Give Peace a Chance

They will never regain independenc, Russiawill install a puppet government.
After all the bloodshed compromise will be difficult.

Does Putin really want to occupy a country the size of Ukraine?
My analogy is quite on point. Your denial lacks any merit.

And no. I don’t believe we should fight all injustice nor did I say, suggest or imply any such thing. We do have the right to determine what is in our national interest. In fact, that’s the appropriate discussion.

I could be wrong. But I might be right. You’re free to agree or disagree. But what I did say — and what I do maintain — is that it seems like a good idea to stop a warmongering asshole like that cocksucker Putin as quickly as possible.

It’s more difficult to stop a snowball rolling down a snowy mountain before it gains too much mass and momentum.
I’d like to see the war end too.

Why do you want to stop Putin and not Xi?

Let’s talk about US national interest. The CCP is America’s primary enemy. China is a Communist country, Russia is not. China’s GNP is #2, Russia’s GNP is < S Korea’s.

Before Biden blundered and Putin invaded we really should have sided with Russia against the CCP.
Maybe Ukraine should surrender and avoid more bloodshed and NATO could arrange a treaty that Russia ends further aggression.
After all the bloodshed compromise will be difficult.

Does Putin really want to occupy a country the size of Ukraine?
He is using excessive brutality against civilians to terrorize them into submisssion or kill or otherwise remove troublesome populations. He shows no hesitancy to engage in ethnic cleansing. I don’t think he cares because he lacks any moral compass.
I’d like to see the war end too.

Why do you want to stop Putin and not Xi?

Let’s talk about US national interest. The CCP is America’s primary enemy. China is a Communist country, Russia is not. China’s GNP is #2, Russia’s GNP is < S Korea’s.

Before Biden blundered and Putin invaded we really should have sided with Russia against the CCP.
If China goes after Taiwan, I’ll be happy to discuss stopping Xi. But as things stand, it is Outin invading and waging war against Ukraine. Xi isn’t part of it.
He shows no hesitancy to engage in ethnic cleansing.

I'm living in a media black out.

That is some hyperbole. Where are you getting that? I read an article about some eleven collateral civilian damages in an attack. . . but. . . . hundreds of civilians, women, children, babies, being systematically genocided, and put into mass graves, burned, or gassed like Saddam did huh?

Link me to that article.
If China goes after Taiwan, I’ll be happy to discuss stopping Xi. But as things stand, it is Outin invading and waging war against Ukraine. Xi isn’t part of it.
Why are you letting Xi bully the Uyghurs and other minority groups? I thought you wanted to stop bullies.

You know every dictator (except friendly ones) is literally Hitler and bent on world domination.

If you were Zelensky would you reject NATO membership to end the war? It seems like a small concession for a tremendous benefit.
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Why are you letting Xi bully the Uyghurs and other minority groups? I thought you wanted to stop bullies.

If you were Zelensky would you reject NATO membership to end the war? It seems like a small concession for a tremendous benefit.
I don’t have a say in what Xi does, especially inside his own land. It is a sad fact of life that we can’t be the world’s police force. But more importantly, you’re drawing false analogies (or trying but failing to make valid analogies).

Xi is a shithead dictator in the infernal bureaucracy of communist China and he is behaving like a tyrant in China. By contrast, Putin is a shithead warmongering dictator of Russia who seeks to piece back together the old Soviet empire. By engaging in his militaristic criminality in other nations, Putin has opened himself up for us to consider our own national interests and the interests of our allies in Europe.

I don’t much care if you dislike it. But I stand by my assessment. It is probably more dangerous for the free world to stand by and do nothing to stop Putin’s cancerous spread. We need to apply the lessons of history.
I don’t have a say in what Xi does, especially inside his own land. It is a sad fact of life that we can’t be the world’s police force. But more importantly, you’re drawing false analogies (or trying but failing to make valid analogies).

Xi is a shithead dictator in the infernal bureaucracy of communist China and he is behaving like a tyrant in China. By contrast, Putin is a shithead warmongering dictator of Russia who seeks to piece back together the old Soviet empire. By engaging in his militaristic criminality in other nations, Putin has opened himself up for us to consider our own national interests and the interests of our allies in Europe.

I don’t much care if you dislike it. But I stand by my assessment. It is probably more dangerous for the free world to stand by and do nothing to stop Putin’s cancerous spread. We need to apply the lessons of history.
BackAgain: We can’t be the world’s police force though we must be the world’s police force.

You say China is only a tyrant within China. 1) What difference does that make? Don’t you know bullies are all literally Hitler and if you bully at home you are sure to bully abroad just like Hitler. 2) China is very active abroad!

And you ignored my question: If you were Zelensky would you reject NATO membership to end the war? It seems like a small concession for a tremendous benefit.
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BackAgain: We can’t be the world’s police force though we must be the world’s police force.

You say China is only a tyrant within China. 1) What difference does that make? Don’t you know bullies are all literally Hitler and if you bully at home you are sure to bully abroad just like Hitler. 2) China is very active abroad!

Please don’t try to restate my words. You suck at it. We cannot be the world’s police force. However, we are entitled to protect ourselves and our own allies. if you see that as some kind of contradiction, your stupid. But more importantly, you’re wrong.

The reason the distinction between Russia and China is important relates back to the first premise. We aren’t the world’s police force. Our actions therefore must be limited to a more coherent policy, not raw emotionalism. The hard question is whether action is in our own interests or not.

Stopping the international bully now, at the earliest possible time, may be said to be in our interests. Sadly, protecting the Chinese indigenous Islamic population is probably not.
The Kremlin has three conditions to end the invasion of Ukraine.

“They should make amendments to the constitution according to which Ukraine-NATO would reject any aims to enter any bloc," Peskov told Reuters on Monday, reiterating a longstanding Moscow demand. "We have also spoken about how they should recognize that Crimea is Russian territory and that they need to recognize that Donetsk and Lugansk are independent states. And that's it. It will stop in a moment."

The disputed areas are predominately Russian.


I think these conditions are reasonable and I hope Ukraine agrees. Then this stupid ugly war can end.

If the war continues there is a risk of escalation to WWW III. Only war profiteers and dictator Xi Jin Ping have reasons to prolong this war.
Fuckin Putin troll sock puppet
The globalists control much of the United States. So, our politician's heel to them for as much as can be sold. They certainly are not listening to us. And many decades in the past they would have changed direction a bit. Imagine. Biden has 50 years in politics, and he knows nothing. Demanding that we must suffer for no reason. No reason at all except for extremists and globalist designs.

Well, I think you're being rather simplistic here. "globalists" being who?

Or is this just a vague concept that doesn't require much thought upon whom you can blame everything?

And why aren't "they" listening to you? Because the US electoral system isn't about the voters, and the voters are perfectly happy with it. So... you get what you get.

Biden "knows nothing"... what on Earth is that supposed to mean?
Well, I think you're being rather simplistic here. "globalists" being who?

Or is this just a vague concept that doesn't require much thought upon whom you can blame everything?

And why aren't "they" listening to you? Because the US electoral system isn't about the voters, and the voters are perfectly happy with it. So... you get what you get.

Biden "knows nothing"... what on Earth is that supposed to mean?
You can purchase literature on it. It is interesting and anyone who studies it will be accused of hate. The New World Order is real. The people in power are paid off by many ways and owe those who give donations their allegiance. We are seeing it now. What leader would watch their people suffer like this? And those who have been compromised or sold out selling the same thing to the newly impoverished? Media/entertainers are evil.
The elites, globalists, oligarchs, billionaires, etc. You can take your pick.
This domestic terrorist threatened to shoot his own kids. It`s the elites and something called globalists you`re worried about and not these sickos?
Originally posted by BackAgain
As for Putin’s complaint that NATO has forces and arms in nations next to Russia, that’s an empty piece of sophistry. Russia obviously doesn’t mind having military might next to nonRussian neighbors. But in Putin’s diseased mind, Russia has the right to wage war over such things? Fuck Putin and fuck you,too.

Tell Russia's neighbors to build armies of their own.

But if they allow their countries to serve the interests of foreign nations, if they allow their territories to serve as bases for a hostile foreign military alliance, sooner or later, they'll have to face the russian wrecking ball.
The chicken hawks haven’t shared any good reason for prolonging this war.

We should ignore the hysteria from the corporate media. Putin is not the only bad guy.

I hope Ukraine trades NATO membership for peace.
You can purchase literature on it. It is interesting and anyone who studies it will be accused of hate. The New World Order is real. The people in power are paid off by many ways and owe those who give donations their allegiance. We are seeing it now. What leader would watch their people suffer like this? And those who have been compromised or sold out selling the same thing to the newly impoverished? Media/entertainers are evil.

There are people in power. However giving them simple labels is designed for a purpose too. Designed by others, or even these people, to create a narrative.

"Media/entertainers are evil".... I mean, what the fuck? What kind of a simplistic statement is that? All of the media, of entertainers are evil?

Yes, you can purchase literature on it. I can purchase literature on goblins, dwarfs and magicians too....

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