Give em' Hell Obama.....doesn't matter any way.

Scared me? Dear I grew up in the projects,,,,,,nuff said. Listen, they pull that shit on you white saps all the time, remember the constant terror alerts Bush kept showing during his second term election? And Reagan got you saps with the big Russian people are a hoot, one Boo and you're on board for anything LOLOLOLOLOLOL
When I was a kid we hid under our desks during drills, that was long before Reagan's term in office. He did kick the commies to the curb though, sorry 'bout that sista.
Scared me? Dear I grew up in the projects,,,,,,nuff said. Listen, they pull that shit on you white saps all the time, remember the constant terror alerts Bush kept showing during his second term election? And Reagan got you saps with the big Russian people are a hoot, one Boo and you're on board for anything LOLOLOLOLOLOL

You liberals simply don't have the brains to understand that we hate Obama for his chip-on-shoulder, Al-Sharpton, crybaby race-instigations - this overspoiled, overpampered, overprivileged, overindulged punk has a massive resentment against white Americans, and as a white American that gives me the moral right to oppose him. And don't even get me started on that black-racist-pig's treasonous guzzling of enough muslim semen to coat the entire surface of the moon. This carpet-headed, purple-lipped, inverted-crucifix-nosed son of a bitch has proven ad nauseum that he puts Pisslam interests over America's. And I've studied that Islam, Nazi-like filth in detail for enough years, I know only a clinical psychopath could find that sick piece of shit attractive in any way.

Okay, so Obama hates white one mf'ing thing he's done that directly say's fuck you, to white people. I got Katrina and Bush telling blacks to go fuck themselves, now you do the job and up me one, else shut to fuck up with your racist whinny white ass!!

Have you been asleep for the past several years? Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin ring a bell? A president isn't supposed to get involved in local crime matters, yet whenever a black thug deservedly dies committing violence, before the investigation, Obama immediately declares it racism against blacks. Which stirs things up into riots, violence, and huge legal abuses by his DOJ pitbull, which is crookeder the a paper clip. What about his Charleston speech saying that racism in encoded into whites' DNA? What about the fact he sent 3 WH reps to Michael Brown's funeral, yet didn't even call the parents of the law-abiding white Marines in TN who got gunned down by one of his muslim-whoremaster-filth? What about this egotistical boy-king always trashing white Americans abroad, suggesting that the only reason people oppose his Western-destructive policies is because of racism. What about his hermaphrodite wife/husband spending his/her entire life blatantly pissing and moaning about white people? It's proven by a combination of tons of little things. If you wish to hook you wagon to the pissy, hate-filled, crybaby train wreck called the "black community," that's your prerogative; but don't ask me to join you.

Oh, I was always curious as to why white people were calling Obama a divisive president and this is it? So help me God I never knew this was the catalyst that you moron's were using....LOLOLOLOL. Listen, despite what you think, it was the right thing to do. For example, President LBJ, had to interject his envolvment when black people were being lynched in the south... a crime no doubt that needed elevating beyond state level to the federal levels....Clinton spoke out against McVeigh, When the snipers were indiscriminately shooting people, Bush spoke out....A CRIME IS A CRIME IS A CRIME.....but in your case, because Obama was black he had no right? Get the fuck outta here and get over it. Contrary to popular beliefs, black people are apart of this country too.
President Obama, the first black president has had without a doubt the most troubling, uncooperative visceral 8 year tenure than any president in US history. He has fought tooth and nail since taking office just to get the bare minimal of US business done with very little help from both sides, so when the guy is forced to take things into his own hands, he has both sides accusing him of going against the fuckin US, this is not a joke. Either spend the last 8 years with your hands tied due to obstructionist conservatives and cowardly democrats or get shit done on you own....which is what he's had to do most of his term in office.

Nothing this man has done, nothing this man will ever ever ever ever do will make neo nazi nuts on the right happy, Obama, sadly has learned in his final years in office, that guess what, they don't like yo black ass, fuck em and do you and the hell with the constitution which most of congress know little about to began with and Senators use only during election times to assure the nuts they can keep their guns.

That's your problem and why Obama never was popular with us. We don't call it the Fuckin Constitution nor had contempt for it.
Wrong. GWB got less cooperation and more vitriol from the left.
He got a ton of cooperation before declaring Democrats soldier hating traitors. He tore this country so far in half we might never fix it. If you weren't a conservative who orgasmed over seeing our soldiers coming home maimed and in caskets you were branded as hating America. Did you forget that? Did you block that psychotic 8 year bloodlust out of your memory?
Your memory is diseased.
Wrong. GWB got less cooperation and more vitriol from the left.
He got a ton of cooperation before declaring Democrats soldier hating traitors. He tore this country so far in half we might never fix it. If you weren't a conservative who orgasmed over seeing our soldiers coming home maimed and in caskets you were branded as hating America. Did you forget that? Did you block that psychotic 8 year bloodlust out of your memory?
We saw more caskets coming back from Iraq under Obama. Than we saw under Bush.
Scared me? Dear I grew up in the projects,,,,,,nuff said. Listen, they pull that shit on you white saps all the time, remember the constant terror alerts Bush kept showing during his second term election? And Reagan got you saps with the big Russian people are a hoot, one Boo and you're on board for anything LOLOLOLOLOLOL
When I was a kid we hid under our desks during drills, that was long before Reagan's term in office. He did kick the commies to the curb though, sorry 'bout that sista.

I remember those days too, however, Reagan used and abused that shit to the hilt. He was already a product of that era, a bullying the moron took it to a whole new level and you saps bought it tooth and nail. He damned near bankrupt the nation doing it...and is recorded in the Genius Book as leaving this country with its highest deficiet up to that time. Remember the 400.00 hammers?
And he should have...this bozo shit for brains loser, got us in a war with lies, treated Katrina victims like shit,
Fuck that shit! I stopped reading here. You assholes on the left seem to forget Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Al Gore Nancy Pelosi on down to the janitor cleaning the DNC outhouse ALL agreed there were weapons of mass destruction and approved the war. The rest of your vomit is all lies too.
Wrong. GWB got less cooperation and more vitriol from the left.
He got a ton of cooperation before declaring Democrats soldier hating traitors. He tore this country so far in half we might never fix it. If you weren't a conservative who orgasmed over seeing our soldiers coming home maimed and in caskets you were branded as hating America. Did you forget that? Did you block that psychotic 8 year bloodlust out of your memory?
We saw more caskets coming back from Iraq under Obama. Than we saw under Bush.
Some how the left loons don't want pictures of those in the media... go figure.
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

Passing off those illegal registration cards as real people and stuffing ballots paid off.
Oh, I was always curious as to why white people were calling Obama a divisive president and this is it? So help me God I never knew this was the catalyst that you moron's were using....LOLOLOLOL. Listen, despite what you think, it was the right thing to do. For example, President LBJ, had to interject his envolvment when black people were being lynched in the south... a crime no doubt that needed elevating beyond state level to the federal levels....Clinton spoke out against McVeigh, When the snipers were indiscriminately shooting people, Bush spoke out....A CRIME IS A CRIME IS A CRIME.....but in your case, because Obama was black he had no right? Get the fuck outta here and get over it. Contrary to popular beliefs, black people are apart of this country too.
That would be a good point except that thugs don't get to decide what crimes were committed. That's the job of courts and judges. The black activists got the crowd worked up for political pressure and obama disgraced the office of the presidency by running his ample yap without having the facts. He probably got cops killed in the line of duty.

How many cop funerals did the asshole attend anyway?
Wrong. GWB got less cooperation and more vitriol from the left.
He got a ton of cooperation before declaring Democrats soldier hating traitors. He tore this country so far in half we might never fix it. If you weren't a conservative who orgasmed over seeing our soldiers coming home maimed and in caskets you were branded as hating America. Did you forget that? Did you block that psychotic 8 year bloodlust out of your memory?
Your memory is diseased.
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

Uhmmm, lets see who all you people have labeled "arrogant" thus far.....Obama of course, Beyonce, Powell, Steele, Lynch and soon to be Carson...Uhmmmm, now what do all these people have in common? Uhmmmmm, Uhmmmm, I want to say black, but that's too obvious....just give me a few moments.

One thing is certain with white folk, should they ever dare bring a nigga into the fold, nigga better never act like they've earned. Only that it was gift from the white man and shut up
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

Passing off those illegal registration cards as real people and stuffing ballots paid off.

You sir, are an idiot...bye Felicia!!!
Uhmmm, lets see who all you people have labeled "arrogant" thus far.....Obama of course, Beyonce, Powell, Steele, Lynch and soon to be Carson...Uhmmmm, now what do all these people have in common? Uhmmmmm, Uhmmmm, I want to say black, but that's too obvious....just give me a few moments.

One thing is certain with white folk, should they ever dare bring a nigga into the fold, nigga better never act like they've earned. Only that it was gift from the white man and shut up
Wrong. GWB got less cooperation and more vitriol from the left.
He got a ton of cooperation before declaring Democrats soldier hating traitors. He tore this country so far in half we might never fix it. If you weren't a conservative who orgasmed over seeing our soldiers coming home maimed and in caskets you were branded as hating America. Did you forget that? Did you block that psychotic 8 year bloodlust out of your memory?
We saw more caskets coming back from Iraq under Obama. Than we saw under Bush.

Of course you see more caskets.....because ending the right winged bastards won't let him do it and its too much money to be made on all sides to end it....and that's Obama's fault? One more time, my memory is stellar, your assessment of events, I call into question
Wrong. GWB got less cooperation and more vitriol from the left.
He got a ton of cooperation before declaring Democrats soldier hating traitors. He tore this country so far in half we might never fix it. If you weren't a conservative who orgasmed over seeing our soldiers coming home maimed and in caskets you were branded as hating America. Did you forget that? Did you block that psychotic 8 year bloodlust out of your memory?
Your memory is diseased.
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

Uhmmm, lets see who all you people have labeled "arrogant" thus far.....Obama of course, Beyonce, Powell, Steele, Lynch and soon to be Carson...Uhmmmm, now what do all these people have in common? Uhmmmmm, Uhmmmm, I want to say black, but that's too obvious....just give me a few moments.

One thing is certain with white folk, should they ever dare bring a nigga into the fold, nigga better never act like they've earned. Only that it was gift from the white man and shut up
How many cop funerals did the asshole attend anyway?
That would be zero.

But, three WH reps went to this guy's funeral:


No WH reps went to a cop's funeral.

When you hear the testimony of the kid on the ground with a bullet through the eye....that's the least they could do. I want to remind you, he was UNARMED YOU BIGGOT!!

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