Give a man a fish.......

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Like-minded friends and neighbors, yes, local government, yes, maybe even county government. At higher levels than that you get nothing but one-size-fits all solutions that are sometimes even worse than the problems, or the old unimaginative "hey we can just do the commie thing and redistribute what every one has in the way we see fit...taking care of ourselves first, of course."

Indeed, it seems to be government that creates barriers to requiring a license, among other things.

Finally...I learned how to play the piano, but I don't have the talent to be a concert pianist. Using your logic, government should break down that barrier and make me a concert pianist...and force you to listen to me play!
Government (explained for simpletons...and you know who you are)

Government = Force
Government = Coercion
Government = Rule by small elite
Government = Waste and Inefficiency
Government = Lack of liberty

Amazingly in a nation founded on individual liberty, there are millions of individuals who do not understand this simple explanation of the true meaning of GOVERNMENT.

I guess that I am one of those who does not understand the meaning of "government". To me, the US government is government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Then again, maybe you live in a different country that I do. North Korea perhaps?

Gee i though it was the government of the rich guys who are screwing everyone else.

BTW my government hasn't represented me in a couple decades now

Sounds like you should take the same advice that is being given to the jobless. Move to a country that fairly represents you. Although, I can not even visualize one that would satisfy you.

As for the rich exploiting the poor, the government pretty much curbed that around the early 1900's. We can thank the Republican, Teddy Roosevelt for that.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Like-minded friends and neighbors, yes, local government, yes, maybe even county government. At higher levels than that you get nothing but one-size-fits all solutions that are sometimes even worse than the problems, or the old unimaginative "hey we can just do the commie thing and redistribute what every one has in the way we see fit...taking care of ourselves first, of course."

Indeed, it seems to be government that creates barriers to requiring a license, among other things.

Finally...I learned how to play the piano, but I don't have the talent to be a concert pianist. Using your logic, government should break down that barrier and make me a concert pianist...and force you to listen to me play!

Don't worry. I just wrote my congressman and asked him not to introduce such a bill on the floor.
Finally...I learned how to play the piano, but I don't have the talent to be a concert pianist. Using your logic, government should break down that barrier and make me a concert pianist...and force you to listen to me play!

Don't worry. I just wrote my congressman and asked him not to introduce such a bill on the floor.

You sir, are a true patriot and hero of the realm!
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

It's actually more complicated then this. I think that one of the primary issues when it comes to addressing or resolving problems is that the right is allowed to set the perimeters of the debate which is very broad and does not solve anything.
So, the response from liberals is equally broad. Choosing to respond in this manner allows many on the right to deflect or respond with this one time at band camp stories.

There are those on the right that are willing and able to look at programs on an individual basis. They need to know that the program is effective. Liberals need to look at the programs and watch for accountability issues.

Like SNAP. The right will zoom in on real or imaginary (this one time at band camp) instances of fraud by those that use it. Liberals defend those that use SNAP. There is fraud but it's via the insurance racket. Not at the bottom but over in this arena. By continuing to respond to the parameters of this debate and NOT addressing the actual fraud aggressively it leaves them room to ignore it. But, everyone wants accountability.
I can't help but think you so called liberals must think that most people are too stupid to survive without your help.

FYI almost everyone can make it without you. So try to have a higher opinion of your fellow citizens
I can't help but think you so called liberals must think that most people are too stupid to survive without your help.

FYI almost everyone can make it without you. So try to have a higher opinion of your fellow citizens

Most people can survive but many can't. The reality is that different populations need different responses and peoples circumstances can change due to situations that are beyond their control.
However, when one brings up the fact that these people have children who are unable to feed themselves, they suddenly change gears, and now blame the parents for the children's plight...somehow sidestepping the fact that the children themselves are not to blame for not having food, clothing, or medical care. It is at this level that the conservatives reveal themselves as what they are. Totally lacking in compassion for fellow human beings, and full of judgmental self-righteousness.

I agree that the children of those particular parents aren't to blame for their parents. However, neither are my kids. Every dime taken from me that can go to my kids lessens the amount of what I'VE earned that I can provide to them. Also, it's not my fault that those parents can't meet even the most basic responsibility of being a parent but people like you damn sure want it to be my responsibility to pay for it.

It's attitudes like yours that continue to prove what I've claimed for years about bleeding heart Liberals. You claim to have compassion and care about people but your first and only answer in helping them is to have everyone else do it your way instead of simply getting together and voluntarily doing what you demand the rest of us be forced to do.

It is people like you that, while you may claim it, lack compassion. Sorry to tell you but demanding someone else do it your way with their money doesn't make you compassionate. It makes you the typical good intentioned liars you really are.
Speaking of fish.... nothing holds truer than this line and those of you who think work is the only thing in life...
Work is for people who don't now how to fish.

I regret all the nice days that I should have called in sick and gone fishing. Life is way too short to spend your life working away at some lousy job for a lousy boss and most bosses are lousy. But I did what I needed to do, I worked and made the higher than god almighty dollar. Lesson learned: work hard but take a few mental health days off and go fishing. You'll be a better worker for it. To heck with your lousy boss.
"Give a man a fish" is the cornerstone of the freaking Peace Corps. The Constitution is the cornerstone of conservatism.
This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Sounds like the person having been taught to fish simply has to make excuses when what he's learned doesn't provide him as much as someone else when the problem is still with the learner.
Sounds like a bunch of trot-line robbers and net thieves whining about how life is so hard on unskilled riff-raff.

It's the unskilled workers demanding they be paid a wage above their skill level that whine. Addressing those demands as nothing but groaning about how someone owes them something more than they are worth isn't whining.
"It's the unskilled workers demanding they be paid a wage above their skill level that whine. Addressing those demands as nothing but groaning about how someone owes them something more than they are worth isn't whining."

Which is why I support gov't assistance for them. If they are to live they cannot live on low wages. Therefore a little help is necessary and good.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Give a man a gun to hunt. Then he can fish. Then, he will have time to farm. That is the conservative way.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

This is where govt comes in and exploits minorities, promising them trinkets out of the treasury and then delivering them to a perpetual state of induced hell.
"Give a man a fish" is the cornerstone of the freaking Peace Corps. The Constitution is the cornerstone of conservatism.
The Constitution was written by Liberals
That's true. Classic liberals wrote and ratified the Constitution at their peril. The liberal Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they saw how political degenerates have hijacked the term that has evolved closer to Naziism.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

This is where govt comes in and exploits minorities, promising them trinkets out of the treasury and then delivering them to a perpetual state of induced hell.
The Government has provided dozens of programs that have helped the poor rise from poverty.
All conservatives offer is prisons

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