Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

What trips me out about the lying tactics of the Right...

They send their goons out to trump up, puff up and inflate the number of attendees, Beck and Wallace interviewing each other going back and forth "100s of thousands", "300,000", "500,000!" They then use those inflated puffed up numbers to substantiate their importance and how the people should be listened to.

Then the REAL numbers come in...87,000...tops! They still push their nonsense..."100,000+" etc.

Yet, whenever something occurs that they don't agree with that DWARFS their best events...they attack it and label it fringe and promote the meme that non one should listen to them.



yes, and your dip assed reliable sources said Michelle Bachman would be speaking too.. sucks to be a demonRat donut? :cuckoo:

:rofl: and Dick armey :rofl:

sorry continue
Fact: America has a great number of people who believe in God.

Fact: The vast number of those people are Christians.

Fact: Beck is a Christian and has every right to hold a rally and center it on God.

Fact: Shintao does not understand the Trinity.

Fact: The left thinks Beck is meanless, yet spends huge amounts of time and resources to put him down.

Conclusion: BEck is on to something and the left is scared to death. They should be launching the you hater or racist crap any minute now.

FACT: Freedomworks has been instrumental in the culling and transporting teabaggers to bolster these type of events.

FACT: Beck has stated for posterity: “I’m a rodeo clown, it takes great skill."
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

So he was right saying Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people....:cool:

(Oh and the fact that he said he "shouldn't have said that means nothing since he didn't apologize..)

Oh and now this mormon is saying he should have made it clear, Obama was in the wrong kind of church because it taught the wrong kind of Christianity.

Support a fucking mormon saying someone is worshiping the wrong kind of christianity....

Fuck beck and fuck his fans for supporting this tripe.
Actually, TwistedJoker, you are the idiot, which is so well documented here. But that's OK, because you are an American. A strange one, I admit, but an American. So you say. A Ranger, too. OK. :lol:

Better than YOU have done. YOU are projecting YOUR REJECTION of others onto him.

Let US set the record straight right HERE and *NOW*

Hey you silly goose. Are you still saying mormons are christian? Remember that one. I laffed and laffed when you said that and actually thought you were kidding.

When I figured out you were serious I thought you would come back and apologize..

Still waiting.

Please post where I stated Pokeymon Michel Backmon or Dick Armey were going to speak.

This I gotta see!
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

ok you backed up what dive con was the other side? Anyone?
Actually, TwistedJoker, you are the idiot, which is so well documented here. But that's OK, because you are an American. A strange one, I admit, but an American. So you say. A Ranger, too. OK. :lol:

Better than YOU have done. YOU are projecting YOUR REJECTION of others onto him.

Let US set the record straight right HERE and *NOW*

Hey you silly goose. Are you still saying mormons are christian? Remember that one. I laffed and laffed when you said that and actually thought you were kidding.

When I figured out you were serious I thought you would come back and apologize..

Still waiting.


Got it?
FACT: Freedomworks has been instrumental in the culling and transporting teabaggers to bolster these type of events.

FACT: Beck has stated for posterity: “I’m a rodeo clown, it takes great skill."
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

So he was right saying Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people....:cool:

(Oh and the fact that he said he "shouldn't have said that means nothing since he didn't apologize..)

Oh and now this mormon is saying he should have made it clear, Obama was in the wrong kind of church because it taught the wrong kind of Christianity.

Support a fucking mormon saying someone is worshiping the wrong kind of christianity....

Fuck beck and fuck his fans for supporting this tripe.

I watched Glenn Apologize on the Chris Wallace interview. Liberation Theology does have issues Zona. Most of us have issues Zona. The Rally was a blast. Sorry you didn't make it. Here's something I know you will get a kick out of. Make sure you are sitting down now and don't choke.

Way to avoid an argument that you can't spin. LOL

Fact is that the right has made a habit out of criticizing the size of left supported events which were larger in size than beck's.
So let's just say that it would be less than honest to try and talk up beck's event that was smaller in size than events that the right has criticized in the past.

Let the numbers speak for themselves.

beck's range: 150,000-500,000

Million Man range: 400,000-837,000

March for Women's lives range: 800,000-1.15 million

Did you understand it that time or do you need to have it spelled out for you??

You are pointing to bad behavior to justify other bad behavior, I got it the first time and the other half dozen times you have tried to use this as a debate technique. It doesn't work.

BTW I increased the size of someting I said that you missed which basically AGREED with you that it wasn't "packed"

I am NOT justifying bad behavior. At no time did I say it was ok for the left to do it becuase the right did, so go try to put words into someone else's mouth you dishonest hack.
However, once again you come at me and ingore the content.
Your first post made some lame claim about the pics when my post was about past events that the right was critical of so I asked how could they talk this event up based on their history with other events.
Your post ignored the content of mine, so i called you out for it and then you ignore the content again. Only this time you come at me personally and LIE about a debating technique in a desperate attempt CYA as you avoid a topic you can't spin.

The fact is that based on the numbers beck's event was nothing to brag about when you consider how the right criticized past events that were larger than this one.
I know you will once again try to spin and puts words into my mouth to attack me for something i never said because that is what you do. So go ahead hack, fire away and show how lame you truly are. Or if you had any integrity, you could actually try responding to the content for a change? LOL

There you go again pointing to bad behavior to justify other bad behavior, your own. Your trying to dimish the events crowd by stating that it was "nothing to brag about when you consider how the right criticized past events that were larger than this oneand its obvious". Maybe if i make your own words big enough for you in the future you wont overlook what you did and make a crazy post like this again.

I never claimed a number, I saw your claims of numbers and 100,000 is a lot of people in my opinion so your claims tell me there was more than a lot of people there.

I dont see how the right's behavior on other rallies changes that fact about this non-political rally.

Again you really need to go back to square one.
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FACT: Freedomworks has been instrumental in the culling and transporting teabaggers to bolster these type of events.

FACT: Beck has stated for posterity: “I’m a rodeo clown, it takes great skill."
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

So he was right saying Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people....:cool:

(Oh and the fact that he said he "shouldn't have said that means nothing since he didn't apologize..)

Oh and now this mormon is saying he should have made it clear, Obama was in the wrong kind of church because it taught the wrong kind of Christianity.

Support a fucking mormon saying someone is worshiping the wrong kind of christianity....

Fuck beck and fuck his fans for supporting this tripe.
Must have really chapped your hide Zona, to see all those blacks in the crowd. Must have really chapped your hide to see all those black, muslim, christian, white, hispanic, asian, etc., religious leaders take the stage with Beck, eh Zona?

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

So he was right saying Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people....:cool:

(Oh and the fact that he said he "shouldn't have said that means nothing since he didn't apologize..)

Oh and now this mormon is saying he should have made it clear, Obama was in the wrong kind of church because it taught the wrong kind of Christianity.

Support a fucking mormon saying someone is worshiping the wrong kind of christianity....

Fuck beck and fuck his fans for supporting this tripe.

I watched Glenn Apologize on the Chris Wallace interview. Liberation Theology does have issues Zona. Most of us have issues Zona. The Rally was a blast. Sorry you didn't make it. Here's something I know you will get a kick out of. Make sure you are sitting down now and don't choke.

i thought signs were not allowed?
Capacity crowd, Beaver Stadium, Penn State University:


Capacity: 107,000.

There's a helluva lot more bodies in that photo than any of the DC pics.

How long is the pool???

How many are in the tree cover???



From those 2 pictures (stadium vs event) I would say there were 200,000 people at that rally easily then.
You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

So he was right saying Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people....:cool:

(Oh and the fact that he said he "shouldn't have said that means nothing since he didn't apologize..)

Oh and now this mormon is saying he should have made it clear, Obama was in the wrong kind of church because it taught the wrong kind of Christianity.

Support a fucking mormon saying someone is worshiping the wrong kind of christianity....

Fuck beck and fuck his fans for supporting this tripe.
Must have really chapped your hide Zona, to see all those blacks in the crowd. Must have really chapped your hide to see all those black, muslim, christian, white, hispanic, asian, etc., religious leaders take the stage with Beck, eh Zona?


Leftist ZEALOTS as Zona will NEVER ADMIT that there are far greater powers than The Government...Things above Humanity that the majority of people in this Republic subscribe to.

This FAR LARGER than themselves or politics.

They will never wrap their minds around it or even attempt to...LEST They IMPLODE UPON THEMSELVES.

*THIS is the truth* It is beyond their powers of reckoning.
You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

So he was right saying Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people....:cool:

(Oh and the fact that he said he "shouldn't have said that means nothing since he didn't apologize..)

Oh and now this mormon is saying he should have made it clear, Obama was in the wrong kind of church because it taught the wrong kind of Christianity.

Support a fucking mormon saying someone is worshiping the wrong kind of christianity....

Fuck beck and fuck his fans for supporting this tripe.
Must have really chapped your hide Zona, to see all those blacks in the crowd. Must have really chapped your hide to see all those black, muslim, christian, white, hispanic, asian, etc., religious leaders take the stage with Beck, eh Zona?


ZONA will just side with the DEFAULT of Leftists everywhere and called the ones of Colour "Uncle Toms" and too stupid to be let off the Liberal Plantation.

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