Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Please StupidCon...I've NEVER seen you say ne'er the disparaging word about a fellow Con in all my boardlife.


Every pic or video I saw of the rally showed a full mall. The mall is supposed to hold over 100,000. There were people in the adjoining areas. Do the math.

So why has CBS reported that the count was 87,000? Are you suggesting that they're lying?
Please StupidCon...I've NEVER seen you say ne'er the disparaging word about a fellow Con in all my boardlife.


Every pic or video I saw of the rally showed a full mall. The mall is supposed to hold over 100,000. There were people in the adjoining areas. Do the math.

So why has CBS reported that the count was 87,000? Are you suggesting that they're lying?

Dan Rather's done it and he was the anchor. Why is this such a reach for you?
Can we really get an accurate count of the number of people who attended Saturday's Glenn Beck “Restoring Honor” rally? The answer might be, “No, we can’t.”

Crowd-counting science is far from exact. Much of it is based on examination of overhead photos to calculate crowd density and related statistics. It reminds us of the old intelligence agency practice of “shedology,” in which the Central Intelligence Agency and others estimated Soviet weapons numbers by looking at overhead photos of military sheds and calculating how many tanks they might hold

Glenn Beck rally attendance: calculating how many really showed up -
Actually, that's fairly-typical......

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT do those things

Ironically, he has it completely backwards

Socialism doesn't heal the sick, it keeps them from being treated

Communism doesn't shelter the homeless, it makes people homeless.

Nazism doesn't feed the hungry, they create them.

That's the problem!

WOW you understood the irony of the strip. gj. LOL

That's why Christ didn't preach those things. He didn't preach government health care. He actually went and healed the sick. Then He gave His disciples power to do likewise.

back then healthcare consisted of praying and hoping for the best and there was really no "health care system". Now we have such a system as well as certain technological advantages that actually allow treatment of illnesses so why try to make such a lame comparision??

Christ didn't preach government housing. He went out and built the housing for them. And taught people to do likewise.

back then you could build you "house" out of straw and mud try doing that today and see how far you get and how unhealthy that kind of living can be. more lame comparisons, imagine that.

Christ didnt preach government handouts of food. He went and gave the hungry food. Then taught them how to satisfy the hunger of the Soul.

Imagine that, another lame comparison, when you take into account the fact that he was the son of God and could turn a few fish and a few loaves of bread into a feast through a miracle you comparison kind of loses any validity you thought it might have had.

Christ taught individuals the principles they need to connect with God and be lifted up.

They don't understand Christ. The Darkness doesn't comprehend the light.

and the right who claims to know those principles show how little they actually know based on their own actions and comments. your own posts as you label the left the "darkness" shows that to be the case.
Please StupidCon...I've NEVER seen you say ne'er the disparaging word about a fellow Con in all my boardlife.


Every pic or video I saw of the rally showed a full mall. The mall is supposed to hold over 100,000. There were people in the adjoining areas. Do the math.

So why has CBS reported that the count was 87,000? Are you suggesting that they're lying?

Because they know people who don't really care about the truth and want to believe a low estimate won't question them.
Let's straight here, Avatar. The crowd was overwhelmingly white, right and far, with very few Dems or minorities of color. I think that some of that will affirmatively affect three or four seats in the House and possibly one in the Senate. That is not shabby for starters.

It's obvious you didn't attend the event. You, like Ravi and truthdontmatter should not speak of things that you know nothing of.

Why is it obvious?

I didn't attend, but its clear to me that the croud was overwhelmingly white, christian, and dissatisfied with the status quo.

There should be no apology asked, nor expected from this group: They have as much right to demonstrate as does any other group of Americans.
If you think Beck is playing anyone for a fool, then you didn't listen to him.

Watch his speech at the Rally. You can't deny the power in it.

He had the power to creep out a significant number of conservatives, I hear.

Admitting to the voices in your head and other hallucinations is the first step to a successful theraputic treatment for your psychosis.
ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT do those things

Ironically, he has it completely backwards

Socialism doesn't heal the sick, it keeps them from being treated

Communism doesn't shelter the homeless, it makes people homeless.

Nazism doesn't feed the hungry, they create them.

That's the problem!

That's why Christ didn't preach those things. He didn't preach government health care. He actually went and healed the sick. Then He gave His disciples power to do likewise.

Christ didn't preach government housing. He went out and built the housing for them. And taught people to do likewise.

Christ didnt preach government handouts of food. He went and gave the hungry food. Then taught them how to satisfy the hunger of the Soul.

Christ taught individuals the principles they need to connect with God and be lifted up.

They don't understand Christ. The Darkness doesn't comprehend the light.

Wow man that was a very good response to the cartoon!!!!
Considering it was attended by people in both parties and not affiliated with the Tea Party and it was a complete apolitical rally, my guess is no.

After all, that wasnt the intent of the event.

Let's straight here, Avatar. The crowd was overwhelmingly white, right and far, with very few Dems or minorities of color. I think that some of that will affirmatively affect three or four seats in the House and possibly one in the Senate. That is not shabby for starters.

It's obvious you didn't attend the event. You, like Ravi and truthdontmatter should not speak of things that you know nothing of.

Well if we held the right to that standard there would be no rightwing posts on this board. LOL
LOL how can anyone claim he had a "full house" or even try to brag about the number of people there when the high and low numbers are less than those of "The Million Man March" which the right attacked based on it's size (400,000 to 837,000)??
Or how about "The March for Women's Lives" in 2004 that had a low range of 800,000 and a high range of 1.15 million and was criticized and minimized by the right??
They must have been looking at pictures or something


It looks like there is still room more people there though.


Way to avoid an argument that you can't spin. LOL

Fact is that the right has made a habit out of criticizing the size of left supported events which were larger in size than beck's.
So let's just say that it would be less than honest to try and talk up beck's event that was smaller in size than events that the right has criticized in the past.

Let the numbers speak for themselves.

beck's range: 150,000-500,000

Million Man range: 400,000-837,000

March for Women's lives range: 800,000-1.15 million

Did you understand it that time or do you need to have it spelled out for you??

You are pointing to bad behavior to justify other bad behavior, I got it the first time and the other half dozen times you have tried to use this as a debate technique. It doesn't work.

BTW I increased the size of someting I said that you missed which basically AGREED with you that it wasn't "packed"

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