'Give Us Some Of The Socialism You've Given To Oil Industry': Sen. Ed Markey On Green New Deal

there is no Republican alternative to the Green New Deal, they have no policy ideas, that's unfortunate

full town hall:

there are all sorts of tax credits and subsidizes available for renewable energy

a lot more the. for fossil fuels
You asked, I explained. Any questions? Still not sure who's getting the Big Green bucks and how they LIE about it?

And the only meltdown I see is your ad homs.
Aww, so touchy. So zero linked back-up. Way to ad hom react to no real ad hom. Questions? LOL
Who's been pissing in your Wheaties?

Tax Credit Legislation​

UPDATED January 20, 2017

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 first established the energy efficiency tax credits that were effective in 2006 & 2007. The majority of these tax credits were for 10% of the cost, up to $500. On October 3, 2008 former President Bush signed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (also known as the "Bailout Bill") to put many of the tax credits back in place for 2009
As to how GE got so rich? I'm fairly confident that, if you actually researched it, you'd find it's had more to do with continuing to supply the MIC and deciding to become an insurance company. But knock yourself out.. if you haven't already;)
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There's not one person in the country that hasn't received something at the expense of the taxpayer/socialism.
The farmers with their huge subsidies are the worst hypocrits of the lot. Start there if you want to stop welfare spending.

The idiot, Markey, is whining about the oil industry. Start there. List the subsidies.
Like what? Be specific for fossil fuels.
Let me do a quick google search:

Which raises the question: How much does the federal government currently subsidize green energy? And how competitive is the renewable energy industry without government help?

The true total is difficult to calculate. Most federal energy subsidies come through the Department of Energy, but one-off programs have been added to a variety of other bills by members of Congress. Even the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which calculates most of the official energy-related statistics for the federal government, doesn’t add up total subsidies annually.

This piecemeal data makes it more difficult to see how legislative proposals, such as changes to fuel standards, impact the costs of subsidies.

According to the EIA in 2016, the most recent year for which complete data is available, the federal government spent just shy of $14 billion in energy subsidies and support. Subsidies for renewable energy totaled $6.682 billion, while those for fossil energy totaled a mere $489 million."
Yeah, the commies think there's a difference?
Congrats on acing that Trump U. "meteorology" correspondence course.

The weather creates a climate, you moron.
Unless your Trump, then it's a sharpie.

View attachment 595947

Poor little commie, did ya watch the video? He didn't even claim it was the worse year on record. Some years are bad, some not so much. That's weather. You can waste as much money as you want and it won't change that.

Poor little commie, did ya watch the video? He didn't even claim it was the worse year on record. Some years are bad, some not so much. That's weather. You can waste as much money as you want and it won't change that.

Nut job communist.
When weather occurs in a pattern of a considerable amount of years it creates the climate.
Why doesn't Oregon have as many tornadoes as Oklahoma?
Why doesn't Oklahoma have as many hurricanes as Florida?

" You can waste as much money as you want and it won't change that".
Sure you can, not exactly on the situation.

March 11 1999
Suggesting that Texans pray for rain, Gov. George W. Bush declared an emergency in two-thirds of the state Thursday amid worries that the unusually dry winter may give way to a summertime drought more ruinous than last year's.

The emergency declaration in 167 of the state's 254 counties makes Texas eligible for federal aid, which Bush said is needed to pay for the movement of firefighting equipment to areas that may soon need it. "This adds up to a drought that could be as bad or worse than the devastation we experienced last year," he said.

In west Texas, parched by drought and desperation, farmers left the field to follow Bush's advice and search for divine intervention.

"We cry out to you tonight: Lord, send rain. Send rain," Pastor Gary Kirksey said as he led his congregation in prayer.

Two droughts in three years have left much of Texas in the dust. Last year, the state's economy took an $8 billion hit from stunted crops and hungry herds. The bone-dry weather in 1998 also turned the Texas landscape into a tinderbox, sparking more than 10,000 wildfires.

Just two months from cotton planting season, the ground remains dry, the rain is scarce, and farmers like Ronnie Thornton figure prayer is all that he has left. "Ya gotta depend on the man upstairs," Thornton says. "If you don't get down on your knees, you don't have much."
The true total is difficult to calculate. Most federal energy subsidies come through the Department of Energy, but one-off programs have been added to a variety of other bills by members of Congress. Even the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which calculates most of the official energy-related statistics for the federal government, doesn’t add up total subsidies annually.
Right, yet that evidently fails to strike you as fishy. They couldn't intentionally make it obscure, could they? I mean, why would they wanna go and do that? :rolleyes:

Googling yields an average somewhere around 20 billion $ in fossil fuel subsidies currently being spent here. That's obviously BS. Why? First off you'll notice they're highly focused upon drilling new wells. Is that really all there is? How about what we spend on the military? How much do we still spend sending private military contractors all around protecting "our" supposed "interests"? Ever seen that broken down for you on a gas receipt? What about the added healthcare costs due to all that coal dust and (flactenn's favorite new word) "soot"? Pipes leaking oil and gas? Trucks hauling Canadian sludge to Gulf refineries? Superfund cleanups? Ocean well leaks and tanker spills? Etc, etc.

It really doesn't take much imagination to see how Yale arrived at a far more believable "$5.9 Trillion In Subsidies in 2020" nor to figure out that most of those Googled sites are just fronts created by and for the actual fossil fuel and nuke industries to hide behind and appease the gullible.

By all accounts, 2020 was a truly horrible year for poor Exxon. "ExxonMobil's operating revenue amounted to approximately 178.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2020." Way down from 2019 thanks to COVID and stuff. Good thing they got those $billions(?) $trillions(?) in subsidies. They sure needed that on top of all the usual usual tax write-offs and stuff! I feel so bad for them I'm getting this weird urge to grab a rifle and go guard one of their Iranian oil fields or something!
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Holy fuck, communist and Trump, really love you.
Weather creates the climate.

Over what length of time? And try to avoid ambiguous terms like you used in your previous post.

Right, yet that evidently fails to strike you as fishy. They couldn't intentionally make it obscure, could they? I mean, why would they wanna go and do that? :rolleyes:

Googling yields an average somewhere around 20 billion $ in fossil fuel subsidies currently being spent here. That's obviously BS. Why? First off you'll notice they're highly focused upon drilling new wells. Is that really all there is? How about what we spend on the military? How much do we still spend sending private military contractors all around protecting "our" supposed "interests"? Ever seen that broken down for you on a gas receipt? What about the added healthcare costs due to all that coal dust and (flactenn's favorite new word) "soot"? Pipes leaking oil and gas? Trucks hauling Canadian sludge to Gulf refineries? Superfund cleanups? Ocean well leaks and tanker spills? Etc, etc.

It really doesn't take much imagination to see how Yale arrived at a far more believable "$5.9 Trillion In Subsidies in 2020" nor to figure out that most of those Googled sites are just fronts created by and for the actual fossil fuel and nuke industries to hide behind and appease the gullible.

By all accounts, 2020 was a truly horrible year for poor Exxon. "ExxonMobil's operating revenue amounted to approximately 178.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2020." Way down from 2019 thanks to COVID and stuff. Good thing they got those $billions(?) $trillions(?) in subsidies. They sure needed that on top of all the usual usual tax write-offs and stuff! I feel so bad for them I'm getting this weird urge to grab a rifle and go guard one of their Iranian oil fields or something!
i do t turn it’s fishy or obsure at all
It really doesn't take much imagination to see how Yale arrived at a far more believable "$5.9 Trillion In Subsidies in 2020"

They pulled it out of their ass.
What's the savings for using fossil fuels to not freeze to death?
Is using natural gas in a Chicago winter cleaner than 1,000,000 wood burning stoves?
More or less soot with nat gas?

By all accounts, 2020 was a truly horrible year for poor Exxon. "ExxonMobil's operating revenue amounted to approximately 178.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2020." Way down from 2019 thanks to COVID and stuff. Good thing they got those $billions(?) $trillions(?) in subsidies.

What subsidies? Post some specifics, instead of your usual "ass numbers".
Over what length of time? And try to avoid ambiguous terms like you used in your previous post.
It takes a while.
It's still weather that created the climate.
Texas, Florida, Oregon, and Oklahoma are ambiguous?
there is no Republican alternative to the Green New Deal, they have no policy ideas, that's unfortunate

full town hall:

The founding fathers warned about having men in office for 50 years. It is about a green no deal. It is about not needing it.
Yeah, imagine spending billions in plain sight because the people want a transition to clean, renewable energy and the government acceding to them. Now imagine hiding the REAL trillions still being spent to subsidize the fossil fuel and nuke industries. Cry me a river, why don't ya? Maybe we'll be able to dam it and produce even more clean energy.
There is no such thing as clean nor green energy.

And you have that spending backwards. It is trillions going to green/clean energy and simply tax breaks goin to fossil fuels.

Except of course democrats have given some subsidies to fossil fuel fuels only to justify the trillions given to green/clean energy. A bit of dirty politics, corrupt everything so they can say, "see, big oil is subsidized"
Wind, solar, alternate energies aren't concentrated. They simply can't provide enough energy. Also, they are backed up by conventional energies and are exponentially more toxic to the environment.

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