Give Peace a Chance

I don’t agree with Putin’s invasion.

NFBW :8: wrote: We are aware that you know about Putin’s start of genocide against he peaceful 45 million people of Ukraine on February 24. And you don’t agree with it. How do you propose the genocide be stopped? Blame it on Obama and then run away to a hole in the ground and hide and hope and pray Vladimir’s army won’t find you and you die a coward’s death in old age?

:8: Give Peace a Chance 22MAR12-POST #0083
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NFBW :8: wrote: We are aware that you know about Putin’s start of genocide against he peaceful 45 million people of Ukraine on February 24. And you don’t agree with it. How do you propose the genocide be stopped? Blame it on Obama and then run away to a hole in the ground and hide and hope and pray Vladimir’s army won’t find you and you die a coward’s death in old age?

:8: Give Peace a Chance 22MAR12-POST #0083
Ukraine just has to forget about NATO membership.
Ukraine just has to forget about NATO membership.

NFBW :8: wrote: They should not have to decide anything under the threat of genocidal annihilation by a fascist superpower that has the weaponry to annihilate them and the entire world.
Delving into the dialectic of Vladimir Putin and his gestures, it is clear that Ukraine is above all a vehicle to achieve a fundamental point of his legacy: to resurrect the role of Russia as a world power. Even if it is through showing his military muscle and with the spirit of fear in the background. The thesis of the Russian leader on the neighboring country, also a former Soviet republic, brings together another of the keys that has tormented him: that of fighting against the expansion of NATO, says analyst Tatyana Stanovaya.​

Slavic heart of the empire​

But for the head of the Kremlin, Ukraine is not only about geopolitics, but also about restoring the Slavic heart of the old empire. And it’s personal, strategic, and generational, say Eugene Rumer and Andrew S. Weiss in a commented article for the Carnegie Center. “No part of the Russian and Soviet empires has played a bigger and more important role in Russia’s strategy towards Europe than the jewel in the crown, Ukraine,” experts say. The country is essential to Russian security because of its size and population (44 million inhabitants), its position as a buffer between Russia and other major European powers, and its role as a centerpiece of the Russian and Soviet imperial economies.​
And a fundamental point, about which Putin has written a lot and which is also pointed out by 13% of Russians, according to polls by the Moscow Levada Center: their cultural, religious and linguistic ties with Russia ―Nikolai Gogol, Leon Trotsky and many great figures they were Ukrainians, for example. And in particular, the history of Kiev as the cradle of the Russian state. Ukraine, says Nina Khrushcheva, a professor of International Relations at the New School, has always been important to all Kremlin chiefs. “For the leadership of Russia, almost always – with the exception of the Khrushchev government – Ukraine has been and continues to be Malorossiya, the little russia; and when something else is demanded in Ukraine, problems begin for the Kremlin, ”says Khrushcheva, great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev, under whose mandate the Crimean peninsula – which had been part of the Use and before the Ottoman empire – was transferred to Ukraine.​
Furthermore, no part of the Soviet Union played a more important role in its dissolution than Ukraine. Ukraine’s declaration of independence after the failed coup in August 1991 marked the end of the URRS, which could not continue without Ukraine, says Leontiy Sanduliak, co-author of that declaration. “Russia cannot live without Ukraine, it cannot be an empire without it. And that is why they claim that Ukraine does not exist by itself and they try to destroy it, ”says 84-year-old Sanduliak. In a hoarse but firm voice, over the phone from his home on the outskirts of Kiev, he insists that if there are Ukraine’s ties to Russia, the country’s ties to Europe are “unquestionable.”​
The fact that other former Soviet republics have sought new allies, such as some from Central Asia with China, does not matter so much to them, Sanduliak remarks, “but as long as Putin is alive he will not give up the idea of ’going back’ Ukraine.” The neighboring country, which the Russian leader considers partly as the ‘little brother’, has disconnected from the Russian orbit; and not to turn to either side, but to the West. It is consolidating important reforms and has paved its democratic path with free elections​
:8: Give Peace a Chance 22MAR12-POST #0085​
NFBW :8: wrote: They should not have to decide anything under the threat of genocidal annihilation by a fascist superpower that has the weaponry to annihilate them and the entire world.
Delving into the dialectic of Vladimir Putin and his gestures, it is clear that Ukraine is above all a vehicle to achieve a fundamental point of his legacy: to resurrect the role of Russia as a world power. Even if it is through showing his military muscle and with the spirit of fear in the background. The thesis of the Russian leader on the neighboring country, also a former Soviet republic, brings together another of the keys that has tormented him: that of fighting against the expansion of NATO, says analyst Tatyana Stanovaya.​

Slavic heart of the empire​

But for the head of the Kremlin, Ukraine is not only about geopolitics, but also about restoring the Slavic heart of the old empire. And it’s personal, strategic, and generational, say Eugene Rumer and Andrew S. Weiss in a commented article for the Carnegie Center. “No part of the Russian and Soviet empires has played a bigger and more important role in Russia’s strategy towards Europe than the jewel in the crown, Ukraine,” experts say. The country is essential to Russian security because of its size and population (44 million inhabitants), its position as a buffer between Russia and other major European powers, and its role as a centerpiece of the Russian and Soviet imperial economies.​
And a fundamental point, about which Putin has written a lot and which is also pointed out by 13% of Russians, according to polls by the Moscow Levada Center: their cultural, religious and linguistic ties with Russia ―Nikolai Gogol, Leon Trotsky and many great figures they were Ukrainians, for example. And in particular, the history of Kiev as the cradle of the Russian state. Ukraine, says Nina Khrushcheva, a professor of International Relations at the New School, has always been important to all Kremlin chiefs. “For the leadership of Russia, almost always – with the exception of the Khrushchev government – Ukraine has been and continues to be Malorossiya, the little russia; and when something else is demanded in Ukraine, problems begin for the Kremlin, ”says Khrushcheva, great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev, under whose mandate the Crimean peninsula – which had been part of the Use and before the Ottoman empire – was transferred to Ukraine.​
Furthermore, no part of the Soviet Union played a more important role in its dissolution than Ukraine. Ukraine’s declaration of independence after the failed coup in August 1991 marked the end of the URRS, which could not continue without Ukraine, says Leontiy Sanduliak, co-author of that declaration. “Russia cannot live without Ukraine, it cannot be an empire without it. And that is why they claim that Ukraine does not exist by itself and they try to destroy it, ”says 84-year-old Sanduliak. In a hoarse but firm voice, over the phone from his home on the outskirts of Kiev, he insists that if there are Ukraine’s ties to Russia, the country’s ties to Europe are “unquestionable.”​
The fact that other former Soviet republics have sought new allies, such as some from Central Asia with China, does not matter so much to them, Sanduliak remarks, “but as long as Putin is alive he will not give up the idea of ’going back’ Ukraine.” The neighboring country, which the Russian leader considers partly as the ‘little brother’, has disconnected from the Russian orbit; and not to turn to either side, but to the West. It is consolidating important reforms and has paved its democratic path with free elections​
Putin is HITLER!!!

Can’t fix stupid.
Putin is HITLER!!!

Like father like son.


Be that as it may Putin is the son of Hitler. How do we stop the genocide by Putin’s military?
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"We have also spoken about how they should recognize that Crimea is Russian territory and that they need to recognize that Donetsk and Lugansk are independent states. And that's it. It will stop in a moment."

Putin could have dictated those terms from where his military was position on February 22. That’s when Trump called Putin a genius.
NFBW :8: wrote: They should not have to decide anything under the threat of genocidal annihilation by a fascist superpower that has the weaponry to annihilate them and the entire world.
Delving into the dialectic of Vladimir Putin and his gestures, it is clear that Ukraine is above all a vehicle to achieve a fundamental point of his legacy: to resurrect the role of Russia as a world power. Even if it is through showing his military muscle and with the spirit of fear in the background. The thesis of the Russian leader on the neighboring country, also a former Soviet republic, brings together another of the keys that has tormented him: that of fighting against the expansion of NATO, says analyst Tatyana Stanovaya.​

Slavic heart of the empire​

But for the head of the Kremlin, Ukraine is not only about geopolitics, but also about restoring the Slavic heart of the old empire. And it’s personal, strategic, and generational, say Eugene Rumer and Andrew S. Weiss in a commented article for the Carnegie Center. “No part of the Russian and Soviet empires has played a bigger and more important role in Russia’s strategy towards Europe than the jewel in the crown, Ukraine,” experts say. The country is essential to Russian security because of its size and population (44 million inhabitants), its position as a buffer between Russia and other major European powers, and its role as a centerpiece of the Russian and Soviet imperial economies.​
And a fundamental point, about which Putin has written a lot and which is also pointed out by 13% of Russians, according to polls by the Moscow Levada Center: their cultural, religious and linguistic ties with Russia ―Nikolai Gogol, Leon Trotsky and many great figures they were Ukrainians, for example. And in particular, the history of Kiev as the cradle of the Russian state. Ukraine, says Nina Khrushcheva, a professor of International Relations at the New School, has always been important to all Kremlin chiefs. “For the leadership of Russia, almost always – with the exception of the Khrushchev government – Ukraine has been and continues to be Malorossiya, the little russia; and when something else is demanded in Ukraine, problems begin for the Kremlin, ”says Khrushcheva, great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev, under whose mandate the Crimean peninsula – which had been part of the Use and before the Ottoman empire – was transferred to Ukraine.​
Furthermore, no part of the Soviet Union played a more important role in its dissolution than Ukraine. Ukraine’s declaration of independence after the failed coup in August 1991 marked the end of the URRS, which could not continue without Ukraine, says Leontiy Sanduliak, co-author of that declaration. “Russia cannot live without Ukraine, it cannot be an empire without it. And that is why they claim that Ukraine does not exist by itself and they try to destroy it, ”says 84-year-old Sanduliak. In a hoarse but firm voice, over the phone from his home on the outskirts of Kiev, he insists that if there are Ukraine’s ties to Russia, the country’s ties to Europe are “unquestionable.”​
The fact that other former Soviet republics have sought new allies, such as some from Central Asia with China, does not matter so much to them, Sanduliak remarks, “but as long as Putin is alive he will not give up the idea of ’going back’ Ukraine.” The neighboring country, which the Russian leader considers partly as the ‘little brother’, has disconnected from the Russian orbit; and not to turn to either side, but to the West. It is consolidating important reforms and has paved its democratic path with free elections​
:8: Give Peace a Chance 22MAR12-POST #0085​
Maybe if someone has weaponry to annihilate the entire world you should listen to them a little.

Stop the hysteria, stop exaggerating, stop the Hitler comparisons, stop ignoring the provocations of neoconservatives and Kolomoisky. Get hold of yourself. Stop wetting yourself. Russia’s GNP is about the same as Australia’s.
Like father like son.

View attachment 614634

Be that as it may Putin is the son of Hitler. How do we stop the genocide by Putin’s military?
Learn something. This might help you.

Putin must think he's G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney. He figures they got away with a criminal war of aggression blowing apart a non-threatening Iraq causing millions of casualties and millions of refugees. So he thought he could too. -Ralph Nader
Putin must think he's G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney. He figures they got away with a criminal war of aggression blowing apart a non-threatening Iraq causing millions of casualties and millions of refugees. So he thought he could too. -Ralph Nader

Thanks. I have been saying that for twenty years. Putin uses the invasion of Iraq to musty his genocide. What is your point?
Do you think Zelensky should accept these terms?

Zekenski has hinted that he would and Lavrov came to the table demanding nothing short of total surrender. Nothing other than that. Putin is a liar and nobody can negotiate. Lavrov insists that Russia had not invaded Ukraine.

So Russia is not invading but Zelenski needs to surrender.
You are terribly uninformed.

How? I agree with the Nader quote you posted

Putin must think he's G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney. He figures they got away with a criminal war of aggression blowing apart a non-threatening Iraq causing millions of casualties and millions of refugees. So he thought he could too. -Ralph Nader
Zekenski has hinted that he would and Lavrov came to the table demanding nothing short of total surrender. Nothing other than that. Putin is a liar and nobody can negotiate. Lavrov insists that Russia had not invaded Ukraine.

So Russia is not invading but Zelenski needs to surrender.
In the OP I linked to an offer from the Russians. If you have additional facts please link to them.
Maybe if someone has weaponry to annihilate the entire world you should listen to them a little.

Yes there would be peace with absolute white supremacy in the entire world had Adolph Hitler acquired weaponry to annihilate the entire world.


Ukraine has 2 options.

1: Surrender, demilitarize and get the neo nazis out of their law enforcement and government. Declare Neutrality and the recognition of the DPR and LPR.

2: Made to demilitarize and de-nazify by force. Ukraine may loose her statehood. Either becomes part of Russia or Novorussia. Always can use more brother nations.
The choice is up to Zelensky. He better not make the same mistake that idiot Sakaashvili did who ended up loosing Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Or 1 million bravehearts with Kalashnikovs shotguns and bare hands and javelins fight the Russian cowards who in the first three weeks of their war have lost 340 tanks and so many canon fodder Russian conscripts that the biggest coward of them all Putin, is begging for Syrian fighters to come to his rescue.
Russians feel threatened by NATO expansion.

Baron wrote: Mar 5, 2022#1 The only goal of Russia is to liberate Ukrainians from Hitler Banderities and to prevent f..... NATO to place nukes in Ukraine That's all​

Putin has zero fear or concern of NATO being in Ukraine or anywhere - He also certainly has no fear of Nazis harming Russia’s “spiritual” nationalism or physical well being. Putin is on the same spiritual cultural nationalism quest as Trump’s AG Bill Barr is - a Roman Catholic American nationalist and a Russian Orthodox spiritual nationalist share a common Saint. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


At a ceremony today on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Street in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin unveiled a new monument of Solzhenitsyn. (Scroll down for video.)
11 December 2018. Russian President Vladimir Putin lays flowers at the new Moscow monument to Solzhenitsyn.


— Vladimir Putin, 11 December 2018

“Aleksandr Isayevich believed that, without understanding our country’s past, there could be no sensible path toward its future. And so he trained his thought and words that onto her future, in an attempt to identify possible ways of rebuilding Russia, so that the dramatic and profoundly difficult trials that fell to her would never again repeat, so that our multinational people could live in dignity and justice. That is how he saw his mission, his goal, the point of his service.”
— Vladimir Putin, 11 December 2018

Putin despises the West’s spiritual deprivation as Solzhenitsyn explains it.

Bill Barr sees Solzhenitsyn’s moral strength as something the west and east both need in service to his Christian moral values which are abandoned by the left..

Putin sees Solzhenitsyn’s moral strength as having courage to convert Russian spirituality into power - as PUTIN SAYS - “ “ to identify possible ways of rebuilding Russia, so that the dramatic and profoundly difficult trials that fell to her would never again repeat”

IT IS REVENGE against the west, but mostly against America. AMERICA lacks spirituality, but she unfairly ended up on top.

its not about NATO & NAZIS, its about resuming Russia’s place at the top - by promoting true Russian physical courage translated somehow in Putin’s mind into military might without courage.

Zelenski - a Jewish TV clown emasculated Putin after the full scale invasion by showing true Solzhenitsyn courage. So much destruction all for a little uncourageous man’s missing the point of Russia’s past and her spiritual identity. Very few will get this but it’s something to think about to stop Putin from killing.

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