Give a man a fish.......

Of course its exploitation. You know that. Elected officials offer up the world to stay in office. They all do it.
The government hasn't provided anything. The taxpayers pay and their are s

Republicans need to get off their Plantation meme makes them look like idiots and trivializes slavery

Helping people who need help is not exploiting them
Feeding the hungry is not exploiting them
Curing the sick is not exploiting them

But Republicans cutting programs that help the poor so they can maintain taxcuts for the wealthy IS exploiting the poor

What programs have been cut?

Read the Paul Ryan budget that Republicans have passed for the last three years

No. That's not how adult discussions work. your claim.
You made an allegation about republicans...Now YOU support YOUR claim with specifics...

Mr. Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman and a possible White House contender in 2016, laid out a budget plan that cuts $5 trillion in spending over the next decade. He said it would bring federal spending and taxes into balance by 2024, through steep cuts to Medicaid and food stamps, and the total repeal of the Affordable Care Act just as millions are reaping the benefits of the law.

Defense spending would increase. Domestic programs would be reduced to the lowest levels since modern government accounting. And Medicare would be converted into a “premium support” system, where people 65 and older could buy private insurance with federal subsidies instead of government-paid health care.

Crazy train, crazy train.
Of course its exploitation. You know that. Elected officials offer up the world to stay in office. They all do it.
The government hasn't provided anything. The taxpayers pay and their are s

Republicans need to get off their Plantation meme makes them look like idiots and trivializes slavery

Helping people who need help is not exploiting them
Feeding the hungry is not exploiting them
Curing the sick is not exploiting them

But Republicans cutting programs that help the poor so they can maintain taxcuts for the wealthy IS exploiting the poor

What programs have been cut?

Read the Paul Ryan budget that Republicans have passed for the last three years

No. That's not how adult discussions work. your claim.
You made an allegation about republicans...Now YOU support YOUR claim with specifics...

I don't see what specific programs you're referring to?
Why don't you try, in your own words if you possibly can, :FIREdevil: to compare and contrast the benefits or detriments of one plan over the other?
Republicans need to get off their Plantation meme makes them look like idiots and trivializes slavery

Helping people who need help is not exploiting them
Feeding the hungry is not exploiting them
Curing the sick is not exploiting them

But Republicans cutting programs that help the poor so they can maintain taxcuts for the wealthy IS exploiting the poor

What programs have been cut?

Read the Paul Ryan budget that Republicans have passed for the last three years

No. That's not how adult discussions work. your claim.
You made an allegation about republicans...Now YOU support YOUR claim with specifics...

I don't see what specific programs you're referring to?
Why don't you try, in your own words if you possibly can, :FIREdevil: to compare and contrast the benefits or detriments of one plan over the other?

What programs have been cut?

Read the Paul Ryan budget that Republicans have passed for the last three years

No. That's not how adult discussions work. your claim.
You made an allegation about republicans...Now YOU support YOUR claim with specifics...

I don't see what specific programs you're referring to?
Why don't you try, in your own words if you possibly can, :FIREdevil: to compare and contrast the benefits or detriments of one plan over the other?


I knew you couldn't do it....

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.

With fair competition, that is the way it should be. As you catch more and more fish. you can afford better equipment

But what happened was we were convinced to spend taxpayer dollars on expensive fishing boats for the wealthy. The wealthy are best suited for catching fish. The more fish the wealthy catch, the more will trickle down to feed everyone.

The problem is ....the wealthy just kept the fish

Our society needs to invest more in the average fisherman

The problem for the average fisherman is not a lack of trying but a system that is increasingly stacked against him. He is working just as hard but seeing fewer and fewer fish on his line.
Republicans need to get off their Plantation meme makes them look like idiots and trivializes slavery

Helping people who need help is not exploiting them
Feeding the hungry is not exploiting them
Curing the sick is not exploiting them

But Republicans cutting programs that help the poor so they can maintain taxcuts for the wealthy IS exploiting the poor

What programs have been cut?

Read the Paul Ryan budget that Republicans have passed for the last three years

No. That's not how adult discussions work. your claim.
You made an allegation about republicans...Now YOU support YOUR claim with specifics...

I don't see what specific programs you're referring to?
Why don't you try, in your own words if you possibly can, :FIREdevil: to compare and contrast the benefits or detriments of one plan over the other?
Gee, it's crazy to quit running a deficit, crazy to tax regular people, crazy to suggest freebies breed dependency, and so on.

Who is really crazy??

I'd have to say 60 years of mainly Democrat Congresses is what is crazy.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.

With fair competition, that is the way it should be. As you catch more and more fish. you can afford better equipment

But what happened was we were convinced to spend taxpayer dollars on expensive fishing boats for the wealthy. The wealthy are best suited for catching fish. The more fish the wealthy catch, the more will trickle down to feed everyone.

The problem is ....the wealthy just kept the fish

Our society needs to invest more in the average fisherman

The problem for the average fisherman is not a lack of trying but a system that is increasingly stacked against him. He is working just as hard but seeing fewer and fewer fish on his line.
That's utter bullshit.

If a fool fishes in the sewers of Detroit, instead of in the fertile waters of the job creating states like ND, CO, TX, then he is just a fuckin' fool.

If the fisherman is a semi-literate dropout, and can't read the instructions on how to get to the pond on time, or how to dress for the season, or how to use his gear, then its on him.
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.

With fair competition, that is the way it should be. As you catch more and more fish. you can afford better equipment

But what happened was we were convinced to spend taxpayer dollars on expensive fishing boats for the wealthy. The wealthy are best suited for catching fish. The more fish the wealthy catch, the more will trickle down to feed everyone.

The problem is ....the wealthy just kept the fish

Our society needs to invest more in the average fisherman
It's not the responsibility of society to make you a more successful fisherman . This is the problem with the country some look for ways to succeed while others look for reasons to fail or to not even try.

It is societies role to ensure a level playing field
It is also the role of any civilized society to help those who need help

On what moral ground do you make such statements?
Of course its exploitation. You know that. Elected officials offer up the world to stay in office. They all do it.
The government hasn't provided anything. The taxpayers pay and their are s

Republicans need to get off their Plantation meme makes them look like idiots and trivializes slavery

Helping people who need help is not exploiting them
Feeding the hungry is not exploiting them
Curing the sick is not exploiting them

But Republicans cutting programs that help the poor so they can maintain taxcuts for the wealthy IS exploiting the poor

What programs have been cut?

Read the Paul Ryan budget that Republicans have passed for the last three years

No. That's not how adult discussions work. your claim.
You made an allegation about republicans...Now YOU support YOUR claim with specifics...

In his plan, military spending through 2024 would actually rise by $483 billion over the spending caps established in the 2011 Budget Control Act “consistent with America’s military goals and strategies,” while nondefense spending at Congress’s annual discretion would be cut by $791 billion below those strict limits.
In all, Mr. Ryan said, spending would be cut by $5.1 trillion over the next decade. More than $2 trillion of that would come from repealing Mr. Obama’s health care initiative, the Affordable Care Act
As with past budget proposals, Mr. Ryan seeks to eliminate the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, a $792 billion retrenchment, then turn the health care program for the poor into block grants to the states —
Continue reading the main story824Comments
But the toughest cuts would come from domestic programs that have already been reduced steadily since 2011, when Republicans took control of the House. Mr. Ryan’s 2024 domestic spending figure would be lower in nominal dollars than such spending was in 2005. Adjusted for inflation, it would be a 29 percent cut from today’s levels, and 28 percent below the average level of spending in former President George W. Bush’s administration.
Nor did Mr. Ryan shy away from hot-button issues. Education

When was that budget passed and did it ever have a chance of passing? You do understand the difference between proposing and passing?? Yes?

Kind of like discussing what lure to use on the way to the lake.
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.

With fair competition, that is the way it should be. As you catch more and more fish. you can afford better equipment

But what happened was we were convinced to spend taxpayer dollars on expensive fishing boats for the wealthy. The wealthy are best suited for catching fish. The more fish the wealthy catch, the more will trickle down to feed everyone.

The problem is ....the wealthy just kept the fish

Our society needs to invest more in the average fisherman

The problem for the average fisherman is not a lack of trying but a system that is increasingly stacked against him. He is working just as hard but seeing fewer and fewer fish on his line.
That's utter bullshit.

If a fool fishes in the sewers of Detroit, instead of in the fertile waters of the job creating states like ND, CO, TX, then he is just a fuckin' fool.

If the fisherman is a semi-literate dropout, and can't read the instructions on how to get to the pond on time, or how to dress for the season, or how to use his gear, then its on him.

Detroit is a good example

It was once one of the finest fishing areas in the country. Workers flocked from all over the country to catch the abundant fish. But all the fish are now gone. Those left in Detroit will find no fish to catch regardless of how hard they try

What do we do?
We can encourage more fish to come back to Detroit
We can help fishermen to relocate to areas where there are fish
We can continue to give people fish
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.

With fair competition, that is the way it should be. As you catch more and more fish. you can afford better equipment

But what happened was we were convinced to spend taxpayer dollars on expensive fishing boats for the wealthy. The wealthy are best suited for catching fish. The more fish the wealthy catch, the more will trickle down to feed everyone.

The problem is ....the wealthy just kept the fish

Our society needs to invest more in the average fisherman
It's not the responsibility of society to make you a more successful fisherman . This is the problem with the country some look for ways to succeed while others look for reasons to fail or to not even try.

It is societies role to ensure a level playing field
It is also the role of any civilized society to help those who need help

On what moral ground do you make such statements?

The Pope
Good grief... how
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing


What is it with libs... they can't fish, they can't get ID's, they can't this they can't that. Everything's can't can't can't. The good 'ole "can't do spirit".

What a bunch of whiney-baby losers.
“Among my people are the wicked
who lie in wait like men who snare birds
and like those who set traps to catch people.
Like cages full of birds,
their houses are full of deceit;
they have become rich and powerful
and have grown fat and sleek.
Their evil deeds have no limit;
they do not seek justice.
They do not promote the case of the fatherless;
they do not defend the just cause of the poor.
"Should I not punish them for this?”
declares the Lord.
“Should I not avenge myself
on such a nation as this?"

Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah who come through these gates to worship the Lord. This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place. Do not trust in deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord!” If you really change your ways and your actions and deal with each other justly, if you do not oppress the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not follow other gods to your own harm, then I will let you live in this place, in the land I gave your ancestors for ever and ever. But look, you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless.
Good grief... how
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing


What is it with libs... they can't fish, they can't get ID's, they can't this they can't that. Everything's can't can't can't. The good 'ole "can't do spirit".

What a bunch of whiney-baby losers.
Liberals live under the belief that everyone else is too stupid to take care of themselves so it's up to them to tell everyone what they have to do since how they believe a person should live is more important than anything else

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