Giuliani subpoenaed by House for documents related to Ukraine

My, that sure happened all-of-a-sudden like....It's almost as though People had been lining all this shit up for weeks on end.

NAAAAAAAA!.....Just another in a string of about 20 total coincidences. could not POSSIBLY be that Trump is an unethical criminal, surrounded by same.
Prove it...or shut it.....
Prove what? That Guliani will go to jail for refusing a congressional subpoena? What proof do you require? Be specific.
If they want information from Ghouliani, they should label him an enemy combatant, and then use all the methods on him that he doesn't consider to be torture.
My, that sure happened all-of-a-sudden like....It's almost as though People had been lining all this shit up for weeks on end.

NAAAAAAAA!.....Just another in a string of about 20 total coincidences. could not POSSIBLY be that Trump is an unethical criminal, surrounded by same.
Prove it...or shut it.....
Prove what? That Guliani will go to jail for refusing a congressional subpoena? What proof do you require? Be specific.

this is the part where Trumpdrones are too f'n stupid to understand that the House can use obstruction as an article of impeachment -

My, that sure happened all-of-a-sudden like....It's almost as though People had been lining all this shit up for weeks on end.

NAAAAAAAA!.....Just another in a string of about 20 total coincidences. could not POSSIBLY be that Trump is an unethical criminal, surrounded by same.
Prove it...or shut it.....
Prove what? That Guliani will go to jail for refusing a congressional subpoena? What proof do you require? Be specific.

this is the part where Trumpdrones are too f'n stupid to understand that the House can use obstruction as an article of impeachment -

Rudy calmed the people after 9/11. He did a great job. DiBlasio would have offered a dozen more high rises to destroy if they promised to not attack again after that. Anyway, How can I believe people who have lied so many ties that Trump ran and won office? He is there because of them. They do not even have the integrity to leave office. People who Repubs voted for or followed as media types are so far out of the closet now as Prog shills it is tragic. It is not just hating Trump, it is loving Prog agendas. So who cares?
My, that sure happened all-of-a-sudden like....It's almost as though People had been lining all this shit up for weeks on end.

NAAAAAAAA!.....Just another in a string of about 20 total coincidences. could not POSSIBLY be that Trump is an unethical criminal, surrounded by same.
Prove it...or shut it.....
Prove what? That Guliani will go to jail for refusing a congressional subpoena? What proof do you require? Be specific.

this is the part where Trumpdrones are too f'n stupid to understand that the House can use obstruction as an article of impeachment -


and all we ever hear all the time is how the dems are the ones that are all corrupt. if they do that,that pretty much shoots down that myth.:abgg2q.jpg:
I think that the dems are starting to squirm because Barr, Durham, Huber, and Horowitz are starting to zero-in on the illegal deep state origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax. Here's hoping that the indictments start coming out before Christmas...
The starting bell:

Giuliani Subpoenaed by House for Documents: Impeachment Update

"President Donald Trump unleashed a torrent of tweets over the weekend attacking Democrats and demanding to meet the whistle-blower who said the president asked Ukraine’s president to dig up political dirt on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
The president is portraying himself as the victim, the subject of two partisan “witch hunts” to oust him, and urging his loyal base to punish his opponents at the polls.
Here are the latest developments:
Giuliani Subpoenaed by House Panel for Documents (3:53 p.m.)
Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Guiliani was subpoenaed Monday to provide documents to Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, as the impeachment inquiry into the president accelerates.
Three House panels said Giuliani has claimed to have text messages, phone records and other communications regarding requests for the government of Ukraine to target Biden. They set an Oct. 15 deadline.
Trump Again Promotes ‘Debunked’ Ukraine Theory (3:18 p.m.)
Trump again suggested Ukraine may have intervened in the 2016 U.S. election, one day after his former homeland security adviser said the conspiracy had been “completely debunked.”
”The new president of Ukraine ran on the basis of no corruption. That’s how he got elected. And I believe that he really means it, but there was a lot of corruption having to do with the 2016 election against us,” Trump said Monday at the White House. “And we want to get to the bottom of it, and it’s very important that we do.”
Trump has repeatedly suggested -- including in his controversial phone call with Zelenskiy -- that Ukraine or Ukrainian actors were in some way involved in the breach of a Democratic National Committee server in 2016 or the subsequent investigation of that crime.
Thomas Bossert, who served as Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said Sunday he told the president there was no basis to his theory that Ukraine was involved and added that he was “deeply disturbed” that Zelenskiy was asked to investigate the conspiracy in the leader-to-leader phone call.
“It is completely debunked,” Bossert said in an interview on ABC News’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”
“I am deeply frustrated with what he and the legal team is doing and repeating that debunked theory to the president,” Bossert said. “It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again, and for clarity here, George, let me just again repeat that it has no validity.”"

Here you go, let me know how many you read.

JohnSolomon (john1solomon) | Scribd
I guess we have to give thanks that democrat gestapo agents didn't raid Rudy's house in the middle of the night (yet).
24 Obama people dismissed
For misconduct and under criminal investigation

37 Clinton people under criminal investigation for willful mishandling of classified information.

The Obama Administration was
Criminal, and they may have had their Stooges bury their crimes in a deep grave but lots of hands were on those shovels and all those people are going down.

The Dems are in a hurry to impeach Trump over nothing because there is no path for them to The White House, but there is to The Jail House.
Oh it's on now.

I was under the impression the Executive Branch doesn't have to cooperate with a Loose Cannon Legislative Branch whatsoever.

There is a separation of powers, and Schiff thinks he's the Supreme Court in one person. He should be in jail for lying the other day pretending to quote President Trump as doing something very nefarious. I cannot hide my contempt for this deranged man who creeps around setting other people up for sport.

At this point, i think they are more interested in his phone.
Schiff is no match for Rudy...Rudy will toy with him like a cat toys with a mouse....this alone is worth the price of admission.....

Agree, Shitt is no match for Rudy or anybody....

He is a match for GITMO though.

He is a traitor.
My, that sure happened all-of-a-sudden like....It's almost as though People had been lining all this shit up for weeks on end.

NAAAAAAAA!.....Just another in a string of about 20 total coincidences. could not POSSIBLY be that Trump is an unethical criminal, surrounded by same.
Prove it...or shut it.....
Prove what? That Guliani will go to jail for refusing a congressional subpoena? What proof do you require? Be specific.

this is the part where Trumpdrones are too f'n stupid to understand that the House can use obstruction as an article of impeachment -


Maybe you just don't understand impeachment. You can have 20 articles of impeachment, the GOP senate will follow the example set by the dems for Bill Clinton's perjury charge. The senate vote for Clinton was 50-50, so he was acquitted. The Trump impeachment trial would end up with 53-47 for acquittal because the articles are all bullshit.
Then the 2020 race will be heating up, Trump wins in a landslide because the democrats have no policies worth voting for. So we have 4 more years of Trump coming up. Enjoy.

I really do think the Dem leadership, Pelousy and her House Dems have lost their fucking minds.

What idiots.
Oh it's on now.

I was under the impression the Executive Branch doesn't have to cooperate with a Loose Cannon Legislative Branch whatsoever.

There is a separation of powers, and Schiff thinks he's the Supreme Court in one person. He should be in jail for lying the other day pretending to quote President Trump as doing something very nefarious. I cannot hide my contempt for this deranged man who creeps around setting other people up for sport.

Everybody is supposed to comply with every subpoena, regardless of who you are or who signs your paychecks; that's kind of the point. In this case, blowing it off should result in contempt of Congress, but there is debate about whether the legislative branch can compel the DOJ (part of the executive branch) to do its bidding by arresting and prosecuting someone for that charge. The end result is that it usually results in just a stern talking-to, and everyone goes on with their day.

In my humble opinion, this is stupid and it sucks. Congress needs teeth. I would like to see Capitol Police drag anyone who defies a Congressional subpoena out of their office in handcuffs, through a flash-bulbed perp walk to a waiting police van, but sadly, that hasn't happened yet.

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