Giuliani Told Us

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
I look back at Giuliani's speech at the 2008 RNC. Start at 6:00. He correctly nailed Obama on all his weaknesses: his lack of experience, his inability to make any decisions. We should have listened.
[ame=]Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani Full Speech at the RNC - YouTube[/ame]
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I look back at Giuliani's speech at the 2008 RNC. Start at 6:00. He correctly nailed Obama on all his weaknesses: his lack of experience, his inability to make any decisions. We should have listened.

Some of us did. Some of us (my husband) stopped to vote on his way back home from double bypass surgery, slippers, walker and all.
Rudy out of consideration for Trump cabinet post...

Rudy Giuliani out of contention for Cabinet post
December 09, 2016 - Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has removed his name from consideration for a position in President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet, the transition team announced Friday.
Giuliani, who is currently a vice chairman on the presidential transition team, had been rumored to be in consideration for secretary of state. "My desire to be in the Cabinet was great but it wasn't that great and he had a lot of terrific candidates and I thought I could play a better role being on the outside and continuing to be his close friend and adviser," Giuliani told Fox News' Neil Cavuto.

Trump met with Giuliani on Nov. 29., when the matter was discussed. He confirmed to Fox News that he had only been interested in being secretary of state. "Honestly, the other positions I didn't have an interest in, so that really was the only one I had any real interest in," he told Cavuto.

Giuliani said he now intends to continue his work in the private sector. He also warned against the selection of Mitt Romney for the position, saying the former Massachusets governor had "gone over the line" in previous criticisms he made about Trump. "I will support [Trump's] decision, but my advice would be that Mitt went a little too far. You can make friends and make up but I would not see him as a candidate for the Cabinet," Giuliani told Cavuto.

Trump praised Giuliani in a statement, calling him “an extraordinarily talented and patriotic American.” "He is and continues to be a close personal friend, and as appropriate, I will call upon him for advice and can see an important place for him in the administration at a later date." Reince Priebus, tapped to be Trump’s chief of staff, said that Giuliani was “was vetted by our team for any possible conflicts and passed with flying colors."

Rudy Giuliani out of contention for Cabinet post

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