credentials of leadership reminding everyone of his mayoral prowess by repeating 9/11 several hundred times daily!

Here is what he claimed while on the stump for trump:

"“Before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States,” Giuliani said at an event for Donald Trump in Ohio."
Giuliani Claims No Successful 'Radical Islamic' Attacks in US Before Obama

Such are the type of people Trump and his campaign obtain to endorse their "efforts".

He said "for those eight years before Obama." It's right at the beginning of your video which apparently you didn't watch and that means after the two attacks you mentioned. You are truly an idiot and a liar.

Obviously whether he said that or not, he was referring to after 9/11. But he said for the eight years before Obama AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO.

You people are stupid I couldn't make up
Moron, 9.11 occurred during those "eight years."
kaz will not admit that gulliani was wrong.

OK, Giuliani said eight years. He should have realized that you imbeciles won't get the reference to 9/11, which was actually seven and a half years before Obama took over and not eight.

Happy? Here's a cookie
7 years and 4 months is now 8 years? What kind of fuzzy rounding is that?
My Final Jeopardy answer: What are Tax cuts

Combined with SPENDING CUTS, that would be truly CONSERVATIVE.

Instead, W cut taxes and massively INCREASED SPENDING across the board, socializing senior drugs, dumping $1 trillion into NCLB etc...

Not one thing W did in office was conservative - NOT ONE.
You know they faked the moon landing too

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have 9 times the ice of the other??

You need to be audited to see what your INVESTMENTS did in 2001?

Did you load up on defense stocks in 2001H1???


So you seem like a real insider. Who actually killed JFK? I'm thinking it was the CIA, is that right?

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