Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Two things that are facts:

1. The permit was for 'up to 300,000'. That doesn't mean they 'hoped' for it.... just that permits need to be obtained, and they have set figures. Check it out if you don't believe me.

2. There is no actual official estimate from a legitimate source. Some sources say 87,000 others 100,000, yet more 300,000+. My source, and he's good enough for me but there is no reason for anyone else to accept it, puts the figure between 90,000 and 110,000. One thing I will point out.... no figure is as accurate as to say '87,000'... there is always wiggle room... if your source says 87,000, it is wrong.

What difference does it make?

Glenn got himself an impressive crowd regardless of the actual number. For him to assemble that many mindless zealots in one place is a credit to the amount of control he has over his minions

Sadly, Black Civil Rights Leaders seem to have completely lost their ability to assemble "mindless zealots." However shall the Democratic Party survive?

Two things that are facts:

1. The permit was for 'up to 300,000'. That doesn't mean they 'hoped' for it.... just that permits need to be obtained, and they have set figures. Check it out if you don't believe me.

2. There is no actual official estimate from a legitimate source. Some sources say 87,000 others 100,000, yet more 300,000+. My source, and he's good enough for me but there is no reason for anyone else to accept it, puts the figure between 90,000 and 110,000. One thing I will point out.... no figure is as accurate as to say '87,000'... there is always wiggle room... if your source says 87,000, it is wrong.

What difference does it make?

Glenn got himself an impressive crowd regardless of the actual number. For him to assemble that many mindless zealots in one place is a credit to the amount of control he has over his minions

It makes a difference when things that are not facts are represented as such. Not that I think Sarah does that - while I may not agree with her - she does not deliberately misrepresent facts.

For me, because I'm a details person, I think it's quite important that we take care not to present something as fact when it isn't. Please tell me you recognize why it is important to be accurate about facts. You do, right?

Sarah Palin does not deliberately mirepresent facts?

The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their "level of productivity in society," whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

Misrepresented facts or just plain stupid?
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What difference does it make?

Glenn got himself an impressive crowd regardless of the actual number. For him to assemble that many mindless zealots in one place is a credit to the amount of control he has over his minions

Sadly, Black Civil Rights Leaders seem to have completely lost their ability to assemble "mindless zealots." However shall the Democratic Party survive?


I understand they pay minimum wage, offer universal healthcare benefits, and you can retire on full pay after just 20 years.
LOL how can anyone claim he had a "full house" or even try to brag about the number of people there when the high and low numbers are less than those of "The Million Man March" which the right attacked based on it's size (400,000 to 837,000)??
Or how about "The March for Women's Lives" in 2004 that had a low range of 800,000 and a high range of 1.15 million and was criticized and minimized by the right??
LOL how can anyone claim he had a "full house" or even try to brag about the number of people there when the high and low numbers are less than those of "The Million Man March" which the right attacked based on it's size (400,000 to 837,000)??
Or how about "The March for Women's Lives" in 2004 that had a low range of 800,000 and a high range of 1.15 million and was criticized and minimized by the right??
They must have been looking at pictures or something


It looks like there is still room more people there though.

I don't know if GB had a "full house" but he had a good house that was in tune with his message.

The question is this: will that "house" translate into Tea Party seats in the Senate that will have an effect on Obama's administrative and legislative goals.
I don't know if GB had a "full house" but he had a good house that was in tune with his message.

The question is this: will that "house" translate into Tea Party seats in the Senate that will have an effect on Obama's administrative and legislative goals.

Considering he didn't talk about voting, the tea parties, or upcoming elections at the rally its hard to say for sure.
That's what I found interesting. Is he a "motivational mover" for the religious right, a spokesman for the GOP, or a potential candidate for Senate? I suspect all three have something to them.
What trips me out about the lying tactics of the Right...

They send their goons out to trump up, puff up and inflate the number of attendees, Beck and Wallace interviewing each other going back and forth "100s of thousands", "300,000", "500,000!" They then use those inflated puffed up numbers to substantiate their importance and how the people should be listened to.

Then the REAL numbers come in...87,000...tops! They still push their nonsense..."100,000+" etc.

Yet, whenever something occurs that they don't agree with that DWARFS their best events...they attack it and label it fringe and promote the meme that non one should listen to them.


If you think Beck is playing anyone for a fool, then you didn't listen to him.

Watch his speech at the Rally. You can't deny the power in it.

I watched part of his speach. He appeared to be on some kind of psycadelic. Delusional.
Actually, that's fairly-typical......​

"Alcoholism can also produce symptoms similar to those of dementia -- forgetfulness, reduced attention, confusion. If incorrectly identified, such symptoms may lead to unnecessary institutionalization."

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT do those things
I don't know if GB had a "full house" but he had a good house that was in tune with his message.

The question is this: will that "house" translate into Tea Party seats in the Senate that will have an effect on Obama's administrative and legislative goals.

Considering he didn't talk about voting, the tea parties, or upcoming elections at the rally its hard to say for sure.

That's because that isn't what the rally was about. The rally was just a gathering to motivate people to embrace their value system and stand up for honorable behavior.

It's really not that complicated. Despite the left's confusion about it.
Yes how dare he talk about God and supporting our Soldiers. Yup that's just sooo "extreme & crazy." Seriously,only a deranged & hateful Leftist would try so hard to find something wrong with what he talked about over the weekend. It really is no wonder most Americans now despise the Left. SHEESH!
I don't know if GB had a "full house" but he had a good house that was in tune with his message.

The question is this: will that "house" translate into Tea Party seats in the Senate that will have an effect on Obama's administrative and legislative goals.

Considering it was attended by people in both parties and not affiliated with the Tea Party and it was a complete apolitical rally, my guess is no.

After all, that wasnt the intent of the event.
What trips me out about the lying tactics of the Right...

They send their goons out to trump up, puff up and inflate the number of attendees, Beck and Wallace interviewing each other going back and forth "100s of thousands", "300,000", "500,000!" They then use those inflated puffed up numbers to substantiate their importance and how the people should be listened to.

Then the REAL numbers come in...87,000...tops! They still push their nonsense..."100,000+" etc.

Yet, whenever something occurs that they don't agree with that DWARFS their best events...they attack it and label it fringe and promote the meme that non one should listen to them.



There was a heck of a lot more than 87,000 there. Heck, that much was probably just the line for the metro.
More than 87K?

So says the RightWing HACKS!!

I don't believe you.

Provide PROOF!
I watched part of his speach. He appeared to be on some kind of psycadelic. Delusional.
Actually, that's fairly-typical......​

"Alcoholism can also produce symptoms similar to those of dementia -- forgetfulness, reduced attention, confusion. If incorrectly identified, such symptoms may lead to unnecessary institutionalization."

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT do those things

Ironically, he has it completely backwards

Socialism doesn't heal the sick, it keeps them from being treated

Communism doesn't shelter the homeless, it makes people homeless.

Nazism doesn't feed the hungry, they create them.

That's the problem!

That's why Christ didn't preach those things. He didn't preach government health care. He actually went and healed the sick. Then He gave His disciples power to do likewise.

Christ didn't preach government housing. He went out and built the housing for them. And taught people to do likewise.

Christ didnt preach government handouts of food. He went and gave the hungry food. Then taught them how to satisfy the hunger of the Soul.

Christ taught individuals the principles they need to connect with God and be lifted up.

They don't understand Christ. The Darkness doesn't comprehend the light.
I don't know if GB had a "full house" but he had a good house that was in tune with his message.

The question is this: will that "house" translate into Tea Party seats in the Senate that will have an effect on Obama's administrative and legislative goals.

Considering it was attended by people in both parties and not affiliated with the Tea Party and it was a complete apolitical rally, my guess is no.

After all, that wasnt the intent of the event.

Let's straight here, Avatar. The crowd was overwhelmingly white, right and far, with very few Dems or minorities of color. I think that some of that will affirmatively affect three or four seats in the House and possibly one in the Senate. That is not shabby for starters.
Please StupidCon...I've NEVER seen you say ne'er the disparaging word about a fellow Con in all my boardlife.


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