Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Of course Beck plays his followers as fools...he knows they are nothing but SAPS.

He spends his entire time demonizing the President, name-calling him, doing everything in his power to paint him as "the other", "unwanted", "unproven", "un-skilled"....evil. Even called the man a straight up racist on live tv.

Then wants people to believe he's a Christian and that his so called "rally" is really religious and not at all political. Meanwhile all his guests are Republicans. All his talking points are Republican. He's even on the Republican News Network.

I mean, the MFer stated "I'm not saying The President is racist, this man, I believe, has a deep seated hatred for white people or the white culture."!?!?!?

Then when Chris Wallace takes him to task for that statement he tepidly walks it back with a half-apology that only his followers are taking as a full-blown true apology when it makes him look better to the mainstream.

Its all one big rodeo show with this man.

He's neither a journalist, a preacher, newsreporter, pundit, nor religious person...he's simply a clown. A sad one at that.

And his followers can't get enough of him.


Sad....So sad.

.....And, kinda any OTHER clown.........

Of course Beck plays his followers as fools...he knows they are nothing but SAPS.

He spends his entire time demonizing the President, name-calling him, doing everything in his power to paint him as "the other", "unwanted", "unproven", "un-skilled"....evil. Even called the man a straight up racist on live tv.

Then wants people to believe he's a Christian and that his so called "rally" is really religious and not at all political. Meanwhile all his guests are Republicans. All his talking points are Republican. He's even on the Republican News Network.

I mean, the MFer stated "I'm not saying The President is racist, this man, I believe, has a deep seated hatred for white people or the white culture."!?!?!?

Then when Chris Wallace takes him to task for that statement he tepidly walks it back with a half-apology that only his followers are taking as a full-blown true apology when it makes him look better to the mainstream.

Its all one big rodeo show with this man.

He's neither a journalist, a preacher, newsreporter, pundit, nor religious person...he's simply a clown. A sad one at that.

And his followers can't get enough of him.


Sad....So sad.

.....And, kinda any OTHER clown.........


Sounds just like that clown 0bama. That pic must be around here somewhere.
Thank you to all those that attended 8/28 both in person and online

With your support and help we were able to raise more than $5-million dollars for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

If you would like to donate to their cause you can do so online here OR you can text SOWF to 85944 to make a $10 donation.

Restoring Honor - 8.28.10
.....When it's really.....


.....ANOTHER BECK-HU$TLE!!!!!!!!!!!

"All contribution$ made to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) will first be applied to the costs of the Restoring Honor Rally taking place on August 28, 2010. All contributions in excess of these costs will then be retained by the SOWF."

"That's weird, I thought. I give $100 to SOWF and it goes to Glenn Beck first, college scholarships for children of deceased special operators (maybe) second? Why would Glenn Beck be using a charitable organization, whose mission it is to provide college scholarships to the children of deceased special operators, as the financing arm of his "non-political, non-partisan" rally?

Glenn Beck got paid $18 million last year. Surely, these kids need the money more than he does.

Let's cut to the chase and stop being naïve. The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is now serving as a financial front man for the right-wing, Fox News demagogue that is Glenn Beck. This so-called "rally" has nothing to do with SOWF's stated (and noble) mission of giving college scholarships to children of deceased servicemembers.

We all know this rally is going to be nothing more than an anti-Obama, anti-government, pro-Tea Party hate-fest with Glenn Beck spewing his vitriol under the banner of "supporting our troops."

Well, as one of those troops, I am calling this for what it is--a deceitful and deceptive attempt on behalf of far-right extremists to profit off of the memory of my fellow servicemen and women killed in action. Nothing is more wrong or disgusting."

What......Glenn Beck doesn't have ENOUGH CA$H to finance his OWN hu$tles??!!!!!

Of course Beck plays his followers as fools...he knows they are nothing but SAPS.

He spends his entire time demonizing the President, name-calling him, doing everything in his power to paint him as "the other", "unwanted", "unproven", "un-skilled"....evil. Even called the man a straight up racist on live tv.

Then wants people to believe he's a Christian and that his so called "rally" is really religious and not at all political. Meanwhile all his guests are Republicans. All his talking points are Republican. He's even on the Republican News Network.

I mean, the MFer stated "I'm not saying The President is racist, this man, I believe, has a deep seated hatred for white people or the white culture."!?!?!?

Then when Chris Wallace takes him to task for that statement he tepidly walks it back with a half-apology that only his followers are taking as a full-blown true apology when it makes him look better to the mainstream.

Its all one big rodeo show with this man.

He's neither a journalist, a preacher, newsreporter, pundit, nor religious person...he's simply a clown. A sad one at that.

And his followers can't get enough of him.


Sad....So sad.

.....And, kinda any OTHER clown.........

Sounds just like that clown 0bama. That pic must be around here somewhere.

This one?

Thank you to all those that attended 8/28 both in person and online

With your support and help we were able to raise more than $5-million dollars for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

If you would like to donate to their cause you can do so online here OR you can text SOWF to 85944 to make a $10 donation.

Restoring Honor - 8.28.10
.....When it's really.....


.....ANOTHER BECK-HU$TLE!!!!!!!!!!!

"All contribution$ made to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) will first be applied to the costs of the Restoring Honor Rally taking place on August 28, 2010. All contributions in excess of these costs will then be retained by the SOWF."

"That's weird, I thought. I give $100 to SOWF and it goes to Glenn Beck first, college scholarships for children of deceased special operators (maybe) second? Why would Glenn Beck be using a charitable organization, whose mission it is to provide college scholarships to the children of deceased special operators, as the financing arm of his "non-political, non-partisan" rally?

Glenn Beck got paid $18 million last year. Surely, these kids need the money more than he does.

Let's cut to the chase and stop being naïve. The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is now serving as a financial front man for the right-wing, Fox News demagogue that is Glenn Beck. This so-called "rally" has nothing to do with SOWF's stated (and noble) mission of giving college scholarships to children of deceased servicemembers.

We all know this rally is going to be nothing more than an anti-Obama, anti-government, pro-Tea Party hate-fest with Glenn Beck spewing his vitriol under the banner of "supporting our troops."

Well, as one of those troops, I am calling this for what it is--a deceitful and deceptive attempt on behalf of far-right extremists to profit off of the memory of my fellow servicemen and women killed in action. Nothing is more wrong or disgusting."

What......Glenn Beck doesn't have ENOUGH CA$H to finance his OWN hu$tles??!!!!!


The rally was not an "anti-Obama, anti-government, pro-Tea Party hate-fest". It was spiritual. And I don't think those children who lost parents in war give a rat's ass where the money came from. Save your self righteous bullshit for yourself. It won't pay for shit.

Maybe if the money came from some questionable Middle Eastern country, you'd be singing a different tune.
Thank you to all those that attended 8/28 both in person and online

With your support and help we were able to raise more than $5-million dollars for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

If you would like to donate to their cause you can do so online here OR you can text SOWF to 85944 to make a $10 donation.

Restoring Honor - 8.28.10
.....When it's really.....


.....ANOTHER BECK-HU$TLE!!!!!!!!!!!

"All contribution$ made to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF) will first be applied to the costs of the Restoring Honor Rally taking place on August 28, 2010. All contributions in excess of these costs will then be retained by the SOWF."

"That's weird, I thought. I give $100 to SOWF and it goes to Glenn Beck first, college scholarships for children of deceased special operators (maybe) second? Why would Glenn Beck be using a charitable organization, whose mission it is to provide college scholarships to the children of deceased special operators, as the financing arm of his "non-political, non-partisan" rally?

Glenn Beck got paid $18 million last year. Surely, these kids need the money more than he does.

Let's cut to the chase and stop being naïve. The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is now serving as a financial front man for the right-wing, Fox News demagogue that is Glenn Beck. This so-called "rally" has nothing to do with SOWF's stated (and noble) mission of giving college scholarships to children of deceased servicemembers.

We all know this rally is going to be nothing more than an anti-Obama, anti-government, pro-Tea Party hate-fest with Glenn Beck spewing his vitriol under the banner of "supporting our troops."

Well, as one of those troops, I am calling this for what it is--a deceitful and deceptive attempt on behalf of far-right extremists to profit off of the memory of my fellow servicemen and women killed in action. Nothing is more wrong or disgusting."

What......Glenn Beck doesn't have ENOUGH CA$H to finance his OWN hu$tles??!!!!!


This piece was originally posted on March 8th, 2010 at

'nuff said

Winger material from asshole Mr. SheMan once again
Ever notice how Shaman comes out of the woodwork when the left takes a big hit? All commerical looking and lefty media driven. It was a good weekend.
Glen Beck got a full turn out of listeners, with his ability to draw a crowd. The message he preaches is a little scary tho, in wanting to roll his crowd up in religion. He doesn't explain which god he is referring to, an arrogant flaw in Christians that take it for granted they have the only god, and all other gods are wrong. And it is doubtful either Beck or Palin are Christians when they saddle themselves to the republican party of degenerates and misfits who hold no Christian values. If there every was a idol jesus (I see no proof there was), they surely do not walk in his foot steps.

Beck sees his god beyond imagination. That must be fantasyland, or never never land, somewhere beyond dreamland, believability and the Twilight Zone. And he wants to bring his political god into his republican cult of misfits. It won't be an idol jesus, because his claim to fame was helping the poor and down trodden, giving of one's self, community and socialistic pronouncements and behavior. So it really does get scary trying to ID what god he was talking about. Maybe it is the Muslim terrorist god, or Hitler god. Whatever god, media isn't doing their investigative work on Beck to shed light into this rare republican phenomenon. The Christian god says put no other god before him, so Beck can't be talking about a christian god.

Here are a few lines referring to Beck's Twilight god.

The organizer, Fox TV host Glenn Beck, who invited listeners to the U.S. capital to "restore America's honor. Beck and the Republican 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, both darlings of the Tea Party, urged a return to what they said were traditional American values of service to others and a belief in God.

"Something beyond imagination is happening," Beck declared. "America today begins to turn back to God."

You should really try reading the Bible, you may not look so foolish and ignorant the next time.

Just try to keep-it-AWAY from young, impressionable minds!!!

And yet another winger link by the uber-troll...

Hey SheMan... let's come up with a little wager... loser gives up the username and password and agrees never to come back... it's a win/win for me, as either way I will be rid of you... and if you leave the board, the rest of the posters on here would benefit greatly
Leftists can't grasp that concept.
Please. :rolleyes:

If there's anyone who avoids thinking (at-all-costs)....and, prefers the safety (and, guidance) of the chain-o'-command....typically, CORPORATE chain-o''s always BEEN Conservatives.

That's why you folks make such terrible engineers. You dread change/variation/innovation. You prefer same-old/same-old, no risks, no change.....nothing that'll upset your daily-routine.

Ya' wanna be bankers? Fine. Stick with tellers. But, when it comes to this Country's folks are an ABERATION of the people who made this Country GREAT; RISK-TAKERS!!!

Easy to take "risks" with other people's money huh?
Not ANYMORE!!!!!!

What a shame, senility in one so young.

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront |

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront
Published: Monday, May 19, 2008, 6:15 AM Updated: Monday, May 19, 2008, 11:16 AM
Jerry Casey, The Oregonian

Tens of thousands jammed Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland on Sunday to watch Barack Obama wrap up a busy weekend in Oregon and a historic campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Portland Fire Bureau estimated the crowd at 72,000. About 60,000 squeezed inside the gates and 12,000 watched from outside.

It was a record crowd for an Oregon political event. In 2004, an estimated 50,000 turned out to see Democrat John Kerry, who brought along movie idol Leonardo DiCaprio and rocker Jon Bon Jovi.
And Beck beat the pants off those. :lol:

They hoped for 300,000 but 87,000 showed up at Beck' rally. That isn't a bad number for a fox news commentator but you all still feel the need to inflate it like you do every other statistic..
And Beck STILL beat the pants off those. :lol:
.....When it's really.....


.....ANOTHER BECK-HU$TLE!!!!!!!!!!!

"That's weird, I thought. I give $100 to SOWF and it goes to Glenn Beck first, college scholarships for children of deceased special operators (maybe) second? Why would Glenn Beck be using a charitable organization, whose mission it is to provide college scholarships to the children of deceased special operators, as the financing arm of his "non-political, non-partisan" rally?

Glenn Beck got paid $18 million last year. Surely, these kids need the money more than he does.

Let's cut to the chase and stop being naïve. The Special Operations Warrior Foundation is now serving as a financial front man for the right-wing, Fox News demagogue that is Glenn Beck. This so-called "rally" has nothing to do with SOWF's stated (and noble) mission of giving college scholarships to children of deceased servicemembers.

We all know this rally is going to be nothing more than an anti-Obama, anti-government, pro-Tea Party hate-fest with Glenn Beck spewing his vitriol under the banner of "supporting our troops."

Well, as one of those troops, I am calling this for what it is--a deceitful and deceptive attempt on behalf of far-right extremists to profit off of the memory of my fellow servicemen and women killed in action. Nothing is more wrong or disgusting."

What......Glenn Beck doesn't have ENOUGH CA$H to finance his OWN hu$tles??!!!!!


The rally was not an "anti-Obama, anti-government, pro-Tea Party hate-fest". It was spiritual. And I don't think those children who lost parents in war give a rat's ass where the money came from.
Then, why doesn't BECK DONATE ALL-OF-IT??!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a shame, senility in one so young.

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront |

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront
Published: Monday, May 19, 2008, 6:15 AM Updated: Monday, May 19, 2008, 11:16 AM
Jerry Casey, The Oregonian

Tens of thousands jammed Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland on Sunday to watch Barack Obama wrap up a busy weekend in Oregon and a historic campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Portland Fire Bureau estimated the crowd at 72,000. About 60,000 squeezed inside the gates and 12,000 watched from outside.

It was a record crowd for an Oregon political event. In 2004, an estimated 50,000 turned out to see Democrat John Kerry, who brought along movie idol Leonardo DiCaprio and rocker Jon Bon Jovi.
And Beck beat the pants off those. :lol:

Yeah.....just ask MICHELE BACHMANN!!!!!


No need to. Even the low estimate is still better than what those Democrats drew. :lol:

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