Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.

Let's put this in context. The crowd was large, maybe as much as 200,000. Equally that would make it about 1/4 the size of the largest feminist rally there and maybe 1/5 to 1/6 the size of the Million Man March estimates. The Beck rally recognized that significant portion of the minority were represented at the rally.
Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.

You seem to be assuming the crowd is republican. What is that idea based on?

Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.

It was a HUGE crowd that was SMALLER than "The Million Man March" and SMALLER than "The March for Women's Lives" which were both deemed SMALL by the right. LOL
What trips me out about the lying tactics of the Right...

They send their goons out to trump up, puff up and inflate the number of attendees, Beck and Wallace interviewing each other going back and forth "100s of thousands", "300,000", "500,000!" They then use those inflated puffed up numbers to substantiate their importance and how the people should be listened to.

Then the REAL numbers come in...87,000...tops! They still push their nonsense..."100,000+" etc.

Yet, whenever something occurs that they don't agree with that DWARFS their best events...they attack it and label it fringe and promote the meme that non one should listen to them.



yes, and your dip assed reliable sources said Michelle Bachman would be speaking too.. sucks to be a demonRat donut? :cuckoo:
Really?? does that say that the government should NOT do the SPECIFIC things that were talked about?? That seems to be quite a stretch on your part. Thanks for the spin. LOL

So you admit it does say the government can't do those things. That is all you needed to concede.

it tells you WHO he told to
and it wasnt the government

Really?? the excerpt you quoted "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" says WHO should "heal, shelter the homeless and feed the hungry?" Are you sure about that? I have to ask because I don't see that in their anywhere. LOL

btw, on a side note, do you claim to be a Christian?

I grew up southern baptist and that is what it said on my dog tags but after seeing how the word of God (no matter which god you choose) has been abused by those who claim to represent God, I consider myself non-denominational. However, what does that have to do with anything being discussed??
no, i admit that it doesnt say the government CANT do those things, but Jesus told his PEOPLE aka Christians aka the CHURCH to do those things, and to have the government do them is letting the church off the hook for doing what they were commanded to do

and i asked you if you were a christian for no other reason than to know and understand, or at least try to understand your perspective
Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.

Let's put this in context. The crowd was large, maybe as much as 200,000. Equally that would make it about 1/4 the size of the largest feminist rally there and maybe 1/5 to 1/6 the size of the Million Man March estimates. The Beck rally recognized that significant portion of the minority were represented at the rally.

It was packed from the steps of al sharpton's lincoln memorial to the foot of the Washington Monument. roughly 8/10 of a mile.
Just heard that only about a 1,000 people showed up at Beck's rally. Well that's what the Lie-beral Media is saying anyway. What a bunch of despicable liars. Seriously,who still trusts the Lie-beral dominated MSM at this point? Yikes!

Who even cares???
i already answered that

No you didn't. You provided a response that was NOT an answer to the question asked. That is all that you provided. So stop claiming you answered when you clearly did NOT.
oh, i answered it, but you just dont LIKE the answer
because it exposing your flaming hypocrisy

btw, still waiting to see if you claim to be a Christian or not?

The only thing it exposed was your dishonesty as you try to claim your excerpt says something it does NOT. Your non-answer has no bearing on me but thanks for showing that you care. LOL
Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.

You seem to be assuming the crowd is republican. What is that idea based on?

Nooooooo, i'm assuming that the crowd is a mix of political bend who want to see this country get back to it's roots as a nation....You know, those things that progressive liberals just can't stand......I doubt very seriously that any progressive lib's attended the rally. They were more than likely too busy watching LINK TV and being spoonfed the loony far left liberal mantra that we all get to enjoy up here!
No you didn't. You provided a response that was NOT an answer to the question asked. That is all that you provided. So stop claiming you answered when you clearly did NOT.
oh, i answered it, but you just dont LIKE the answer
because it exposing your flaming hypocrisy

btw, still waiting to see if you claim to be a Christian or not?

The only thing it exposed was your dishonesty as you try to claim your excerpt says something it does NOT. Your non-answer has no bearing on me but thanks for showing that you care. LOL
you really are pathetic
Glen Beck got a full turn out of listeners, with his ability to draw a crowd. The message he preaches is a little scary tho, in wanting to roll his crowd up in religion. He doesn't explain which god he is referring to, an arrogant flaw in Christians that take it for granted they have the only god, and all other gods are wrong.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he constantly says he does not care which god you worship or what name you call your god by, as long as you have god in your life.
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Wonder if Obama is trying to figure out how many in that HUGE crowd are also still clinging to their guns.

After all, it was that fully proven inept and incapable mofo who made the abjectly ridiculous statement about guns and religion.

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

Leftists can't grasp that concept.

Post #189

Maybe unlike Avatar, you won't dodge the response.
Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.

Let's put this in context. The crowd was large, maybe as much as 200,000. Equally that would make it about 1/4 the size of the largest feminist rally there and maybe 1/5 to 1/6 the size of the Million Man March estimates. The Beck rally recognized that significant portion of the minority were represented at the rally.

Hey Jake. I spent some time at both the Korean and Viet Nam Memorials. Well done. I got some nice pictures. They are not up yet, but I did put up some Rally shots you would get a kick out of. ;)
FACT: Freedomworks has been instrumental in the culling and transporting teabaggers to bolster these type of events.

FACT: Beck has stated for posterity: “I’m a rodeo clown, it takes great skill."
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.
.....And, that's why everyone was gathered, there.

Got it.


But apparantly Avatar doesn't!
Man, the Obamabots are all flustered today. They just can't deal with the fact that the majority in that HUGE crowd will be heading to the polls come november to vote out their fellow beloved liberal loons. And come '12, Obama had better hook up with his good buddy Rezko for yet ANOTHER one of those fraudulent real estate deals. That boy and his pampered, do nothing but waste the tax payers dollars wife of his are going to need a new place to live.

Let's put this in context. The crowd was large, maybe as much as 200,000. Equally that would make it about 1/4 the size of the largest feminist rally there and maybe 1/5 to 1/6 the size of the Million Man March estimates. The Beck rally recognized that significant portion of the minority were represented at the rally.

It was packed from the steps of al sharpton's lincoln memorial to the foot of the Washington Monument. roughly 8/10 of a mile.

Absolutely no grounds for even half of that figure. Very generous estimate at 200K.

You tired the nonsense last summer of 2009 of the rally in DC that was supposed to be 2MM and was less than 10% of that.

200,000 is about the max that you all can put on the ground at a time. It's a good figure but not as impressive as those of the minorities of color and the feminists.
Glen Beck got a full turn out of listeners, with his ability to draw a crowd. The message he preaches is a little scary tho, in wanting to roll his crowd up in religion. He doesn't explain which god he is referring to, an arrogant flaw in Christians that take it for granted they have the only god, and all other gods are wrong.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he constantly says he does not care which god you worship or what name you call your god by, as long as you have god in your life.

You better believe as a Latter-day Saint he better say just that.
Capacity crowd, Beaver Stadium, Penn State University:


Capacity: 107,000.

There's a helluva lot more bodies in that photo than any of the DC pics.

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