Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Actually, that's fairly-typical......

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT do those things

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

I would like to see either one of you provide either side of this. Good luck to both of you.
Please StupidCon...I've NEVER seen you say ne'er the disparaging word about a fellow Con in all my boardlife.


Every pic or video I saw of the rally showed a full mall. The mall is supposed to hold over 100,000. There were people in the adjoining areas. Do the math.

So why has CBS reported that the count was 87,000? Are you suggesting that they're lying?

Wouldn't be the first time Rather and the CBS crew lied to us all about stuff. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"
ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT do those things

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things
"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

btw, Jesus did tell SOME to do that, and it wasn't the government
you seem to want the government to usurp the responsibility from those who WERE commanded to do that

Really?? does that say that the government should NOT do the SPECIFIC things that were talked about?? That seems to be quite a stretch on your part. Thanks for the spin. LOL
ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things
"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

btw, Jesus did tell SOME to do that, and it wasn't the government
you seem to want the government to usurp the responsibility from those who WERE commanded to do that

Really?? does that say that the government should NOT do the SPECIFIC things that were talked about?? That seems to be quite a stretch on your part. Thanks for the spin. LOL
no, it tells you WHO he told to
and it wasnt the government

btw, on a side note, do you claim to be a Christian?
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ah....quotes from scripture: The Death of Another Thread.

What trips me out about the lying tactics of the Right...

They send their goons out to trump up, puff up and inflate the number of attendees, Beck and Wallace interviewing each other going back and forth "100s of thousands", "300,000", "500,000!" They then use those inflated puffed up numbers to substantiate their importance and how the people should be listened to.

Then the REAL numbers come in...87,000...tops! They still push their nonsense..."100,000+" etc.

Yet, whenever something occurs that they don't agree with that DWARFS their best events...they attack it and label it fringe and promote the meme that non one should listen to them.



The images being compared to "other" events that number ARE "accurate" and they are dwarfing them !!!
Just heard that only about a 1,000 people showed up at Beck's rally. Well that's what the Lie-beral Media is saying anyway. What a bunch of despicable liars. Seriously,who still trusts the Lie-beral dominated MSM at this point? Yikes!
They must have been looking at pictures or something


It looks like there is still room more people there though.


Way to avoid an argument that you can't spin. LOL

Fact is that the right has made a habit out of criticizing the size of left supported events which were larger in size than beck's.
So let's just say that it would be less than honest to try and talk up beck's event that was smaller in size than events that the right has criticized in the past.

Let the numbers speak for themselves.

beck's range: 150,000-500,000

Million Man range: 400,000-837,000

March for Women's lives range: 800,000-1.15 million

Did you understand it that time or do you need to have it spelled out for you??

You are pointing to bad behavior to justify other bad behavior, I got it the first time and the other half dozen times you have tried to use this as a debate technique. It doesn't work.

BTW I increased the size of someting I said that you missed which basically AGREED with you that it wasn't "packed"

I am NOT justifying bad behavior. At no time did I say it was ok for the left to do it becuase the right did, so go try to put words into someone else's mouth you dishonest hack.
However, once again you come at me and ingore the content.
Your first post made some lame claim about the pics when my post was about past events that the right was critical of so I asked how could they talk this event up based on their history with other events.
Your post ignored the content of mine, so i called you out for it and then you ignore the content again. Only this time you come at me personally and LIE about a debating technique in a desperate attempt CYA as you avoid a topic you can't spin.

The fact is that based on the numbers beck's event was nothing to brag about when you consider how the right criticized past events that were larger than this one.
I know you will once again try to spin and puts words into my mouth to attack me for something i never said because that is what you do. So go ahead hack, fire away and show how lame you truly are. Or if you had any integrity, you could actually try responding to the content for a change? LOL
Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.
I would like to see either one of you provide either side of this. Good luck to both of you.
i already answered that

No you didn't. You provided a response that was NOT an answer to the question asked. That is all that you provided. So stop claiming you answered when you clearly did NOT.
oh, i answered it, but you just dont LIKE the answer
because it exposing your flaming hypocrisy

btw, still waiting to see if you claim to be a Christian or not?
So, the National park service estimates that around two hundred grand would fit in the reflecting pool. Looking at that AP picture, it becomes quite clear that there were more than likely around 250-350 grand attending the rally. Not bad at all.....That's a hell of a lot of people who will not be voting liberal come november.....November is going to be a blast. Unless you're a moronic liberal Obamabot, that is!

i already answered that

No you didn't. You provided a response that was NOT an answer to the question asked. That is all that you provided. So stop claiming you answered when you clearly did NOT.
oh, i answered it, but you just dont LIKE the answer
because it exposing your flaming hypocrisy

btw, still waiting to see if you claim to be a Christian or not?
Uh, yeah, you clearly answered it alright.

Hell, i'm still waiting for the lil' clown to go back and answer questions on an economic thread. I've been gone for three weeks and he still didn't have the answers to valid questions.....Just another everyday, run of the mill liberal moron, nothing more!
"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

btw, Jesus did tell SOME to do that, and it wasn't the government
you seem to want the government to usurp the responsibility from those who WERE commanded to do that

Really?? does that say that the government should NOT do the SPECIFIC things that were talked about?? That seems to be quite a stretch on your part. Thanks for the spin. LOL

So you admit it does say the government can't do those things. That is all you needed to concede.

it tells you WHO he told to
and it wasnt the government

Really?? the excerpt you quoted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" says WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless and feed the hungry?" Are you sure about that? I have to ask because I don't see that in their anywhere. LOL

btw, on a side note, do you claim to be a Christian?

I grew up southern baptist and that is what it said on my dog tags but after seeing how the word of God (no matter which god you choose) has been abused by those who claim to represent God, I consider myself non-denominational. However, what does that have to do with anything being discussed??
CBS put the crowd at 87,000. Seriously,WTF? How did they arrive at that silly number? CBS is a joke. The Lie-beral MSM just can't be trusted. Thank God most of America understands this.

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