Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

So you admit it does say the government can't do those things. That is all you needed to concede.

Really?? the excerpt you quoted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" says WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless and feed the hungry?" Are you sure about that? I have to ask because I don't see that in their anywhere. LOL

btw, on a side note, do you claim to be a Christian?

I grew up southern baptist and that is what it said on my dog tags but after seeing how the word of God (no matter which god you choose) has been abused by those who claim to represent God, I consider myself non-denominational. However, what does that have to do with anything being discussed??
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective

So the churches aren't doing their job. So much for leaving it all up to private charity.
So you admit it does say the government can't do those things. That is all you needed to concede.

Really?? the excerpt you quoted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" says WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless and feed the hungry?" Are you sure about that? I have to ask because I don't see that in their anywhere. LOL

I grew up southern baptist and that is what it said on my dog tags but after seeing how the word of God (no matter which god you choose) has been abused by those who claim to represent God, I consider myself non-denominational. However, what does that have to do with anything being discussed??
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective

So the churches aren't doing their job. So much for leaving it all up to private charity.
which was my point, because the government has usurped the responsibility
Divecon and Avatar as Christians do not understand that Social Justice and the Social Gospel are Christian terms and accepted the overwhelming majority of Christian denominations and American Christians.

Sorry, guys, you simply can't support your contention.
Wonder if Obama is trying to figure out how many in that HUGE crowd are also still clinging to their guns.

After all, it was that fully proven inept and incapable mofo who made the abjectly ridiculous statement about guns and religion.


What in the hell are you going on about?
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective

So the churches aren't doing their job. So much for leaving it all up to private charity.
which was my point, because the government has usurped the responsibility

No, the PEOPLE, through the democratic process as prescribed by our Constitution, have CHOSEN to delegate certain responsibilities to the government,

out of need. Need arising from the FAILURE of the private sector.
Wonder if Obama is trying to figure out how many in that HUGE crowd are also still clinging to their guns.

After all, it was that fully proven inept and incapable mofo who made the abjectly ridiculous statement about guns and religion.


Oh yeah, that was another of those 'Obama is toast!' moments in 2008.
So, the National park service estimates that around two hundred grand would fit in the reflecting pool. Looking at that AP picture, it becomes quite clear that there were more than likely around 250-350 grand attending the rally. Not bad at all.....That's a hell of a lot of people who will not be voting liberal come november.....November is going to be a blast. Unless you're a moronic liberal Obamabot, that is!


You're not taking into account that the average rightwing nutcase teabag whitebread loon is 1 1/2 times the size of an average human.
Capacity crowd, Beaver Stadium, Penn State University:


Capacity: 107,000.

There's a helluva lot more bodies in that photo than any of the DC pics.

How long is the pool???

How many are in the tree cover???


So, the National park service estimates that around two hundred grand would fit in the reflecting pool. Looking at that AP picture, it becomes quite clear that there were more than likely around 250-350 grand attending the rally. Not bad at all.....That's a hell of a lot of people who will not be voting liberal come november.....November is going to be a blast. Unless you're a moronic liberal Obamabot, that is!


You're not taking into account that the average rightwing nutcase teabag whitebread loon is 1 1/2 times the size of an average human.

No stereo typing and profiling here! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
Wonder if Obama is trying to figure out how many in that HUGE crowd are also still clinging to their guns.

After all, it was that fully proven inept and incapable mofo who made the abjectly ridiculous statement about guns and religion.


Oh yeah, that was another of those 'Obama is toast!' moments in 2008.
No, it just bolstered the fact that the idiot doesn't think before he speaks....Kinda like when he falsely accused an innocent cop. Forced a government worker to resign, and on and on and on.

But hey, he has a new "where's Waldo" type game for his children to play. He can just hand his daughters those aerial pictures of the rally and have them "find the guns!" on all those religious, gun toting zealots. It'll keep the lil' ones busy until their next vacation begins next week.

Obama's a fucking idiot, and is fully proven to be the worst president in US history!
Actually, TwistedJoker, you are the idiot, which is so well documented here. But that's OK, because you are an American. A strange one, I admit, but an American. So you say. A Ranger, too. OK. :lol:
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!

Imagine what it would be like for us if a Rodeo Clown currently occupied the Oval Office. :eek:
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up OBAMA's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
See how that works?
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
And I take it YOU are one of the IDIOTS who voted for an inept, inexperienced clown like Obama.....Voting for a man who never ran a damn thing in his life. Had nothing more on his resume than being a failed community organizer. It doesn't get any more idiotic than that!

Yeah, it took a true idiot to vote for Obama, that's for sure!
Somebody needs to clue in all the posters who defend/support Beck and are flitting from one issue to another with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.

It doesn't matter about the size of the rally.....the bigger the crowd the more IDIOTS were suckered into blowing up Beck's marketability.

Remember folks, Beck called you an idiot if you take anything he says seriously. And let's face it, if a rodeo clown took to the pulpit of your local church, you'd take what he'd have to say with a grain of salt!
that, is a lie

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