Give Peace a Chance

Well, wouldn't life be great if it weren't all about who has the power and who has no morals and power?
The globalists control much of the United States. So, our politician's heel to them for as much as can be sold. They certainly are not listening to us. And many decades in the past they would have changed direction a bit. Imagine. Biden has 50 years in politics, and he knows nothing. Demanding that we must suffer for no reason. No reason at all except for extremists and globalist designs.
Putin has shown he's honest, trustworthy and wants to respect borders and peace with all nations.
Putin made statements before he invaded that he didn't want to, and the conditions upon which they wouldn't. . . the US, British, and NATO ignored him, and STILL continued to push Russia.

Do you want me to link you to the Wikileaks State Department/CIA memo which outlined the plan to push for an invasion by Russian?

Lindsey Graham, John McCain visiting AZOV Battalion & Ukrainian troops in Dec of 2016​

Putin had to know his invasion would have extremely negative consequences on Russia and potentially the world. Yet he did it anyway. Makes one think something is amiss.
Naturally. That is the point.

Sort of like, the folks in the US had to know that funding "gain of function," coronavirus research would come to no good. . .

. . . for the small folks.

But there is a much larger agenda at work. Eventually, it will probably be integrated with the larger IMF. . .


China and Russia unveil plan for new world order​

". . .The statement included alignment on two simmering hot spots. Russian forces annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and destabilized the Donbas region. That conflict has festered for years, with Putin recently mobilizing Russian forces around Ukrainian borders while demanding that NATO ban Ukraine and Georgia from joining and cut U.S. and Western European military ties to Eastern European allies. Xi endorsed Putin’s push for “binding security guarantees in Europe,” while Putin endorsed China’s claim to sovereignty over Taiwan, a strategically significant island democracy that the Chinese Communist Party has never ruled.

“Russia and China stand against attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their common adjacent regions, intend to counter interference by outside forces in the internal affairs of sovereign countries under any pretext, oppose color revolutions, and will increase cooperation in the aforementioned areas,” they said in the China-Russia statement.

Those areas include a linking of Xi’s vaunted Belt and Road Initiative, an overseas infrastructure investment program that Western officials deride as predatory lending, with the Eurasian Economic Union that Moscow hopes will lead to the economic integration of states that gained independence following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“The sides reaffirm their focus on building the Greater Eurasian Partnership in parallel and in coordination with the Belt and Road construction to foster the development of regional associations as well as bilateral and multilateral integration processes for the benefit of the peoples on the Eurasian continent,” Xi and Putin said.. . . "

I would expect. .. . a few eggs to get broken along the way. . .
Putin made statements before he invaded that he didn't want to, and the conditions upon which they wouldn't. . . the US, British, and NATO ignored him, and STILL continued to push Russia.

Do you want me to link you to the Wikileaks State Department/CIA memo which outlined the plan to push for an invasion by Russian?

Lindsey Graham, John McCain visiting AZOV Battalion & Ukrainian troops in Dec of 2016​

I don't think Putin was truthful. He never followed through on negotiating a power sharing relationship between Kiev and the eastern provinces. Russia had a lease on the naval bases in Crimea. Imo, Putin is doing a hitler to the West's chamberlin.
I don't think Putin was truthful. He never followed through on negotiating a power sharing relationship between Kiev and the eastern provinces. Russia had a lease on the naval bases in Crimea. Imo, Putin is doing a hitler to the West's chamberlin.
So no. You don't care.

You have your opinions and feelings, and you don't care about the facts.

‘I’m not a loser’: Zelensky clashes with veterans over Donbas disengagement (VIDEO)​

By Oksana Grytsenko.​

Published Oct. 28, 2019. Updated Oct. 30 at 11:04 pm​

Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine

How Ukraine's Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia - The Grayzone

. . . .

So no. You don't care.

You have your opinions and feelings, and you don't care about the facts.

‘I’m not a loser’: Zelensky clashes with veterans over Donbas disengagement (VIDEO)​

By Oksana Grytsenko.​

Published Oct. 28, 2019. Updated Oct. 30 at 11:04 pm​

Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine

How Ukraine's Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia - The Grayzone

. . . .

yeah, Putin never forced the Separatists to enter into Minsk power sharing talks.
The elite globalists have no interest in peace. They made enormous sums on the virus and now they can make even more on war.
Making money on war? We wrote the book. "Elite globalists", whoever these bogeymen are, are miles behind us.
The Kremlin has three conditions to end the invasion of Ukraine.

“They should make amendments to the constitution according to which Ukraine-NATO would reject any aims to enter any bloc," Peskov told Reuters on Monday, reiterating a longstanding Moscow demand. "We have also spoken about how they should recognize that Crimea is Russian territory and that they need to recognize that Donetsk and Lugansk are independent states. And that's it. It will stop in a moment."

The disputed areas are predominately Russian.


I think these conditions are reasonable and I hope Ukraine agrees. Then this stupid ugly war can end.

If the war continues there is a risk of escalation to WWW III. Only war profiteers and dictator Xi Jin Ping have reasons to prolong this war.
Bully in playground beats your face every day at recess. You hadn’t even looked at the bully before the assaults began. He says, very nicely one day, “hey, bud. If you want these recess beat downs to stop, I am very reasonable. Just give me your lunch money every morning.”

Let’s give peace a chance. Let’s pay off on this shake down. If you don’t give up your lunch money, you are causing the beat downs.
Not until they have the global government and everyone on board with personal carbon allowances and global taxation. They want a global government. Until they get that, by merging all nations, including Russia and China, into a new world order. . . the folks at the top don't care how much death and destruction they cause at this point going forward.

We are at the end game mode at this point.
Agreed; I am amazed how far into globalism and One World we are now.
Bully in playground beats your face every day at recess. You hadn’t even looked at the bully before the assaults began. He says, very nicely one day, “hey, bud. If you want these recess beat downs to stop, I am very reasonable. Just give me your lunch money every morning.”

Let’s give peace a chance. Let’s pay off on this shake down. If you don’t give up your lunch money, you are causing the beat downs.
Silly boy. The bully at recess can’t nuke the world. Your simplistic views are foolish.
If we just assume every enemy is Hitler we won’t ever have peace. Some autocrats are more reasonable than others.
While true, it is easy for you to say since you don't have to live under your "reasonable" autocrat. I suppose though, as long as someone else is paying the price of totalitarianism you need not be concerned. Unfortunately, many peoples that thought that way suffered when the autocrats got around to them. Since you mentions Hitler, many people thought him reasonable. Of course they weren't Jews or Slavs.
Bully in playground beats your face every day at recess. You hadn’t even looked at the bully before the assaults began. He says, very nicely one day, “hey, bud. If you want these recess beat downs to stop, I am very reasonable. Just give me your lunch money every morning.”

Let’s give peace a chance. Let’s pay off on this shake down. If you don’t give up your lunch money, you are causing the beat downs.
You need to give me more information. Did the bully and I shell each other’s villages? Have my friends based fighter aircraft near his home? Is the bully armed with nuclear missiles?
While true, it is easy for you to say since you don't have to live under your "reasonable" autocrat. I suppose though, as long as someone else is paying the price of totalitarianism you need not be concerned. Unfortunately, many peoples that thought that way suffered when the autocrats got around to them. Since you mentions Hitler, many people thought him reasonable. Of course they weren't Jews or Slavs.
If Ukrainians remain outside of NATO they will remain independent. They’ll mostly have to worry about people like Kolomoisky, Zelensky’s puppet master.
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Silly boy. The bully at recess can’t nuke the world. Your simplistic views are foolish.
Stupid child ^. Can’t even grasp an analogy. You can’t even handle a simple thing like that.

Bottom line for morons like you: it never pays to reward the bully. And if your dire fear is that Putin might go nuke, then there’s nothing you will ever stand up against him for doing. You will forever be a worm.
You need to give me more information. Did the bully and I shell each other’s villages? Have my friends based fighter aircraft near his home? Is the bully armed with nuclear missiles?
All irrelevant. I’m not talking about old historical shit. I’m talking about the fact that Putin initiated the invasion and war.

Hey, although an overblown claim, some people say that “we” stole this land from the Native American Indians. Should we give it back now? Does that seem practical to you?

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