Giuliani's lies about two Georgia election workers as he fought to keep Donald Trump in office.

These women are just suing for the money.

Have you spoken to these women personally? Have they told what they allegedly endured? Since we know that answer is no, who the hell are you to determine what they suffered through and what they didn't.

The women said they suffered an onslaught of violent and racist threats and harassment after Giuliani, comparing the mother and daughter to drug dealers, named them at a state legislative hearing and in news interviews.

Have you spoken to these women personally? Have they told what they allegedly endured? Since we know that answer is no, who the hell are you to determine what they suffered through and what they didn't.

The women said they suffered an onslaught of violent and racist threats and harassment after Giuliani, comparing the mother and daughter to drug dealers, named them at a state legislative hearing and in news interviews.

As an intelligent person I can see right through the lies. It is all about the money.
I know a person that has a habit of suing people and companies for money and he usually succeeds.
As an intelligent person I can see right through the lies. It is all about the money.

No, you see what you want to see. You're biased, plain and simple and you can't prove a damn thing, so give it up, tard.
No, you see what you want to see. You're biased, plain and simple and you can't prove a damn thing, so give it up, tard.
I've seen enough of these civil lawsuits to realize what a scam it is. Juries are sympathetic to people that claim emotional distress. Prove me wrong.
I just wonder how much rudy can afford to pay these ladies that he wronged.
Not all of it that is for sure.
Does the court have the power to cage him for the balance ?
That might sit well alongside a court sell off of his assets. Also a lien on his future earnings. He should not get away with his criminality,

He will come eye-to-eye with the mother and daughter poll workers from Georgia who claim that he destroyed their lives and caused them ongoing emotional distress by maliciously accusing them of election fraud.

They destroyed their own lives, by being caught, on video, engaging in rather blatant and obvious ballot tampering. The stupid bitches didn't even think about the video cameras that they had to know were watching and recording them.

And by the way…


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