Given This Week's Developments, It's Time To Admit That APSA Nailed It...


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2022
Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan are up, Bill Clinton is down and Donald Trump is off to a historically bad start — and the greats, meanwhile, remain the greats.

That was the finding of the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, released Monday by professors Brandon Rottinghaus of the University of Houston and Justin S. Vaughn of Boise State University. The survey results, ranking American presidents from best to worst, were based on responses from 170 current and recent members of the Presidents and Executive Politics section of the American Political Science Association....

Even among self-identified Republicans and conservatives, Trump came in 40th out of 44 (while Trump is officially the 45th president, the survey did not count Grover Cleveland’s non-consecutive terms separately, so the ranking runs from 1-44).

Trump comes in last in expert presidential rankings survey

At the time the poll was released, there were complaints that it was "unfair" to judge Trump after only one year in office.....some even called it "irresponsible".

I think it is now fair to acknowledge that APSA was prescient.

In fact, one might ask if Trump's ranking in the 2022 Siena Survey, where he finished in the bottom 3, should be subject to downward revision.

American Presidents: Greatest and Worst – Siena College Research Institute

There is, admittedly, not far to fall given that Trump was ranked 44th in the following categories




Overall Ability
But it isn't just historians and political scientists judging Trump harshly relative to his POTUS peer group.

The remarkable part is the absolute judgment of those who were appointed by him. These are not comparisons with Greats, the relevant peer group is comprised of mortals.

‘Idiot,’ ‘Dope,’ ‘Moron’: How Trump’s aides have insulted the boss

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader,”

White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged,”

Both Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and former chief of staff Reince Priebus called Trump an “idiot,”

Former economic adviser Gary Cohn said Trump was “dumb as shit,” and former national security adviser H.R. McMaster said the president was a “dope,”

These observations aren't the exception...

Current events shouldn't surprise anyone familiar with the story of Trump tipping off embargoed Employment Statistics. Or how Trump delegated the reading of his customized 1 page Daily Intelligence Brief to someone lacking the security clearance to see them.

How did this country sink so low as to elect someone so manifestly unfit?
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Taking a quick look at the "survey" questions, Siena should be embarrassed.
Their survey:


Many of the skills that are used as criteria for the "survey" would require someone to personally know the Presidents. That alone makes the entire thing a complete joke in my opinion.
Taking a quick look at the "survey" questions, Siena should be embarrassed.
Their survey:
View attachment 793645

View attachment 793646
Many of the skills that are used as criteria for the "survey" would require someone to personally know the Presidents. That alone makes the entire thing a complete joke in my opinion.
That's a lot of opinion, thank you.

Please move on to the comments of those who knew him far better than you.

Be sure to hollaback.
Taking a quick look at the "survey" questions, Siena should be embarrassed.
Their survey:
View attachment 793645

View attachment 793646
Many of the skills that are used as criteria for the "survey" would require someone to personally know the Presidents. That alone makes the entire thing a complete joke in my opinion.
Please note Oddball 's comment in violation of the "rules" here.
Left wing Politico releases a "poll" conducted by two unknown professors from University of Houston and Boise State and the site can't be reached. More manufactured news from the left intended to avoid talking about real issues.
Please note Oddball 's comment in violation of the "rules" here.
His reply isn't any worse than some you have posted. Are you upset that he is implying you started this thread because it has Donald Trump near the bottom of their survey? If Biden had come in near the bottom of their rankings, would you have even bothered to make a thread about it?

Surveys and polls are known to be skewed to favor the outcome of the one calling for them. That's one of the first things I learned in calculus.
His reply isn't any worse than some you have posted. Are you upset that he is implying you started this thread because it has Donald Trump near the bottom of their survey? If Biden had come in near the bottom of their rankings, would you have even bothered to make a thread about it?

Surveys and polls are known to be skewed to favor the outcome of the one calling for them. That's one of the first things I learned in calculus.
Surveys and polls are known to be skewed to favor the outcome of the one calling for them. That's one of the first things I learned in calculus
Why would they tell you something that stupid in Calculus?
Left wing Politico releases a "poll" conducted by two unknown professors from University of Houston and Boise State and the site can't be reached. More manufactured news from the left intended to avoid talking about real issues.

Try to understand what it says before commenting.
Getting back on topic...

We have covered the opinions of those who have made a career of studying the presidency, as well as those who knew what it was to work with him on issues relating to his job.

But what of The Common Man, The Guy on the Street.....the one with an AR in one hand and a copy of the New York Post in the other?

But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.

Trumpâs silence on Jan. 6 is damning

Perhaps he reads the Washington Examiner

Trump is a disgrace. Republicans have far better options to lead the party in 2024. No one should think otherwise, much less support him, ever again.

Trump proven unfit for power again

We've covered several demographics in concluding that Donald Trump is far less than his faithful claim....but let's put our thumbs hard on the scale in his favor and see what a man - chosen exactly because he is as loyal as he is unexciting - has to say in the wake of more than 4 years of intimate proximity as Trump's VP...

“Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States,” he said. “And anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president again"

Pence Delivers Strong Rebuke to Trump in Campaign Announcement

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