Giuliani subpoenaed by House for documents related to Ukraine

My, that sure happened all-of-a-sudden like....It's almost as though People had been lining all this shit up for weeks on end.

NAAAAAAAA!.....Just another in a string of about 20 total coincidences. could not POSSIBLY be that Trump is an unethical criminal, surrounded by same.
Prove it...or shut it.....
Prove what? That Guliani will go to jail for refusing a congressional subpoena? What proof do you require? Be specific.
All Trump has to do is claim Executive Privilege...

You know, like Obama did when Holder was caught red-handed selling guns to the Mexican drug cartels...

If it can cover criminal behavior, there should be no problem with it covering Trump asking the Ukrainians what the status of their investigation into the Biden's criminal behavior is!!!
He's Trump's lawyer, have you never heard of immunity and privilege?
Sorry,my cackling little friend...privilege does not protect illegal materials or activity. Nor can he be granted immunity by anyone, except federal prosecutors using him as their bitch.

Where do you freaks get your news?.
So we can force testimony and prosecute Obutthole and his minions for all the illegal shit they did, right???
You can certainly try. But you morons will look pretty stupid trying to do that from the Mall, with your misspelled cardboard signs. But hey, knock yourselves out...
All Trump has to do is claim Executive Privilege...

Executive privilege over testimony by a goon who isn't a federal employee? You are insane, or stupid as a stump. The two shall not be construed as to be mutually exclusive.

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