Giuliani: ‘Over my dead body’ will Mueller interview Trump


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York. Giuliani said he was “disgusted” by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference, including in securing guilty pleas from the president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn on a charge of lying to federal investigators.

Trump, Giuliani said, would not submit to an interview by Mueller’s team.

“They’re a joke,” Giuliani told “Fox News Sunday.” ″Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead.”

The special counsel, who is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has continued to request an interview with the president. Last month, the White House sent written answers in response to the special counsel’s questions about possible collusion. The White House has resisted answering questions on possible obstruction of justice.'

Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump

In other words: 'Over my dead career will I let you interview my client. Because if he agrees to an interview - for CERTAIN he will perjure himself. He simply fabricates far too much and does not know when to shut up - even for his own good.'
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Weird how all the bluster about Drumpf not being afraid to sit down with Mueller has evaporated and turned into full blown panic over the prospect.
He needs to just fire Mueller, and get on with the work of the people. Enough of the politically biased circus in which was created for the butthurt who lost their Hillary in the election, and lost their Comey + whom they figured was their mechanisms to get vengence on Trump for winning.

To much idiocy/butthurt left over from the election of a President has gone on, and it needs to end. American's who weren't represented under Obama are getting their turn to be represented again, and if that causes butthurt then so be it. The left can't have it just one way in America, and to attempt that is what has caused the huge blow back on the left after the election.
gulianni is in deep with this clusterfuck. he's not going to come out it unscathed. he knew about weiner's email dump of hillary's duplicates before it happened & god knows what else he knows. he's been buds with donny for decades.
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What’s the old gop mantra when they back law enforcement spying? “If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about .”
Rudy's confused.

He thinks he's out to expose Hillary and Billary.

Why else would he fear for his life?
Its all over libs but your shouting....the investigation has failed to bring down Trump so all you have left it crying and shouting....Trump will be your president for 6 more years...get used to it...
Its all over libs but your shouting....the investigation has failed to bring down Trump so all you have left it crying and shouting....Trump will be your president for 6 more years...get used to it...
President of the convict club?
Mueller is a Urophiliac, that's why he has spent 20 months on an investigation into golden showers by Russian Hoes in Moscow.

Turns him on.

Why haven't any Lame Stream Media reporters hounded Mr. Mueller about this? The idea of an actual sexual pervert in the Special Persecutor's job is unprecedented.
"Over my dead body".......sounds like a win/win situation to me.
Why do liberals always condone violence to solve their problems?? ... :dunno:
Sunni, is that a glue-on beard you're wearing?
'With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York. Giuliani said he was “disgusted” by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference, including in securing guilty pleas from the president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn on a charge of lying to federal investigators.

Trump, Giuliani said, would not submit to an interview by Mueller’s team.

“They’re a joke,” Giuliani told “Fox News Sunday.” ″Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead.”

The special counsel, who is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has continued to request an interview with the president. Last month, the White House sent written answers in response to the special counsel’s questions about possible collusion. The White House has resisted answering questions on possible obstruction of justice.'

Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump

In other words: 'Over my dead career will I let you interview my client. Because if he agrees to an interview - for CERTAIN he will perjure himself. He simply fabricates far too much and does not know when to shut up - even for his own good.'
This is stupid. Trump is never going to be interrviewed by Mueller and never was..
Its all over libs but your shouting....the investigation has failed to bring down Trump so all you have left it crying and shouting....Trump will be your president for 6 more years...get used to it...


Trump is hovering around 40% in respected polls, the economy is faltering (check the equity markets - they are down YTD), Reps just got killed in the House midterms (forget the senate - the Reps only had 9 seats up for re-election, the Dems had a whopping 27...the latter never had a realistic chance at taking it), Mueller publicly put off his investigation until after the midterms - now he has re-started it, the House is going to go after Trump with a vengeance come January and one former Trump inner circle player after another is 'making a deal' for information/testimony.

You have to be flat out delusional (on this) if you seriously think it looks good for Trump to be POTUS until January, 2025.

I don't think Trump will be impeached...but unless he deliberately starts a war, I guarantee you he is history as POTUS come January the latest.
And I am neither Dem nor Rep.
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'With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney unleased a fresh series of attacks Sunday on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential interview with the special counsel.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani used Twitter and television interviews to deliver a series of broadsides against special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors in New York. Giuliani said he was “disgusted” by the tactics used by Mueller in his probe into Russian election interference, including in securing guilty pleas from the president’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn on a charge of lying to federal investigators.

Trump, Giuliani said, would not submit to an interview by Mueller’s team.

“They’re a joke,” Giuliani told “Fox News Sunday.” ″Over my dead body, but, you know, I could be dead.”

The special counsel, who is investigating possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has continued to request an interview with the president. Last month, the White House sent written answers in response to the special counsel’s questions about possible collusion. The White House has resisted answering questions on possible obstruction of justice.'

Giuliani: 'Over my dead body' will Mueller interview Trump

In other words: 'Over my dead career will I let you interview my client. Because if he agrees to an interview - for CERTAIN he will perjure himself. He simply fabricates far too much and does not know when to shut up - even for his own good.'
Mueller was caught red-handed destroying I think it's time to end this shit and investigate the Mueller Team.
“I didn’t know about it”.

“Okay, I knew about it, but I wasn’t involved”.

“Okay, I was involved, but it wasn’t illegal.”

“Okay, it was illegal, but I didn’t give instructions to do it that way”.

“Okay, I gave instructions, but there’s no smoking gun.”

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