Giuliani Revealing HUGE Money Laundering Operation Involving Bidens, Burisma Prosecutor Poisoned

Lets see what the link iceberg gave us says about the OP's source...

Overall, we rate One America News Far right biased based on story selection that consistently favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to promotion of conspiracies, lack of sourcing and a few failed fact checks.
i don't follow OAN that much. gator is correct that at times i can drop a headline from GWP and yea, i need to ask myself about that given their history. it *is* hypocritical to call out one side and quote the other and that's on me to stop doing.

however -

ukraine money laundering at DuckDuckGo

not as if OAN is the only site to have ever made this claim. this is what trump said to look into.

In order to have an honest adult conversation about Trump and Ukraine, one must first rid themselves of the notion that this president cares at all about corruption.

If you claim that Trump was or is truly an anti-corruption type leader, you are someone who isn't Intelligent enough to engage with. Or, you are a lying hack who has no intention of having an honest discussion.

Sorry if that sounds hurtful to you. But this is not a point of controversy.
And you wonder why Trump is in office.

While you sit on your high horse determining that you are smarter and better than everyone else you might want to realize that politics is about convincing others. You and the democrats are convincing no one with that attitude.
Seems we have new Ukraine investigation against Biden...6 criminal cases....You fools absolutely know nothing!

Breaking: Ukrainian Official Reveals Six Criminal Cases ...

OAN reporter Chanel Rion has been traveling with Rudy Giuliani and reporting on his investigations in Hungary and Kiev, Ukraine. In her report released on Sunday night Chanel Rion mentioned that Ukrainian officials showed her six criminal cases involving...

The Ukrainians are corrupt. You shouldn't believe anything coming out of their mouths. This is exactly how they operate. They flood their political opponents with BS investigations.

Don't be a useful idiot.
But EXTORTION coming from Bidens mouth and on video...even a braindead liberal asshole like yourself should have the IQ to believe your ears and morons are our entertainment...the suspension of reality has no better example!
I have no problem with Biden demanding Ukraine fire their corrupt prosecutor in order to receive taxpayer guaranteed loans.

I thought you guys wanted less corruption in Ukraine?

That's not what happened! Biden demanded that they not look into his money laundering operation.

You guys are fucked so large, you're not just fucked! or Fucked Squared! we have to use scientific notation You guys are fucked out like 10^22 column

Yeah, according to the corrupt prosecutor, and no one else. C'mon, man, do you believe everything these crooks say?
you believe all your crooks say. only fair, isn't it?
hell i'd not be surprised if they honestly don't give a damn like we think they about the news but we one day find out THE MEDIA caused a lot of the divide just to get the attention and revenue.
I think that's a part of it. The proliferation of "media" (ha) sources has led to a level of competition the industry could never have imagined.

The other half of this, though, is that the "media" sees how splintered we have become and is simply responding to (and even creating) demand. As a predictable result, this is all feeding on itself.

The problem now is that a truly curious and open-minded individual can't believe anything they read, hear or see out of hand. That's not good.

Gun to your head, would you put your trust in what Rachel Maddow tells you or in what Sean Hannity tells you?
I would just eat the bullet.

The fact that you think Maddow is better than Hannity speaks volumes.
Does anyone here think there should be no investigation?

Why not?

Should Biden be questioned? Turn over records? Testify under oath?

CNN and the MSM swallowed the hook in Russia / Trump Collusion when there was never a shred of evidence.

CNN and the MSM also completely failed to see the largest scandal in modern American history with the Obama admin spying on the Trump Campaign. Even when told about it repeatedly.

CNN fact checkers have a track record so bad it can't be accidental.

There's isn't sufficient predicate for an investigation into Hunter Biden.
but "look into that" and make up fake FISA warrants are enough to go after the president.

got it.

No one is okay with making up information for FISA warrants, so please don't bring up strawmen arguments. Besides, as we've learned, that was not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign.

The House really doesn't need any reason to investigate how the functions of government. They're our representatives and are an important check on the power of the President not to mention an invaluable source of transparency.
so i can't do "strawmen" arguments but you can turn around and give them to me.

got it.

as for you being ok with biden firing people for corruption, great. i'm ok with trump saying "look into it" to see if biden himself is corrupt.

you just want this to go 1 way and get pretty butthurt when it doesn't.

You're setting a dangerous standard where any president gets to order investigations into his political opponents just "to see".

Seriously. Imagine a hypothetical where you had evidence that Obama ordered the investigation into the Trump campaign. What would have you said then?

WTF? Coming from the FISAGate Party, that's a fucking scream!
hell i'd not be surprised if they honestly don't give a damn like we think they about the news but we one day find out THE MEDIA caused a lot of the divide just to get the attention and revenue.
I think that's a part of it. The proliferation of "media" (ha) sources has led to a level of competition the industry could never have imagined.

The other half of this, though, is that the "media" sees how splintered we have become and is simply responding to (and even creating) demand. As a predictable result, this is all feeding on itself.

The problem now is that a truly curious and open-minded individual can't believe anything they read, hear or see out of hand. That's not good.
Not so sure.

the lie here is that this is new - that news is only biased now rather than the fact that it has always been biased. The new part is the media has realized they can take it a lot farther.

the fact I can't trust what I read is not an issue for me - there is not a time when anyone could trust what they read without a critical eye towards it. The real problem is that the electorate has decided that open minded and critical thought is not worth the effort and they would rather have confirmation than information. If there is one fatal flaw in democracy this is it.
Absolutely, yes.

Worse, this is a choice we're making. We're choosing to expose ourselves only to "news" we "agree" with, and to isolate ourselves from that which we don't.

I've said before, I truly don't know how a republic is supposed to survive when its citizenry choose to exist in different realities.
hell i'd not be surprised if they honestly don't give a damn like we think they about the news but we one day find out THE MEDIA caused a lot of the divide just to get the attention and revenue.
I think that's a part of it. The proliferation of "media" (ha) sources has led to a level of competition the industry could never have imagined.

The other half of this, though, is that the "media" sees how splintered we have become and is simply responding to (and even creating) demand. As a predictable result, this is all feeding on itself.

The problem now is that a truly curious and open-minded individual can't believe anything they read, hear or see out of hand. That's not good.
Not so sure.

the lie here is that this is new - that news is only biased now rather than the fact that it has always been biased. The new part is the media has realized they can take it a lot farther.

the fact I can't trust what I read is not an issue for me - there is not a time when anyone could trust what they read without a critical eye towards it. The real problem is that the electorate has decided that open minded and critical thought is not worth the effort and they would rather have confirmation than information. If there is one fatal flaw in democracy this is it.
Absolutely, yes.

Worse, this is a choice we're making. We're choosing to expose ourselves only to "news" we "agree" with, and to isolate ourselves from that which we don't.

I've said before, I truly don't know how a republic is supposed to survive when its citizenry choose to exist in different realities.
Pushed by biased news outlets, and exposed by the internet
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Giuliani Claims He Has Evidence Linking Biden to Obama
Jpjo admitted it in his video...don't believe me call the Surrender Monkey....SUSPENSION OF REALITY....A ABNORMALS DISEASE!...ROTFLMFAO

Moron, Joe admitted to pushing for removal of a corrupt prosecutor. Also known as CONDUCTING GOOD FOREIGN POLICY.

You live in an alternative universe because you are too fucking stupid to actually understand what all these bits of information you read about add up to.
There's isn't sufficient predicate for an investigation into Hunter Biden.
but "look into that" and make up fake FISA warrants are enough to go after the president.

got it.

No one is okay with making up information for FISA warrants, so please don't bring up strawmen arguments. Besides, as we've learned, that was not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign.

The House really doesn't need any reason to investigate how the functions of government. They're our representatives and are an important check on the power of the President not to mention an invaluable source of transparency.
so i can't do "strawmen" arguments but you can turn around and give them to me.

got it.

as for you being ok with biden firing people for corruption, great. i'm ok with trump saying "look into it" to see if biden himself is corrupt.

you just want this to go 1 way and get pretty butthurt when it doesn't.

You're setting a dangerous standard where any president gets to order investigations into his political opponents just "to see".

Seriously. Imagine a hypothetical where you had evidence that Obama ordered the investigation into the Trump campaign. What would have you said then?
i'm not setting anything. i'm just an observer in all this.

however, in that light, the dems are setting a dangerous standard in which we interpret what the next Dem president says as to what we WANT it to be, reject any effort of them saying what they mean, and go straight to IMPEACH.

cause that's next.

and obama did - it was RUSSIA for 2+ years.

Obama didn't order any investigation into Trump's campaign. If you think I'm wrong, please provide any evidence that was the case.
There's isn't sufficient predicate for an investigation into Hunter Biden.
but "look into that" and make up fake FISA warrants are enough to go after the president.

got it.

No one is okay with making up information for FISA warrants, so please don't bring up strawmen arguments. Besides, as we've learned, that was not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign.

The House really doesn't need any reason to investigate how the functions of government. They're our representatives and are an important check on the power of the President not to mention an invaluable source of transparency.
so i can't do "strawmen" arguments but you can turn around and give them to me.

got it.

as for you being ok with biden firing people for corruption, great. i'm ok with trump saying "look into it" to see if biden himself is corrupt.

you just want this to go 1 way and get pretty butthurt when it doesn't.

You're setting a dangerous standard where any president gets to order investigations into his political opponents just "to see".

Seriously. Imagine a hypothetical where you had evidence that Obama ordered the investigation into the Trump campaign. What would have you said then?
Ahh listen to the dnc talking points. You are a plant in here
Listen to reality mate.

How would have you felt if Obama had personally ordered an investigation into Trump?
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Giuliani Claims He Has Evidence Linking Biden to Obama
Jpjo admitted it in his video...don't believe me call the Surrender Monkey....SUSPENSION OF REALITY....A ABNORMALS DISEASE!...ROTFLMFAO

Moron, Joe admitted to pushing for removal of a corrupt prosecutor.

You live in an alt-fact universe because you are too fucking stupid to have any clue wtf you are reading.
Why? Since when did we ask for prosecutors to get fired where children work?
hell i'd not be surprised if they honestly don't give a damn like we think they about the news but we one day find out THE MEDIA caused a lot of the divide just to get the attention and revenue.
I think that's a part of it. The proliferation of "media" (ha) sources has led to a level of competition the industry could never have imagined.

The other half of this, though, is that the "media" sees how splintered we have become and is simply responding to (and even creating) demand. As a predictable result, this is all feeding on itself.

The problem now is that a truly curious and open-minded individual can't believe anything they read, hear or see out of hand. That's not good.
Not so sure.

the lie here is that this is new - that news is only biased now rather than the fact that it has always been biased. The new part is the media has realized they can take it a lot farther.

the fact I can't trust what I read is not an issue for me - there is not a time when anyone could trust what they read without a critical eye towards it. The real problem is that the electorate has decided that open minded and critical thought is not worth the effort and they would rather have confirmation than information. If there is one fatal flaw in democracy this is it.
Absolutely, yes.

Worse, this is a choice we're making. We're choosing to expose ourselves only to "news" we "agree" with, and to isolate ourselves from that which we don't.

I've said before, I truly don't know how a republic is supposed to survive when its citizenry choose to exist in different realities.
Pushed by biased news outlets, and exposed by the internet
Indeed, there is virtually no unbiased news right now, and we don't seem to care.

We're content to believe and trust the distorted news provided by our tribes, isolating us from each other more every day.

That is killing us.
but "look into that" and make up fake FISA warrants are enough to go after the president.

got it.

No one is okay with making up information for FISA warrants, so please don't bring up strawmen arguments. Besides, as we've learned, that was not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign.

The House really doesn't need any reason to investigate how the functions of government. They're our representatives and are an important check on the power of the President not to mention an invaluable source of transparency.
so i can't do "strawmen" arguments but you can turn around and give them to me.

got it.

as for you being ok with biden firing people for corruption, great. i'm ok with trump saying "look into it" to see if biden himself is corrupt.

you just want this to go 1 way and get pretty butthurt when it doesn't.

You're setting a dangerous standard where any president gets to order investigations into his political opponents just "to see".

Seriously. Imagine a hypothetical where you had evidence that Obama ordered the investigation into the Trump campaign. What would have you said then?
Ahh listen to the dnc talking points. You are a plant in here
Listen to reality mate.

How would have you felt if Obama had personally ordered an investigation into Trump?
He did mate
There's isn't sufficient predicate for an investigation into Hunter Biden.
but "look into that" and make up fake FISA warrants are enough to go after the president.

got it.

No one is okay with making up information for FISA warrants, so please don't bring up strawmen arguments. Besides, as we've learned, that was not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign.

The House really doesn't need any reason to investigate how the functions of government. They're our representatives and are an important check on the power of the President not to mention an invaluable source of transparency.
so i can't do "strawmen" arguments but you can turn around and give them to me.

got it.

as for you being ok with biden firing people for corruption, great. i'm ok with trump saying "look into it" to see if biden himself is corrupt.

you just want this to go 1 way and get pretty butthurt when it doesn't.

You're setting a dangerous standard where any president gets to order investigations into his political opponents just "to see".

Seriously. Imagine a hypothetical where you had evidence that Obama ordered the investigation into the Trump campaign. What would have you said then?

WTF? Coming from the FISAGate Party

"FISAGate" was overseen by REPUBLICANS named Comey, Rosenstein and McCabe. How the hell did you get Democrat party into that mix??

Last edited:
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Nice attempt at projecting...we know who's doing the real Russian money laundering.
No one is okay with making up information for FISA warrants, so please don't bring up strawmen arguments. Besides, as we've learned, that was not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign.

The House really doesn't need any reason to investigate how the functions of government. They're our representatives and are an important check on the power of the President not to mention an invaluable source of transparency.
so i can't do "strawmen" arguments but you can turn around and give them to me.

got it.

as for you being ok with biden firing people for corruption, great. i'm ok with trump saying "look into it" to see if biden himself is corrupt.

you just want this to go 1 way and get pretty butthurt when it doesn't.

You're setting a dangerous standard where any president gets to order investigations into his political opponents just "to see".

Seriously. Imagine a hypothetical where you had evidence that Obama ordered the investigation into the Trump campaign. What would have you said then?
Ahh listen to the dnc talking points. You are a plant in here
Listen to reality mate.

How would have you felt if Obama had personally ordered an investigation into Trump?
He did mate
According to who?
Lets see what the link iceberg gave us says about the OP's source...

Overall, we rate One America News Far right biased based on story selection that consistently favors the Right and Mixed for factual reporting due to promotion of conspiracies, lack of sourcing and a few failed fact checks.
i don't follow OAN that much. gator is correct that at times i can drop a headline from GWP and yea, i need to ask myself about that given their history. it *is* hypocritical to call out one side and quote the other and that's on me to stop doing.

however -

ukraine money laundering at DuckDuckGo

not as if OAN is the only site to have ever made this claim. this is what trump said to look into.

In order to have an honest adult conversation about Trump and Ukraine, one must first rid themselves of the notion that this president cares at all about corruption.

If you claim that Trump was or is truly an anti-corruption type leader, you are someone who isn't Intelligent enough to engage with. Or, you are a lying hack who has no intention of having an honest discussion.

Sorry if that sounds hurtful to you. But this is not a point of controversy.
And you wonder why Trump is in office.

While you sit on your high horse determining that you are smarter and better than everyone else you might want to realize that politics is about convincing others. You and the democrats are convincing no one with that attitude.

Nah. Politics is about turnout. I couldn't care less if a single Trump 16 voter turned against him. Not needed. What is needed is for normal, thinking people to get to the polls.

You still support Trump? You can eat shit.
There's isn't sufficient predicate for an investigation into Hunter Biden.
but "look into that" and make up fake FISA warrants are enough to go after the president.

got it.

No one is okay with making up information for FISA warrants, so please don't bring up strawmen arguments. Besides, as we've learned, that was not the predicate for the investigation into the Trump campaign.

The House really doesn't need any reason to investigate how the functions of government. They're our representatives and are an important check on the power of the President not to mention an invaluable source of transparency.
so i can't do "strawmen" arguments but you can turn around and give them to me.

got it.

as for you being ok with biden firing people for corruption, great. i'm ok with trump saying "look into it" to see if biden himself is corrupt.

you just want this to go 1 way and get pretty butthurt when it doesn't.

You're setting a dangerous standard where any president gets to order investigations into his political opponents just "to see".

Seriously. Imagine a hypothetical where you had evidence that Obama ordered the investigation into the Trump campaign. What would have you said then?

WTF? Coming from the FISAGate Party, that's a fucking scream!

No one is okay with FISA warrants being falsified. Why are you okay with Trump demanding investigations into political opponents?
hell i'd not be surprised if they honestly don't give a damn like we think they about the news but we one day find out THE MEDIA caused a lot of the divide just to get the attention and revenue.
I think that's a part of it. The proliferation of "media" (ha) sources has led to a level of competition the industry could never have imagined.

The other half of this, though, is that the "media" sees how splintered we have become and is simply responding to (and even creating) demand. As a predictable result, this is all feeding on itself.

The problem now is that a truly curious and open-minded individual can't believe anything they read, hear or see out of hand. That's not good.

Gun to your head, would you put your trust in what Rachel Maddow tells you or in what Sean Hannity tells you?
I would just eat the bullet.

The fact that you think Maddow is better than Hannity speaks volumes.

It is an obvious fact.
Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani taunted the Deep State-Democrat-media complex Sunday morning and said he will be sharing evidence he “has garnered through hundreds of hours of research.”


A few hours after his initial tweet on Sunday, Rudy began dropping bombshells one tweet at at time.

Rudy said Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general investigating Burisma was not only fired after Biden threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, but that he was poisoned and barely survived the poisoning.

“Shokin holds documents proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s,” Giuliani said. “He was fired due to VP Joe Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid.”


I think it is time to cease labeling Rudy “President’s Lawyer”

Rudy is in fact the President’s envoy or perhaps Special Envoy....but then, that takes away the ABNORMALS talking point about Rudy!

Perhaps Bob Mueller could come out of retirement for a Cameo and look carefully into this real collusion.

Hey Bob, this is what real collusion looks like, you partisan much money did you make for all that NOTHING BURGER?

Sen. Graham invites Rudy Giuliani to testify about Ukraine trip with OAN | One America News Network
Nice attempt at projecting...we know who's doing the real Russian money laundering.
Imo this will tell the tale. Indepedents are split on impeachment. But Trump doesn't gain any kudos for his actions in Ukraine and Biden. And gopers just want this over so they can run on the economy. But Trump, and his UUUUGE bag of grievance and narcissism can't let it go
In other news today, I hear that the Ghouliguy is going to finally reveal all the research Trumpybear has on Obama's real Birth Certificate.

Previewed here in it's entirety.

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