Giuliani says he won't testify to House unless Schiff removed

Would be great fun to watch Rudy being thrown in jail!

That is most unlikely.

For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction. The Democrats intensify the situation at their own risk.

So it seems, for everyone of Trump's Lies, Speaker Pelosi tells the truth.

You are as puerile as you are ignorant.
Yes, I agree, it's a tie. Both puerility and ignorance in equal portion. And the portions = 100 percent.

I'm crushed, sob...

Contempt of Congress? How does he expect to get away with that? :cuckoo:
Maybe he will be getting advice...


Before his current treason, Adam the Schitt lied constantly that he had "Absolute proof of Russian Collusion." He should have been censured by the Republicans at the start, spineless cowards.

I think this is a great angle by Giuliani, Congress is not a legitimate body at this time, it is a criminal organization engaged in treason. Schitt must be expelled from the house and then prosecuted.
Would be great fun to watch Rudy being thrown in jail!

I laughed my ass off the other day when he defended his knowledge by talking about his grades in law school 50 years ago because he has nothing else to point to! :21::21::21:

Well, good luck with that Comrade.

Say, Schitt said that he had "absolute proof" of Russian Collusion: You remember that, the moronic conspiracy theory you and your fellow Stalinists spewed for 3 years until your own Grand Inquisitor found no evidence.

So Comrade, just where is that proof? Why did the little Schitt not give the evidence to the Inquisition?

NOW the lying fuck put a SPY in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH to spy on the PRESIDENT? :eek: Espionage is recognized as an act of war by ALL nations, which means Schitt, Schumer and all those involved committed treason per article III of the United States Constitution.

Now look, I get that you and the other Stalinists have no love for the Constitution and are in fact waging a cold war to destroy it once and for all; but for we Americans, it is the law of the land. HENCE a congress that HARBORS a traitor is not a legitimate body and has no authority. The Stalinist ruled congress is illegitimate. Guiliani has no obligation to heed commands from a criminal conspiracy.
Contempt of Congress? How does he expect to get away with that? :cuckoo:

What do you think Congress is going to do, sent Nancy Pelosi to arrest him?

Schitt has committed Treason, until such time as he is expelled from Congress, that body is illegitimate and has no authority to do anything.
Would be great fun to watch Rudy being thrown in jail!

I laughed my ass off the other day when he defended his knowledge by talking about his grades in law school 50 years ago because he has nothing else to point to! :21::21::21:
He learned an awful lot about what not to say from John Gotti though

Say Leach, John Gotti and Whitey Bolger were best buds with Robert Mueller, weren't they?

Would be great fun to watch Rudy being thrown in jail!

I laughed my ass off the other day when he defended his knowledge by talking about his grades in law school 50 years ago because he has nothing else to point to! :21::21::21:
Over what, exactly?

If Hillary "Cankles" McPutin isn't in jail over what she did, ain't no one never, not no how, never going to jail.

You don't get it.

There is no law, only favor with the party. All enemies of the party are guilty. Those in favor can do anything, rape. rob, murder Jeff Epstein in his cell, none of it matters. Only the party matters, loyalty to the party is the ONLY law in a Stalinist society. The democrats are a 100% Stalinist party.

Poor little Billy has once again forgotten to support his claim with evidence, in this case, a crime committed by Rep. Schiff.

Little Billy is one more character assassin in the cult of denial. The few dozen or so who will support DJT no matter how vile, vulgar or vindictive is his behavior.

Yo stupid fuck, you are a Stalinist. To you the only possible crime is to go against the party. But we Americans go by something called "The United States Constitution" Have you heard of it? Of course not.

So Adam Schitt, Chuck Scumer, and the Clinton crime family cooked up a scheme to embed a CIA agent in the executive branch to spy on the President. They went to KGB double Agent John Brennan, a traitor from the start, who hand selected the mole. Now espionage against the head of state is recognized under the Geneva Convention as an act of war by all member states, including the USA. Hence when our cabal of Stalinists placed their mole, they committed treason per article III of the United States Constitution. I get that you Marxist pigs don't view yourselves as bound by that document, and are at war to destroy it. Even so, under OUR law, the law of AMERICA, Schitt and Schumer are both guilty of Treason.

Until Schitt is expelled, NO cooperation should be given to the Stalinists. I call on AG Barr to arrest all involved for treason, starting with Schitt and Schumer. Brennan should have gotten the needle a decade ago. (he clearly has dirt on people in high places)

Poor little Billy has once again forgotten to support his claim with evidence, in this case, a crime committed by Rep. Schiff.

Little Billy is one more character assassin in the cult of denial. The few dozen or so who will support DJT no matter how vile, vulgar or vindictive is his behavior.

Yo stupid fuck, you are a Stalinist. To you the only possible crime is to go against the party. But we Americans go by something called "The United States Constitution" Have you heard of it? Of course not.

So Adam Schitt, Chuck Scumer, and the Clinton crime family cooked up a scheme to embed a CIA agent in the executive branch to spy on the President. They went to KGB double Agent John Brennan, a traitor from the start, who hand selected the mole. Now espionage against the head of state is recognized under the Geneva Convention as an act of war by all member states, including the USA. Hence when our cabal of Stalinists placed their mole, they committed treason per article III of the United States Constitution. I get that you Marxist pigs don't view yourselves as bound by that document, and are at war to destroy it. Even so, under OUR law, the law of AMERICA, Schitt and Schumer are both guilty of Treason.

Until Schitt is expelled, NO cooperation should be given to the Stalinists. I call on AG Barr to arrest all involved for treason, starting with Schitt and Schumer. Brennan should have gotten the needle a decade ago. (he clearly has dirt on people in high places)

You're INSANE.

Little Billy is witless. You seem to have been confused, the wrong name and a misspelled word, using 't' when an 'l' was needed.

You got something to say then PM me, otherwise either add to the discussion or butt out. I don't tolerate liars and tattle tales and you're both.
Would be great fun to watch Rudy being thrown in jail!

I laughed my ass off the other day when he defended his knowledge by talking about his grades in law school 50 years ago because he has nothing else to point to! :21::21::21:
He learned an awful lot about what not to say from John Gotti though

Say Leach, John Gotti and Whitey Bolger were best buds with Robert Mueller, weren't they?

No...they weren't but've never been right about anything so...yea...keep up the good work
Would be great fun to watch Rudy being thrown in jail!

I laughed my ass off the other day when he defended his knowledge by talking about his grades in law school 50 years ago because he has nothing else to point to! :21::21::21:
Over what, exactly?

If Hillary "Cankles" McPutin isn't in jail over what she did, ain't no one never, not no how, never going to jail.
What are the indictments for H. Clinton?

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