Give Peace a Chance

Baron wrote: Mar 5, 2022#1 The only goal of Russia is to liberate Ukrainians from Hitler Banderities and to prevent f..... NATO to place nukes in Ukraine That's all​

Putin has zero fear or concern of NATO being in Ukraine or anywhere - He also certainly has no fear of Nazis harming Russia’s “spiritual” nationalism or physical well being. Putin is on the same spiritual cultural nationalism quest as Trump’s AG Bill Barr is - a Roman Catholic American nationalist and a Russian Orthodox spiritual nationalist share a common Saint. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

— Vladimir Putin, 11 December 2018

Putin despises the West’s spiritual deprivation as Solzhenitsyn explains it.

Bill Barr sees Solzhenitsyn’s moral strength as something the west and east both need in service to his Christian moral values which are abandoned by the left..

Putin sees Solzhenitsyn’s moral strength as having courage to convert Russian spirituality into power - as PUTIN SAYS - “ “ to identify possible ways of rebuilding Russia, so that the dramatic and profoundly difficult trials that fell to her would never again repeat”

IT IS REVENGE against the west, but mostly against America. AMERICA lacks spirituality, but she unfairly ended up on top.

its not about NATO & NAZIS, its about resuming Russia’s place at the top - by promoting true Russian physical courage translated somehow in Putin’s mind into military might without courage.

Zelenski - a Jewish TV clown emasculated Putin after the full scale invasion by showing true Solzhenitsyn courage. So much destruction all for a little uncourageous man’s missing the point of Russia’s past and her spiritual identity. Very few will get this but it’s something to think about to stop Putin from killing.
Zelensky is a clown who serves Kolomoisky who has funded brutal anti-Russian militias. Zelensky is a coke-addicted authoritarian lunatic who has demanded a no-fly zone which could easily lead to WW III. Zelensky has been made into a star by the corporate media. He doesn’t want to give that up even to save Ukrainian lives.

If you think Putin (along with many other Russians) doesn’t care about NATO expansion you are very stupid.
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Or 1 million bravehearts with Kalashnikovs shotguns and bare hands and javelins fight the Russian cowards who in the first three weeks of their war have lost 340 tanks and so many canon fodder Russian conscripts that the biggest coward of them all Putin, is begging for Syrian fighters to come to his rescue.
“Kalashnikovs shotguns and bare hands and javelins” lol
Zelensky is a clown who serves Kolomoisky who has funded brutal anti-Russian militias. Zelensky is a coke-addicted authoritarian lunatic who has demanded a no-fly zone which could easily lead to WW III. Zelensky has been made into a star by the corporate media. He doesn’t want to give that up even to save Ukrainian lives.

If you think Putin (along with many other Russians) doesn’t care about NATO expansion you are very stupid.
This is important to Putin. This is not important to the West in reality but is important to their globalist masters though. A dangerous game it can be. It is like they are on a timetable. And they are impatient in a game they may win just by waiting. No one is rising up in the United States no matter the bluster.
Zelensky is a clown who serves Kolomoisky who has funded brutal anti-Russian militias. Zelensky is a coke-addicted authoritarian lunatic very stupid.
People are so fixated on Trump.

If you think I am wrong about Zelensky or Kolomoisky please tell me why.

So if we don’t support a stupid war brought to us by Biden administration blundering, we are “unpatriotic”?

This war only serves the interests of Xi Jin Ping and Kolomoisky.
So if we don’t support a stupid war brought to us by Biden administration blundering, we are “unpatriotic”?

Not only unpatriotic you support the merciless killing of innocent women and children and elderly by the worst terrorist mankind has seen since the 1940s. So you now support this mass murder primarily because of the friendly relationship between Donald J Trump and Vladimir Putin and an isolationist mind set. Now you are confused and disoriented so much so that you are on the side of the morally depraved. Hillary was right you are deplorable.
If you think I am wrong about Zelensky or Kolomoisky please tell me why.

Being wrong isn’t your problem Thunderbird. You support a terrorist who is holding the peace and prosperity of the world hostage because he has access to a huge nuclear weapons arsenal. He kills children elderly and women to get what he wants and nobody really knows what the fuck year terrorist mad man wants.
Not only unpatriotic you support the merciless killing of innocent women and children and elderly by the worst terrorist mankind has seen since the 1940s. So you now support this mass murder primarily because of the friendly relationship between Donald J Trump and Vladimir Putin and an isolationist mind set. Now you are confused and disoriented so much so that you are on the side of the morally depraved. Hillary was right you are deplorable.
Of course you are lying. You support the continuation and escalation of this war. I don’t. Try to control your blood lust and think straight.

I think Zelensky should accept the Kremlin’s offer, do you?

And no one is as depraved as Hillary.
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Being wrong isn’t your problem Thunderbird. You support a terrorist who is holding the peace and prosperity of the world hostage because he has access to a huge nuclear weapons arsenal. He kills children elderly and women to get what he wants and nobody really knows what the fuck year terrorist mad man wants.
You keep lying. I don’t support Putin. I just want to end all the killing.

I recognize the truth that NATO expansionists and Kolomoisky and Zelensky are not angels. Do you admit that Kolomoisky has funded brutal anti-Russian militias? Do you acknowledge that many Russians are worried about NATO, an ever encroaching hostile military alliance?

I want compromise and peace. The gross stupidity you exemplify will lead to mass deaths of children and the elderly and maybe even WW III.

Globalists are fighting their war to the last Ukrainian and you are cheering them on.
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By letting him have Ukraine. When you lie about Ukraine you support Putin.
I guess you have to lie, otherwise you would have no case.

I support a compromise. Russia gets the Crimea and the two sections of the Donbas. All three areas are mostly Russian speaking. Ukraine rejects NATO membership and becomes a neutral independent country. Now I hope and I think they are close to an agreement. Maybe if you idiotic war-mongers shut up a cease fire can be arranged.

Don’t you realize the corporate media is whipping people into a war frenzy because it benefits a corrupt elite?
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No militia in Ukraine is a threat to the Russian Federation. You can’t show me proof that militia killed 100 children on Russian soil can you?
The people brutalized were Russians in the Donbas.

Now admit that Kolomoisky has funded brutal anti-Russian militias.

And stop running from my question: I think Zelensky should accept the Kremlin’s offer, do you?
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Is Putin your last defense against the “globalists” ?

Donbass is on Ukraine’s side if the border. All bloodshed in Donbass is on Putin and the separatists he bacjed
Ethnic enclaves exist in many countries. They may seek independence or limited autonomy. These conflicts can lead to bloody wars. Compromise is preferable. Peace might be brought about by granting semi-autonomy or making territorial adjustments.
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And stop running from my question: I think Zelensky should accept the Kremlin’s offer, do you?

Zelinski should tell coward terrorist Putin that Biden Is sending 20 million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine. That’s one hundred bullets for every soldier Putin sends into Ukraine to murder the formerly peaceful of Ukraine. So get them the fuck out right now.
Ethnic enclaves exist in many countries. They may seek independence or limited autonomy. These conflicts can lead to bloody wars. Compromise is preferable. Peace might be brought about by granting semi-autonomy or making territorial adjustments.

So why is Putin committing genocide on people who were no threat to Russia and never would be if he kept his militarily on Russian soil for defensive purposes only.
Zelinski should tell coward terrorist Putin that Biden Is sending 20 million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine. That’s one hundred bullets for every soldier Putin sends into Ukraine to murder the formerly peaceful of Ukraine. So get them the fuck out right now.
So you are in favor of war and you oppose the compromise. That means YOU are the one supporting the deaths of innocents. Enjoy the bloodshed war-monger.
So why is Putin committing genocide on people who were no threat to Russia and never would be if he kept his militarily on Russian soil for defensive purposes only.
Any country is going to be worried about an ever-expanding hostile military alliance. America was irate when Cuba allied with the Soviets. Condemn Putin as much as you want but recognize that many Russians have legitimate security concerns.


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