Given the current presumptive nominees, Trump is the obvious choice

The swamp never got drained and hiLIARy is currently the reigning toad
Maybe the Donald will stand up at the GOP convention and tell us it was all a big joke. He doesn't really want to be president and withdraws his name for the nomination.
This would silence anyone who would claim the nomination was stolen from him and allow the convention to choose someone who could beat Hillary.
Of course they would probably just choose another loser like Ted Cruz.
Does the GOP even want to win?
hiLIARy is toxic for the great nation .She needs to take her groper hubby and vamoos
Maybe the Donald will stand up at the GOP convention and tell us it was all a big joke. He doesn't really want to be president and withdraws his name for the nomination.
This would silence anyone who would claim the nomination was stolen from him and allow the convention to choose someone who could beat Hillary.
Of course they would probably just choose another loser like Ted Cruz.
Does the GOP even want to win?

It does appear that over the last few elections both parties are trying to avoid winning the White House, doesn't it? lol ... and most voters are willing to vote for whatever they offer, regardless.

Most governments are representative of the people and cultures they govern, and that is just as true of Americans. It can't be any other way for long.
Chris Hedges has a two word explanation for Donald Trump's rise: "gutless liberals."
Con vs. Con: Chris Hedges

"The rise of a demagogue like Donald Trump is a direct result of the Democratic Party’s decision to embrace neoliberalism, become a handmaiden of American imperialism and sell us out for corporate money.

"There would be no Trump if Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party had not betrayed working men and women with the North American Free Trade Agreement, destroyed the welfare system, nearly doubled the prison population, slashed social service programs, turned the airwaves over to a handful of corporations by deregulating the Federal Communications Commission, ripped down the firewalls between commercial and investment banks that led to a global financial crash and prolonged recession, and begun a war on our civil liberties that has left us the most monitored, eavesdropped, photographed and profiled population in human history.

"There would be no Trump if the Clintons and the Democratic Party, including Barack Obama, had not decided to prostitute themselves for corporate pimps.

"Con artists come in many varieties.

"On Wall Street, they can have Princeton University and Harvard Law School degrees, polished social skills and Italian designer suits that are priced in the tens of thousands of dollars.

"In Trump tower, they can have cheap comb-overs, fake tans, casinos and links with the Mafia.

"In the Clinton Foundation, they can wallow in hundreds of millions of dollars from corporate and foreign donors, including the most repressive governments in the world, exchanged for political favors.

"But they are all crooks.
"The rise of a demagogue like Donald Trump is a direct result of the Democratic Party’s decision to embrace neoliberalism, become a handmaiden of American imperialism and sell us out for corporate money.


Thats hiLIARy, and many other career LW sell-outs, to a "T"
Now you're spreading rightarded lies??

How sad. You may think of yourself as a progressive, but you stink like a rightwingnut.
List hiLIARy's major accomplishments ASIDE FROM being given titles.
Maybe the Donald will stand up at the GOP convention and tell us it was all a big joke. He doesn't really want to be president and withdraws his name for the nomination.
This would silence anyone who would claim the nomination was stolen from him and allow the convention to choose someone who could beat Hillary.
Of course they would probably just choose another loser like Ted Cruz.
Does the GOP even want to win?
When was the last time the GOP put up a good candidate?
Well shit, damn near everyone in the country is owned by banks then. How many of you have never gotten a loan in your lives? Even /I/ have gotten a loan and I'm practically a 1%'er. Sometimes you don't want to pull your investments to buy something big, or in my case, buy up the majority share of a company.

Keep grasping, it amuses.
You won't be getting my vote for POTUS either.

Were you just looking for a reason to post this odd meme cause it doesn't respond to what I said...

On the plus side, no way I'd run for POTUS, it's a shitty job. I'll stick to working whenever I feel like it and only taking jobs that sound interesting to me.
Donald Trump is OWNED by Every Bank on Wall Street | RedState

"Goldman Sachs once gave Ted Cruz's campaign a $1.43 million loan. His campaign also got a loan of less than $500,000 from Citibank. According to Donald Trump, in a claim that has been repeated roughly a billion times, that means THEY OWN HIM. Even though, as far as I can tell, all or part of these loans have been repaid.

"As I reported yesterday, at various times Donald Trump has had hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from Citibank and Goldman, some of which have been repaid, some of which were discharged in bankruptcy when Trump's Altantic City casino went belly up.

"By Trump's own standard, Citibank and Goldman own him, too.

"But of course, it's much worse than that for Trump.

"As a twitter user pointed out, according to Trump's most recent financial disclosures, he has hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from virtually every bank on Wall Street. Here is a copy of the form..."

Of course. So is Clinton. The banksters run the show.
LOL! Dot has been so far Obama's butt but he's not even considering who Obama endorsed.

You just KNOW Dot won't vote for a woman. No way, no how.
LOL! Dot has been so far Obama's butt but he's not even considering who Obama endorsed.

You just KNOW Dot won't vote for a woman. No way, no how.
not based on her sex no. I'd vote for her based on her quals WHICH, incidentally, hiLIARy's are thin to non-existent. Being given a position is not an accomplishment.
Trump is looking better and better. HECK!!! Any outsider is looking better than t3h Cl1nton Cr1me Synd1cate

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