'Give Us Some Of The Socialism You've Given To Oil Industry': Sen. Ed Markey On Green New Deal

well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out…just not a dembot
I know.

The Square Peg in the Round Hole
I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying: you cannot fit a square peg in a round hole, or even vice versa. No matter how hard you whittle away in your attempt, it is never going to happen. It has been used frequently when referencing relationships in which the individuals, particularly in intimate relationships, try desperately to make things work, even though they realize they are too different in what they want in the relationship. But this goes way beyond just the attempt to make two completely different individuals stay in a relationship.

There are many things in life that are mismatches and will not work even if you try with everything you’ve got to give. Let’s examine a few of these instances.

I know.

The Square Peg in the Round Hole
I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying: you cannot fit a square peg in a round hole, or even vice versa. No matter how hard you whittle away in your attempt, it is never going to happen. It has been used frequently when referencing relationships in which the individuals, particularly in intimate relationships, try desperately to make things work, even though they realize they are too different in what they want in the relationship. But this goes way beyond just the attempt to make two completely different individuals stay in a relationship.

There are many things in life that are mismatches and will not work even if you try with everything you’ve got to give. Let’s examine a few of these instances.

glad you were able to figure out why texas is hot.
"Give us"? Who is "us"? The world runs on oil. Windmills are laughable and so are solar panels that use freaking car batteries. We heat homes with fossil fuel and fuel our cars and planes as well as our military. The truly ignorant warmer left seems willing to transfer the wealth of the United States to extortion scams while our enemies gobble up all the oil.
OK Texas,

Why is El Paso like an oven, and Beaufort Texas like a sauna?
Is that "ambiguous"?

Sure takes a couple of weeks...................MAX.

El Paso is in the desert, and I wouldn't know about Beaufort since it doesn't seem to exist. More commie ignorance on full display, any other ways you want to put your foot in your mouth?

These stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats think giving the oil industry the same kind of legitimate business tax deductions that other businesses get is somehow a subsidy.

Yes, they are that stupid.
The farmers with their huge subsidies are the worst hypocrits of the lot. Start there if you want to stop welfare spending.
Ahh, the old "start there" fallacy.
How about we start everywhere where entities/people receive money for doing nothing in return?
A gradual annual across-the-board cut would do the trick.
Does anyone really believe money should be taken from some and redistributed to others who provide no service in return?

Ahh, the old "start there" fallacy.
How about we start everywhere where entities/people receive money for doing nothing in return?
A gradual annual across-the-board cut would do the trick.
Does anyone really believe money should be taken from some and redistributed to others who provide no service in return?

View attachment 596940

That's cute but wrong.
Dr. Adrian Rogers was born in 1931.

Dr. Rogers stole that quote from Gerald L. K. Smith, Rogers, of course, used Smith's quote in what else, a sermon.

Smith, another religious, far-right nutjob, which Trump and his cult must have studied because between Smith and Trump and his cult, the circle is completed.


Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith (February 27, 1898 – April 15, 1976) was an American clergyman, politician and Nazi sympathizer, who became a leader of the Share Our Wealth movement during the Great Depression and later founded the Christian Nationalist Crusade. He founded the America First Party in 1943, for which he was a presidential candidate in 1944.

Smith met Governor Huey P. Long in 1929 and became his national organizer during the Great Depression, when Long launched the Share Our Wealth society.

In stark contrast to Long, who had held his racial views close to his chest, Smith instead chose to take the Share Our Wealth movement in the direction of white supremacy. As European tensions rose with the ascendancy of the Nazi Party in Germany, Smith tried to form an alliance with the non-interventionist America First Committee, but did not succeed.

In 1943, Smith formed the America First Party, essentially appropriating the name. He became a member of William Dudley Pelley's Fascist Silver Legion of America, which was patterned after Hitler's brown shirts.[8]

Pelley was later convicted for violating the Espionage Act in 1942 and sentenced to 15 years in prison, but he was acquitted in 1944 for violating the Alien Registration Act.

Having moved to Michigan, Smith ran for the United States Senate as a Republican from there, but lost in the primary.

In 1947, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith cited Smith's Christian Nationalist Crusade along with Merwin K. Hart's National Economic Council and the Ku Klux Klan as "organized anti-Jewish organizations... which had significant influence, resources and membership."

After World War II, Smith continued to be active as a virulent anti-Semitic demagogue. He lobbied for decades for the release of all Nazi war criminals convicted at the Nuremberg Trials.

In 1959, the Cross and the Flag, the Christian Nationalist Crusade's magazine, claimed that six million Jews were not killed in death camps in Europe during World War II but instead immigrated to the United States during the war.

Trump and his cult claiming to put "merica first".
Wants traitors to the US released from custody.
Want the US to adopt christianity as the official religion.
Loves the NAZI's.
Loves the KKK.
Love plutocracy.
That's cute but wrong.
Dr. Adrian Rogers was born in 1931.

Dr. Rogers stole that quote from Gerald L. K. Smith, Rogers, of course, used Smith's quote in what else, a sermon.

Smith, another religious, far-right nutjob, which Trump and his cult must have studied because between Smith and Trump and his cult, the circle is completed.


Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith (February 27, 1898 – April 15, 1976) was an American clergyman, politician and Nazi sympathizer, who became a leader of the Share Our Wealth movement during the Great Depression and later founded the Christian Nationalist Crusade. He founded the America First Party in 1943, for which he was a presidential candidate in 1944.

Smith met Governor Huey P. Long in 1929 and became his national organizer during the Great Depression, when Long launched the Share Our Wealth society.

In stark contrast to Long, who had held his racial views close to his chest, Smith instead chose to take the Share Our Wealth movement in the direction of white supremacy. As European tensions rose with the ascendancy of the Nazi Party in Germany, Smith tried to form an alliance with the non-interventionist America First Committee, but did not succeed.

In 1943, Smith formed the America First Party, essentially appropriating the name. He became a member of William Dudley Pelley's Fascist Silver Legion of America, which was patterned after Hitler's brown shirts.[8]

Pelley was later convicted for violating the Espionage Act in 1942 and sentenced to 15 years in prison, but he was acquitted in 1944 for violating the Alien Registration Act.

Having moved to Michigan, Smith ran for the United States Senate as a Republican from there, but lost in the primary.

In 1947, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith cited Smith's Christian Nationalist Crusade along with Merwin K. Hart's National Economic Council and the Ku Klux Klan as "organized anti-Jewish organizations... which had significant influence, resources and membership."

After World War II, Smith continued to be active as a virulent anti-Semitic demagogue. He lobbied for decades for the release of all Nazi war criminals convicted at the Nuremberg Trials.

In 1959, the Cross and the Flag, the Christian Nationalist Crusade's magazine, claimed that six million Jews were not killed in death camps in Europe during World War II but instead immigrated to the United States during the war.

Trump and his cult claiming to put "merica first".
Wants traitors to the US released from custody.
Want the US to adopt christianity as the official religion.
Loves the NAZI's.
Loves the KKK.
Love plutocracy.
Because republiscum get caught, like their dear leader, in.........................ANOTHER LIE.
Retard, I read enough to realize the content of my post went right over your head.
Instead of engaging that content, you decided to nit-pick the details of the quote I added, like if it was actually written by the person it was attributed to.
Pro tip: It doesn't make any difference who originally wrote it, the content is the point.
Go fuck yourself, useful idiot.
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Retard, I read enough to realize the content of my post went right over your head.
No, it didn't, I read bumper stickers when I'm at a red light.
Instead of engaging that content, you decided to nit-pick the details of the quote I added, like if it was actually written by the person it was attributed to.
Doesn't matter both are anti-government nut jobs.
Both want to drive the car but don't want to pay for the fuel to run the car.
Then claim the car is broken.

Just like Trump.

Pro tip: It doesn't make any difference who originally wrote it, the content is the point.
Go fuck yourself, useful idiot.
GFY, useless moron.
No, it didn't, I read bumper stickers when I'm at a red light.

Doesn't matter both are anti-government nut jobs.
Both want to drive the car but don't want to pay for the fuel to run the car.
Then claim the car is broken.

Just like Trump.


GFY, useless moron.
You are an imbecile, kid. Get an adult to explain the big words for you.
You are an imbecile, kid. Get an adult to explain the big words for you.
Like republiscum freeloaders, just like their dear leader.

“The only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax,” Clinton said.

Trump quickly retorted: “That makes me smart.”

Later, when Clinton told Trump was that “maybe ... you haven’t paid any federal income tax for a lot of years,” the real estate mogul, who claims to be worth up to $10 billion, said that he was a better steward for his money than the government.

“It would be squandered, too, believe me,” Trump said.

Yes, "believe" Trump...............................He made sure it was squandered..................on himself.

Like in 1460 days of being president, golfing for 307 days at a cost of $151 million.
there is no Republican alternative to the Green New Deal, they have no policy ideas, that's unfortunate

full town hall:

Green Deal? The only concrete part of the Green Deal is to punish and restrict US Oil Companies. There does not yet exist a viable alternative to fossil fuels that can sustain let alone grow the US Economy.
there is no Republican alternative to the Green New Deal, they have no policy ideas, that's unfortunate

full town hall:

Oh, contraire mon amie. President Trump revitalized an existing bill, and the assinine, arrogant, and arbitrary press ignored the whole thing because their paid-for-by-Soros narrative had to be just a simple, "Get Trump.". President Trump signed legislation in October 2018 to clean up tons of trash from oceans and lakes, but mainstream media shills for Clinton after 2 years, did not report on it. You're usually better informed than your post above, but I actually had tuned into this because I am a fervent fan of the late Jacques Cousteau, and he wanted the seas cleaned up, too, and if I'm not mistaken, he was on first base about the cleanup issue years ago.

Not only did Trump get behind cleaning up the deadly-to-ocean animals plastics accumulating in massive thousands of square miles, he signed a save the seas bill and talked about it too:

rip, John Denver and love for the sea environment
renewed by his year on Calypso, Jacques Cousteau's ship
also, rip, Jacques Cousteau.​
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