Give em' Hell Obama.....doesn't matter any way.

That would be zero.

But, three WH reps went to this guy's funeral:


No WH reps went to a cop's funeral.

When you hear the testimony of the kid on the ground with a bullet through the eye....that's the least they could do. I want to remind you, he was UNARMED YOU BIGGOT!!
He was attacking a cop, trying to take his sidearm, you fucking bigot!
How many cop funerals did the asshole attend anyway?
That would be zero.

But, three WH reps went to this guy's funeral:


No WH reps went to a cop's funeral.

When you hear the testimony of the kid on the ground with a bullet through the eye....that's the least they could do. I want to remind you, he was UNARMED YOU BIGGOT!!
But he had just whacked the cop in the head. Cops don't let you beat on them so you can take their shit. That's how it works. We are all better off with the asshole in the ground.

According to eye wittness's, the black guy there.....this bad coward of a cop grabbed this kid and the kid was defending himself, something you get to live another day white motherfuckers do.......bottom line, because I'm not going to rehash this shit with a racist...bottom line the cop got off the hook, with even a white construction worker saying the cop was again, how the fuck is Obama at fault for saying something? You white fucks want us nigga's to always play by your gotdamned rules...well, contrary to popular beliefs, we's some free motherfuckers too.
Not playing by the rules can be fatal. Sucks to be you, and sucks to be a fucking bigot like you. You're a miserable kunt.
How many cop funerals did the asshole attend anyway?
That would be zero.

But, three WH reps went to this guy's funeral:


No WH reps went to a cop's funeral.

When you hear the testimony of the kid on the ground with a bullet through the eye....that's the least they could do. I want to remind you, he was UNARMED YOU BIGGOT!!
But he had just whacked the cop in the head. Cops don't let you beat on them so you can take their shit. That's how it works. We are all better off with the asshole in the ground.

According to eye wittness's, the black guy there.....this bad coward of a cop grabbed this kid and the kid was defending himself, something you get to live another day white motherfuckers do.......bottom line, because I'm not going to rehash this shit with a racist...bottom line the cop got off the hook, with even a white construction worker saying the cop was again, how the fuck is Obama at fault for saying something? You white fucks want us nigga's to always play by your gotdamned rules...well, contrary to popular beliefs, we's some free motherfuckers too.
Not playing by the rules can be fatal. Sucks to be you, and sucks to be a fucking bigot like you. You're a miserable kunt.

Tigerred is an ankle. Three feet lower then a kunt. lol
Bullshit. There was no surplus. You're wrong. in fact, its on you., PROVE THE SURPLUS EXISTED.

Listen tigerdipshit, if the national debt goes UP every year, that means THERE WAS NO SURPLUS.
That would be zero.

But, three WH reps went to this guy's funeral:


No WH reps went to a cop's funeral.

When you hear the testimony of the kid on the ground with a bullet through the eye....that's the least they could do. I want to remind you, he was UNARMED YOU BIGGOT!!
But he had just whacked the cop in the head. Cops don't let you beat on them so you can take their shit. That's how it works. We are all better off with the asshole in the ground.

According to eye wittness's, the black guy there.....this bad coward of a cop grabbed this kid and the kid was defending himself, something you get to live another day white motherfuckers do.......bottom line, because I'm not going to rehash this shit with a racist...bottom line the cop got off the hook, with even a white construction worker saying the cop was again, how the fuck is Obama at fault for saying something? You white fucks want us nigga's to always play by your gotdamned rules...well, contrary to popular beliefs, we's some free motherfuckers too.
Not playing by the rules can be fatal. Sucks to be you, and sucks to be a fucking bigot like you. You're a miserable kunt.

Tigerred is an ankle. Three feet lower then a kunt. lol
I hope she didn't procreate. She isn't capable of raising contributing citizens.
Wrong. GWB got less cooperation and more vitriol from the left.


"To take another of innumerable examples, in 2006 Bush had about the same approval ratings that Obama suffered in 2014. The network news both commissioned far more polls when Bush stood to suffer, and reported on the Bush results far more.

Again, this isn’t close: The score was 52 to 2, as in 52 mentions of low Bush approval ratings versus two mentions of (even lower, at times) Obama approval ratings.

In every Gallup poll this century, more Americans called the media “too liberal” than “too conservative.” The numbers were 45 to 15 in 2003, the year of the Iraq invasion. In 2008, as Obama was being elected, it was 47 to 13. Last fall it was 44 to 19.

Liberal comics make things up, liberal journalists chortle and praise and internalize the lies.

Before you know it, if you point out that Bill O’Reilly’s audience is just as well informed as NPR’s (as a Pew poll found), or that Sarah Palin never said, “I can see Russia from my house” (that was “Saturday Night Live”), you’re just a buzzkill."
How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation | New York Post
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

I hate him.
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

I hate him.
fair enough
Wrong. GWB got less cooperation and more vitriol from the left.
He got a ton of cooperation before declaring Democrats soldier hating traitors. He tore this country so far in half we might never fix it. If you weren't a conservative who orgasmed over seeing our soldiers coming home maimed and in caskets you were branded as hating America. Did you forget that? Did you block that psychotic 8 year bloodlust out of your memory?
Your memory is diseased.
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

Uhmmm, lets see who all you people have labeled "arrogant" thus far.....Obama of course, Beyonce, Powell, Steele, Lynch and soon to be Carson...Uhmmmm, now what do all these people have in common? Uhmmmmm, Uhmmmm, I want to say black, but that's too obvious....just give me a few moments.

One thing is certain with white folk, should they ever dare bring a nigga into the fold, nigga better never act like they've earned. Only that it was gift from the white man and shut up
. tigerred59
I don't know your name, so I'll call you Tiger for short. Don't take this debate so seriously. The reason why most of us are against Obama, isn't because of his race, although there are some here who hate him for his race. I assume they are the Stormfront contingent, I don't know. But for the rest of us, we have a disagreement with his philosophy and method of leadership. If Obama has it so bad as you claim, why do yo suppose he's got everything he wanted during his terms. Even the Senate and House GOP leadership said they aren't going to oppose Obama for this last year, except for this critical appointment to the SCOTUS. Nevertheless, You know in your heart if the sides were switched, the Democrats would block any appointments by President Romney if Ginzberg had died yesterday. So what's your beef?

Whats my beef? The guy hadn't been dead a hot effin minute before Mitch McConnell comes out once again, as he did when the guy first got elected vowing to make Obama a first term president...with the attack of Obama will never have a vote. I along with those who support Obama have every gotdamned right to have a beef with you people. As for this bullshit about cooperating with the president his last year??? You must be on some type of drug, so far this welfare congress has done nothing with Obama since taking office but hold bullshit hearings on shit the country could give two fucks about.
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

I hate him.

If you think for one gotdamned minute Obama loves your white stupid fucked up ass, than keep dreaming. I know in his gut, he despises you ignorant good for nothing hicks on the right...and rightly so. You people don't deserve anything but the pity the world gives to you for being so ignorant and stupid!!
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

I hate him.

If you think for one gotdamned minute Obama loves your white stupid fucked up ass, than keep dreaming. I know in his gut, he despises you ignorant good for nothing hicks on the right...and rightly so. You people don't deserve anything but the pity the world gives to you for being so ignorant and stupid!!
Damn. What a bigot
One more time, which is typical of you racist lunatics...this cop had no clue as to what had occured earlier with Brown...this is fact, google the shit if you don't believe me. He had no clue....he was just being a fucked up nasty white mf with a badge seeing two nigga's walking in the street and decided like all them bastards do, harrass a motherfucker....Mike lost but this bitch has a murder on his hands and with God, he'll pay for it!!
Your beliefs don't match reality. The cop was there because the thug robbed the store and assaulted the shop keeper. You are part of the problem, y'alls need to get your shit together and act like humans!

When that fuckin cop pulled them boys over from walking in the street, he had no fuckin clue that it was Mike Brown, read the fuckin transcripts you moron. Listen, the kid is dead and the problem is still there, racial profiling and until they start profiling you white motherfuckers like they do us, than we can talk the human being debate, dig?
Brown was the culprit, he figured it out. That's what cops do. If a lot of blacks are acting up in heavily black populated areas then there's a lot of attention from the police. Dig? Yawls don't get a free ride due to your skin color.

Trust me in the state of Ky and Indiana, white people are bad ass bad. All live to have a day in me a favor, until your white ass walk in the shoes of blacks, you have no creds here...again, Bye Felicia!!
I'm not stealing a black man's shoes. What up with you?
LOLOL..that's a first, you stole everything else from him!!
He didn't try either. That fool couldn't negotiate a deal to trade a heater for an air conditioner to an eskimo during the height of winter.

And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

I hate him.

If you think for one gotdamned minute Obama loves your white stupid fucked up ass, than keep dreaming. I know in his gut, he despises you ignorant good for nothing hicks on the right...and rightly so. You people don't deserve anything but the pity the world gives to you for being so ignorant and stupid!!
Damn. What a bigot

Surprised? Guess yaw don't own that one anymore. Bigot is now a universal language.
First off this is not a reprimand on democrats. Off season elections are notorious for low voter turnout...not to mention the fact half of US districts are all gerrymandered to serve conservatives miss me on this grand scale votes of republicans having both houses...which by the way, I bet you a buck, you can't name one effin thing these welfare losers have passed or accomplished that mean shit to the average moron that voted for em, beside make Obama a lame duck prez. Oh and just for the record, they never changed presidents either.
It doesn't help when you realize your fearless leader was peddling a sack of shit.

A pack of shit that 28 million americans voted for...cha ching!!
Because they were lied to ... ca ching!

Dude, if Obama were to run a 3rd term, he'd win hands down....hate all you want, if it helps you sleep at night in your ash trays.
obbie isn't even campaigning for anyone because he knows it will kill their chances.

He's waiting for the general election and will bring in the votes for whoever is our nominee. I wish you dumb fucks would get with reality....Obama is loved by millions of people and for you and the media to think otherwise......let him run a 3rd term against the best you have to offer...he'd win hands down and you white motherfuckers know it.
And yet, he got elected not once by a landslide, but twice. Didn't have to scare shit out of white folk, like Bush and Reagan did, but smile.

I don't hate him. I just think he is a failure. An arrogant failure. And he DAMN sure cant negotiate.

I hate him.

If you think for one gotdamned minute Obama loves your white stupid fucked up ass, than keep dreaming. I know in his gut, he despises you ignorant good for nothing hicks on the right...and rightly so. You people don't deserve anything but the pity the world gives to you for being so ignorant and stupid!!
Damn. What a bigot

Surprised? Guess yaw don't own that one anymore. Bigot is now a universal language.
LOL ok
It doesn't help when you realize your fearless leader was peddling a sack of shit.

A pack of shit that 28 million americans voted for...cha ching!!
Because they were lied to ... ca ching!

Dude, if Obama were to run a 3rd term, he'd win hands down....hate all you want, if it helps you sleep at night in your ash trays.
obbie isn't even campaigning for anyone because he knows it will kill their chances.

He's waiting for the general election and will bring in the votes for whoever is our nominee. I wish you dumb fucks would get with reality....Obama is loved by millions of people and for you and the media to think otherwise......let him run a 3rd term against the best you have to offer...he'd win hands down and you white motherfuckers know it.
Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

Approval is 48% right now, average is 53%. He's below average, sorry.

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