Given the current presumptive nominees, Trump is the obvious choice

Donald Trump is OWNED by Every Bank on Wall Street | RedState

"Goldman Sachs once gave Ted Cruz's campaign a $1.43 million loan. His campaign also got a loan of less than $500,000 from Citibank. According to Donald Trump, in a claim that has been repeated roughly a billion times, that means THEY OWN HIM. Even though, as far as I can tell, all or part of these loans have been repaid.

"As I reported yesterday, at various times Donald Trump has had hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from Citibank and Goldman, some of which have been repaid, some of which were discharged in bankruptcy when Trump's Altantic City casino went belly up.

"By Trump's own standard, Citibank and Goldman own him, too.

"But of course, it's much worse than that for Trump.

"As a twitter user pointed out, according to Trump's most recent financial disclosures, he has hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from virtually every bank on Wall Street. Here is a copy of the form..."

Of course. So is Clinton. The banksters run the show.

I'm hoping Greens and Libertarians combine to win 20% of the popular vote thereby creating a possibility of ending this two-party charade by 2020?
Donald Trump is OWNED by Every Bank on Wall Street | RedState

"Goldman Sachs once gave Ted Cruz's campaign a $1.43 million loan. His campaign also got a loan of less than $500,000 from Citibank. According to Donald Trump, in a claim that has been repeated roughly a billion times, that means THEY OWN HIM. Even though, as far as I can tell, all or part of these loans have been repaid.

"As I reported yesterday, at various times Donald Trump has had hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from Citibank and Goldman, some of which have been repaid, some of which were discharged in bankruptcy when Trump's Altantic City casino went belly up.

"By Trump's own standard, Citibank and Goldman own him, too.

"But of course, it's much worse than that for Trump.

"As a twitter user pointed out, according to Trump's most recent financial disclosures, he has hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from virtually every bank on Wall Street. Here is a copy of the form..."

Of course. So is Clinton. The banksters run the show.

I'm hoping Greens and Libertarians combine to win 20% of the popular vote thereby creating a possibility of ending this two-party charade by 2020?
that would be awesome!!!
Donald Trump is OWNED by Every Bank on Wall Street | RedState

"Goldman Sachs once gave Ted Cruz's campaign a $1.43 million loan. His campaign also got a loan of less than $500,000 from Citibank. According to Donald Trump, in a claim that has been repeated roughly a billion times, that means THEY OWN HIM. Even though, as far as I can tell, all or part of these loans have been repaid.

"As I reported yesterday, at various times Donald Trump has had hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from Citibank and Goldman, some of which have been repaid, some of which were discharged in bankruptcy when Trump's Altantic City casino went belly up.

"By Trump's own standard, Citibank and Goldman own him, too.

"But of course, it's much worse than that for Trump.

"As a twitter user pointed out, according to Trump's most recent financial disclosures, he has hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from virtually every bank on Wall Street. Here is a copy of the form..."

Of course. So is Clinton. The banksters run the show.

I'm hoping Greens and Libertarians combine to win 20% of the popular vote thereby creating a possibility of ending this two-party charade by 2020?
that would be awesome!!!
As I recall, Ross Perot polled around 20% in 1992 on a third-party ticket thereby consigning the US to a quarter century of Bill and Hill. Wouldn't it be ironic if another self-absorbed billionaire sent the Clinton Crime Family back to Arkansas?
I'm not a HIllary fan, never was, never will be....HOWEVER.....I would rather lick the inside of a public toilet clean, before I conclude Trump the better of the two...both equally repulsive, crooked, self serving and undeserving of the white house!! If only a cock roach with a good message would emerge!!
I'm not a HIllary fan, never was, never will be....HOWEVER.....I would rather lick the inside of a public toilet clean, before I conclude Trump the better of the two...both equally repulsive, crooked, self serving and undeserving of the white house!! If only a cock roach with a good message would emerge!!
Consider the possibility that Trump is the less effective Evil? Clinton has a quarter-century worth of experience with running the Empire. By comparison, Trump has lived the last quarter century as a sheltered rich bitch who's become use to ruling by fear and fiat. Trump can not renege on his pledge to purge the US of 11 million migrants; when that happens, ten times as many US citizens will join them in the streets. It will be 2006-'07 on steroids.
ummm... I already did. She has no accomplishments aside from being handed titles by other people and she owns the Arab Winter

I see you're another paid DNC poster from the hive mind.

Go bite someone else's ankles kid :bye1:

You really do seem upset. How can I help?
so you cannot rebut anything I said? I knew that already

I rebutted the claim that she was fired for lying. You failed to respond to that rebuttal.

That's true, even then Democrats covered up her unethical behavior, good God man, she was caught trying to hide a key piece of evidence that directly contradicted a brief she presented to Congress. Among other things.

She's always been and always will be a piece of shit.
liked & friends request sent :)
Steve doesn't like her either :lol:
I'm not a HIllary fan, never was, never will be....HOWEVER.....I would rather lick the inside of a public toilet clean, before I conclude Trump the better of the two...both equally repulsive, crooked, self serving and undeserving of the white house!! If only a cock roach with a good message would emerge!!
Consider the possibility that Trump is the less effective Evil? Clinton has a quarter-century worth of experience with running the Empire. By comparison, Trump has lived the last quarter century as a sheltered rich bitch who's become use to ruling by fear and fiat. Trump can not renege on his pledge to purge the US of 11 million migrants; when that happens, ten times as many US citizens will join them in the streets. It will be 2006-'07 on steroids.
You really do seem upset. How can I help?
so you cannot rebut anything I said? I knew that already

I rebutted the claim that she was fired for lying. You failed to respond to that rebuttal.

That's true, even then Democrats covered up her unethical behavior, good God man, she was caught trying to hide a key piece of evidence that directly contradicted a brief she presented to Congress. Among other things.

She's always been and always will be a piece of shit.
liked & friends request sent :)
Steve doesn't like her either :lol:
so what are you saying Ravi you corp dem drone :confused-84:
Giving the loserterians a president is the dumbest thing a liberal can ever do.
Say good bye to everything the left has ever fought for and good bye to America being a first world country.

Sorry, but I'd take the current set-up over what the loserterians would do if they had the chance.
so you cannot rebut anything I said? I knew that already

I rebutted the claim that she was fired for lying. You failed to respond to that rebuttal.

That's true, even then Democrats covered up her unethical behavior, good God man, she was caught trying to hide a key piece of evidence that directly contradicted a brief she presented to Congress. Among other things.

She's always been and always will be a piece of shit.
liked & friends request sent :)
Steve doesn't like her either :lol:
so what are you saying Ravi you corp dem drone :confused-84:
I'm saying that Steve is your hero.
Faun is enamored w/ Corp Dems (AKA- Sell outs) for some reason :dunno: Very well.

Given that you so slavishly parrot every corporate GOP lie about Hillary, why shouldn't everyone come to the logical and correct conclusion you're a corporate Republican shill?

Corporate Republicans shills don't have to be pro-Trump, you know. Some of them just aim to stop people from voting for Clinton. That doesn't mean they're not corporate Republican shills.

Some of 'em don't even think of themselves as corporate Republican shills. That doesn't matter. Results matter. They're telling big ol' lies in an attempt to drive votes away from Clinton, hence they are shilling for the corporate Republicans, whether they admit to it or not.

Shills? You're trying to hand the USA over to Republican corporate overlords, so don't expect us to be gentle with you. We'll be regularly telling you to stuff your GOP lies and phony sanctimony.
Giving the loserterians a president is the dumbest thing a liberal can ever do.
Say good bye to everything the left has ever fought for and good bye to America being a first world country.

Sorry, but I'd take the current set-up over what the loserterians would do if they had the chance.

Hey dummy I thought you were an infrastructure guy? Trump wants to fix our roads and bridges.hillary??
Mind, I don't care for either of them.

Fortunately I continue to believe - and I could be wrong - that George Soros has not yet spoken and The Democrat Party has no idea who will wear their union label in November.

For now I see the best profit opportunity in Trump over Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky but have to keep hedging until the word comes down from George.
Faun is enamored w/ Corp Dems (AKA- Sell outs) for some reason :dunno: Very well.

Given that you so slavishly parrot every corporate GOP lie about Hillary, why shouldn't everyone come to the logical and correct conclusion you're a corporate Republican shill?

Corporate Republicans shills don't have to be pro-Trump, you know. Some of them just aim to stop people from voting for Clinton. That doesn't mean they're not corporate Republican shills.

Some of 'em don't even think of themselves as corporate Republican shills. That doesn't matter. Results matter. They're telling big ol' lies in an attempt to drive votes away from Clinton, hence they are shilling for the corporate Republicans, whether they admit to it or not.

Shills? You're trying to hand the USA over to Republican corporate overlords, so don't expect us to be gentle with you. We'll be regularly telling you to stuff your GOP lies and phony sanctimony.
Please tell me you're not going to vote for the Goldman handmaiden (hiLIAry). I had higher hopes for you :(
The guy is not under FBI investigation like the ULTIMATE Washington- insider (AKA- crony) is.


Good thing she got another face lift. Now she won't step on her own nipples.

View attachment 78750
You hate women don't you?

Only a couple pigs.
A man who speaks like that about any women has no respect for all women. You don't measure or evaluate them on their inner abilities but on their physicality. You use their physicality against them when you don't like them instead of their inner characteristics. Trump calls women pigs too and the vast majority of women know he has no respect for women and will not vote for him. You can deny until you are blue in the face that you don't hate women, but such comments make it clear you do.
The guy is not under FBI investigation like the ULTIMATE Washington- insider (AKA- crony) is.


Good thing she got another face lift. Now she won't step on her own nipples.

View attachment 78750
You hate women don't you?

Only a couple pigs.
A man who speaks like that about any women has no respect for all women. You don't measure or evaluate them on their inner abilities but on their physicality. You use their physicality against them when you don't like them instead of their inner characteristics. Trump calls women pigs too and the vast majority of women know he has no respect for women and will not vote for him. You can deny until you are blue in the face that you don't hate women, but such comments make it clear you do.
whatever you have to tell yourself. I'm not a gender voter. I vote based on abilities and track record of which hiLIARy scores abysmally bad

Theres a lot of qualified women out there and hiLIARy aint one of them
The guy is not under FBI investigation like the ULTIMATE Washington- insider (AKA- crony) is.


Good thing she got another face lift. Now she won't step on her own nipples.

View attachment 78750
You hate women don't you?

Only a couple pigs.
A man who speaks like that about any women has no respect for all women. You don't measure or evaluate them on their inner abilities but on their physicality. You use their physicality against them when you don't like them instead of their inner characteristics. Trump calls women pigs too and the vast majority of women know he has no respect for women and will not vote for him. You can deny until you are blue in the face that you don't hate women, but such comments make it clear you do.
Well then, how would you describe this woman? I don't hate her but she has pig-like qualities. Has to be a liberal Democrat too.

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