Giuliani says Trump shouldn't testify because 'Our Recollection Keeps Changing'

It's a fact that the Russians intervened on Behalf of Trumpov. (All IQ agencies and recent Senate report)
It's a fact that Trumpov's, Son, Son-in-law, and campaign manager/bag-man met with Russians in an effort to get sanctions against them dropped in exchange for dirt on Hillary. (aka Collusion)
Then Trumpov and son LIED about that meeting.
Don Jr. lied about the meeting... Serially.
They lied about the concocted excuse for it and Trumpov's involvement. (see the OP)
Jared, Forgot his meetings with Russians on form after adjusted form.\
It's a fact that Trump asked the Russians ("If you're listening") to get the Hillary emails.
It's a fact those emails WERE then released.

Then there's all the other campaign guys meeting with Russians.. everyone. Some rung up.
Flynn took money from the Rooskies.
Trumpov wanted Comey to drop that investigation. Comey wouldn't, so Trumpov Fired him.
Flynn Pleads. (along with many others SO FAR)

That's EVIDENCE that demanded, and still needs to be further pursued.

Pure bullshit. Post some unbiased links.
And your post is a Total Fold/WHIFF/Deflection.
I presented evidence, you had No real reply/no rebuttal.
The Known Facts I posted did not need links you FRAUD.

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It's a fact that the Russians intervened on Behalf of Trumpov. (All IQ agencies and recent Senate report)
It's a fact that Trumpov's, Son, Son-in-law, and campaign manager/bag-man met with Russians in an effort to get sanctions against them dropped in exchange for dirt on Hillary. (aka Collusion)
Then Trumpov and son LIED about that meeting.
Don Jr. lied about the meeting... Serially.
They lied about the concocted excuse for it and Trumpov's involvement. (see the OP)

Jared, Forgot his meetings with Russians on form after adjusted form.

It's a fact that Trump asked the Russians ("If you're listening") to get the Hillary emails.
It's a fact those emails WERE then released.

Then there's all the other campaign guys meeting with Russians.. everyone. Some rung up.
Flynn took money from the Rooskies.
Trumpov wanted Comey to drop that investigation. Comey wouldn't, so Trumpov Fired him.
Flynn Pleads. (along with many others SO FAR)

That's EVIDENCE that demanded, and still needs to be further pursued.

Pure bullshit. Post some unbiased links.
And your post is a Total Fold/WHIFF/Deflection.
I presented evidence, you had No real reply.
The Known Facts I posted did not need links you FRAUD.

You posted bullshit and I called you on it. You can't post a link because you're talking out your ass, making up your own facts. Doesn't cut it.
You posted bullshit and I called you on it. You can't post a link because you're talking out your ass, making up your own facts. Doesn't cut it.
The Facts/Evidence I posted are well known, and did NOT need a 'Link.'
It was your job to Rebut them.
You Failed.
You Lose.
and better, I exposed you as a debate FRAUD.

Last-word away little clown.
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You posted bullshit and I called you on it. You can't post a link because you're talking out your ass, making up your own facts. Doesn't cut it.
The Facts/Evidence I posted are well known, and did NOT need a 'Link.'
It was your job to Rebut them.
You Failed.
You Lose.
and better, I exposed you as a debate FRAUD.

Last-word away little clown.
Not my job to prove you wrong. You're a liar who can't back up what he says. If you could, you would have done it. The fraud here is YOU.
Embarrassment results from being proven wrong.
It also comes from acting like a retard. Which, you are. Nobody really thinks you believe the idiotic thing you said earlier. How embarrassing.

So you have nothing, as I suspected.
Yes Billy, we get always declare victory. Go ahead, and enjoy.

I take what's mine, yes. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure Billy. If declarations of victory were actual victories, you would be a twelve star general....instead, just a guy hiding on the internet ...
Trumpettes and trump have told so many lies...they can't remember which was last.
Trumpettes and trump have told so many lies...they can't remember which was last.

Mein Trumpf - Chapter 10

""All this was inspired by the principle—which is quite true within itself—that in the Big Lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the Big Lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly Impudent lie always leaves Traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.""​

Mein Kampf
- ch. X

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