Give a man a fish.......

"Give a man a fish" is the cornerstone of the freaking Peace Corps. The Constitution is the cornerstone of conservatism.
The Constitution was written by Liberals
That's true. Classic liberals wrote and ratified the Constitution at their peril. The liberal Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they saw how political degenerates have hijacked the term that has evolved closer to Naziism.
Actually, our founding fathers would be repulsed by today's conservatives.....just as they were repulsed by conservatives of their day
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
Which illustrates that a pragmatic approach is best, as opposed to the conservative propensity to adhere blindly to failed rightist dogma. Economic prosperity can be realized by blending private and public sectors, with social and economic policies predicated on facts, evidence, and what's demonstrated to work.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
What a load of bullshit.

There is more opportunity in the GOUSA than anywhere else in the world.

The "pond" is not closed.

Reading apologists for people who refuse to get an education and prepare for life makes me sick.

Thank you!

If an individual does not get a college education, or maybe that person does not even finish high school, but that person works 40 to 50 hours or more per week, then do you believe that person should earn enough so that they can afford to put a roof over their head and food on their table and be certain that they have decent medical coverage should they become sick, or should they be required to have a certain amount of schooling in order to qualify for those few basics? See, not everyone in this country is going to get an advanced education and try to improve themselves to the point that they can make a six figure income. I believe that if you work your ass off, then you should be able to afford the basics; nothing more, but you should be able to afford the basics. From my pov, conservatives don't truly think hard work is worth anything unless they are "educated".
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
If fishing is the only way you can eat, then you must move to a place that has fish in the water.

(Unsurprisingly, this must be explained time and again to liberals.)

What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
Get a job.

What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"
Find out what it takes to join. If the lake is on private property, stop trying to violate the law by trespassing, and see the answer to the first question.

(Unsurprisingly, this too must be explained time and again to liberals.)

This is where government comes in.

Liberals always see that as the only possible answer. Abolish the right of private property, and force other people to give you what they had built or earned themselves.

Unsurprisingly, this is the same "solution" that thieves, vagabonds, and other criminals always resort to.

No wonder they are about to get kicked out of office all across the country.

You'd think they'd learn.
..that's quite profound, little partisan. :salute:

You got it all figured out. :rolleyes:
If all the energy and resources devoted to apologizing for and subsidising bad life choices were devoted to educating people that citizens had a duty and responsibility to prepare for life, and take care of themselves, we could eliminate most poverty in a generation.

Continued dependence is the sole hope of the Democrat party, so, I expect no change.

If the factory that supported your community moves to China, is that a bad life choice?

That is the problem facing our cities. The jobs that used to sustain the people (you may even call them fish) are gone

Read the book "Who Moved My Cheese".

The libs are the mice who whine about the cheese being moved.....
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Your post is EPIC. I freaking love it .

The people that follow this type of "teaching" also consider School as an "Entitlement Program". They think Schools and Children will get better if we use a profit market, openly.

You, displace yourself into someone else's shoes, by asking "What If I can't afford the pole, tackle and license." <---Most complicated statement EVER!

It doesn't take $10k at Bass Pro to catch a bass. It doesn't take a Bass lure or Rod to catch a Bass. I taught my children at 3 years old how to find a straight stick, tie some line to it and catch a grasshopper. I'm proud to say that my children have caught bigger bass in a small farm lake than most have in large "Governed Lakes".

I moved next to a big "state governed lake" a decade or so ago. The fish were gone and the people keeping fish were keeping babies. I fished for hours and would barely get a bite. This isn't natural to fishing, fish are more curious than this. (Fish seem to be more curious than the people in America)

As it turns out. I caught maybe 2-3 bass there in my 1.5 years of living there when I can go to a farm pond and catch an entire meal in minutes.

Going up against Bass Pro fish finders and tackle. I lost. I couldn't feed my family.

Should I lower my standards to a 3 inch fish? Should I buy a $10K Bass boat, would that help me feed my family?

You can't wish where you were born. But I'll guess that children born in the projects to adults that are on drugs do to oppression wish they had the opporitunity to fish.

RWs are against "free stuff" until they want it for themselves.

They're also in favor of a huge government, controlling the most personal and private aspects of our lives.

And, as we saw most recently in Texass, they're quick to call for government help.


Watching people fight for their own poverty is hard to watch.
Somebody give that man a pole and teach him to get that nasty ol fish. But, somebody HAS to GIVE him that worm and the pole...Isn't all that a bit communist? In a free market world, he'd starve because there wasn't capital or investors or anyone besides plain old human beings that are skeptical of stuff, Like Mikey the boy that wouldn't eat anything because he didn't like it. This is ALL SHHHH.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
..that's quite profound, little partisan. :salute:

You got it all figured out. :rolleyes:
If all the energy and resources devoted to apologizing for and subsidising bad life choices were devoted to educating people that citizens had a duty and responsibility to prepare for life, and take care of themselves, we could eliminate most poverty in a generation.

Continued dependence is the sole hope of the Democrat party, so, I expect no change.

If the factory that supported your community moves to China, is that a bad life choice?

That is the problem facing our cities. The jobs that used to sustain the people (you may even call them fish) are gone

Read the book "Who Moved My Cheese".

The libs are the mice who whine about the cheese being moved.....

The Republicans are the ones who enact laws that say.....Don't touch my cheese!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.

With fair competition, that is the way it should be. As you catch more and more fish. you can afford better equipment

But what happened was we were convinced to spend taxpayer dollars on expensive fishing boats for the wealthy. The wealthy are best suited for catching fish. The more fish the wealthy catch, the more will trickle down to feed everyone.

The problem is ....the wealthy just kept the fish

Our society needs to invest more in the average fisherman
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
Which illustrates that a pragmatic approach is best, as opposed to the conservative propensity to adhere blindly to failed rightist dogma. Economic prosperity can be realized by blending private and public sectors, with social and economic policies predicated on facts, evidence, and what's demonstrated to work.

What a bunch of doubletalk...

I think I can do it too..Let's see;

If we assertively conceptualize intermandated technologies, we can begin to transition to fungible quality vectors.
This is important because monotonectal equity, invested enterprise wide, will rapidiously actualize extensible methodologies and recapitualize goal oriented potentialities.

The sooner we can maximize adaptive covalent idea sharing, the sooner the distinctively optimal resource levelling initiatives can be distributed.

Pretty good, huh?
I could probably get elected in some leftist strongholds with all that gibberish..

LMAO..some people think verbosity and stringing syllables together = intelligence.
Others see right through that charade.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
Which illustrates that a pragmatic approach is best, as opposed to the conservative propensity to adhere blindly to failed rightist dogma. Economic prosperity can be realized by blending private and public sectors, with social and economic policies predicated on facts, evidence, and what's demonstrated to work.

Handing out endless trinkets from the treasury is not pragmatic. It only leads to dependency.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

This is where govt comes in and exploits minorities, promising them trinkets out of the treasury and then delivering them to a perpetual state of induced hell.
The Government has provided dozens of programs that have helped the poor rise from poverty.
All conservatives offer is prisons

Of course its exploitation. You know that. Elected officials offer up the world to stay in office. They all do it.
The government hasn't provided anything.
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Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.

With fair competition, that is the way it should be. As you catch more and more fish. you can afford better equipment

But what happened was we were convinced to spend taxpayer dollars on expensive fishing boats for the wealthy. The wealthy are best suited for catching fish. The more fish the wealthy catch, the more will trickle down to feed everyone.

The problem is ....the wealthy just kept the fish

Our society needs to invest more in the average fisherman


Let's not tell the average fisherman he needs to invest more in himself.

This is way too funny.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing
If there are no fish where you live you learn another skill or trade if you cant afford a pole make one for many many years people did that with a piece of wood any kind of string or twine you could find and any sharp metal you can make into a hook a safety pin would suffice you can dig for worms to use as bait for free fishing license that's a government thing I believe I can't say I have ever heard of a members only fishing hole.
That is true

Our poor have to compete with a bamboo pole and a safety pin for a hook and try to catch fish against someone with huge nets a million dollar taxpayer subsidized boat and fishfinders. When new fishing laws and restrictions are enacted, they only impact the guy with the bamboo pole

Explains the disparity in wealth
What is true is that is how you might have to start but it doesn't mean that's where you have to stay.

With fair competition, that is the way it should be. As you catch more and more fish. you can afford better equipment

But what happened was we were convinced to spend taxpayer dollars on expensive fishing boats for the wealthy. The wealthy are best suited for catching fish. The more fish the wealthy catch, the more will trickle down to feed everyone.

The problem is ....the wealthy just kept the fish

Our society needs to invest more in the average fisherman

What really happened is that the liberals took over the schools, that was the beginning. Instead of learning to fish they taught the moral ethics against fishing. How even the worm needed protecting. How throwing a line and sinker into the lake polluted the lake forever.

So then they said they had a better way, let the Chinese and Mexicans do the fishing for us. Fish would cost less and they would become markets for the fish we no longer catch???? Pollution, poverty, fisherman abuse would all happen in those countries we would be free to pursue other activities like voting democrat.

So now they realize that they just can't have cheap fish without having money to buy fish. If a fish cost a dollar and you don't have a dollar it might as well cost a million dollars. So not being able to ever admit to a mistake the liberals want others to pay for the fish. A never ending cycle of poverty and voters.
..that's quite profound, little partisan. :salute:

You got it all figured out. :rolleyes:
If all the energy and resources devoted to apologizing for and subsidising bad life choices were devoted to educating people that citizens had a duty and responsibility to prepare for life, and take care of themselves, we could eliminate most poverty in a generation.

Continued dependence is the sole hope of the Democrat party, so, I expect no change.

If the factory that supported your community moves to China, is that a bad life choice?

That is the problem facing our cities. The jobs that used to sustain the people (you may even call them fish) are gone

Read the book "Who Moved My Cheese".

The libs are the mice who whine about the cheese being moved.....

The Republicans are the ones who enact laws that say.....Don't touch my cheese!

What laws might they be? Could you name one or two?

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