Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

Leftists can't grasp that concept.
Apparently around 300k turned out. And I remember when 30k turning out for Obama was a big deal.

What a shame, senility in one so young.

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront |

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront
Published: Monday, May 19, 2008, 6:15 AM Updated: Monday, May 19, 2008, 11:16 AM
Jerry Casey, The Oregonian

Tens of thousands jammed Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland on Sunday to watch Barack Obama wrap up a busy weekend in Oregon and a historic campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Portland Fire Bureau estimated the crowd at 72,000. About 60,000 squeezed inside the gates and 12,000 watched from outside.

It was a record crowd for an Oregon political event. In 2004, an estimated 50,000 turned out to see Democrat John Kerry, who brought along movie idol Leonardo DiCaprio and rocker Jon Bon Jovi.
And Beck beat the pants off those. :lol:

They hoped for 300,000 but 87,000 showed up at Beck' rally. That isn't a bad number for a fox news commentator but you all still feel the need to inflate it like you do every other statistic..
Beck is a pitchman that goes with what sells.
.....Specifically, his primary-sponsor.....

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Of course Beck plays his followers as fools...he knows they are nothing but SAPS.

He spends his entire time demonizing the President, name-calling him, doing everything in his power to paint him as "the other", "unwanted", "unproven", "un-skilled"....evil. Even called the man a straight up racist on live tv.

Then wants people to believe he's a Christian and that his so called "rally" is really religious and not at all political. Meanwhile all his guests are Republicans. All his talking points are Republican. He's even on the Republican News Network.

I mean, the MFer stated "I'm not saying The President is racist, this man, I believe, has a deep seated hatred for white people or the white culture."!?!?!?

Then when Chris Wallace takes him to task for that statement he tepidly walks it back with a half-apology that only his followers are taking as a full-blown true apology when it makes him look better to the mainstream.

Its all one big rodeo show with this man.

He's neither a journalist, a preacher, newsreporter, pundit, nor religious person...he's simply a clown. A sad one at that.

And his followers can't get enough of him.


Sad....So sad.
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Beck is a pitchman that goes with what sells.
.....Specifically, his primary-sponsor.....


s0n...........fcukking amazing!!! You joined up 3 months ago and already.............more posts than me!!!:eek::eek: WTF bro???!!!!!!!

This is what we get on the forum when the OCD k00ks find us..............miserable mofu's with no responsibilities in their lives. Wonder why thier posts invariably display all the class warfare sh!t? These people are total fcukk ups in life, having made these hideous personal decisions and now they spend their lives on this forum spouting out spectacular levels of jealousy. To them..........if you are successful? FCUKK YOU!!!! This is the outlet for hate spewing.............I guess 16 hours a day can accomplish that!!!:eusa_dance:

Check out the post counts of many of the most radical liberals on this forum and tell me these people are navigating in the real world like the rest of us!!!!!!:oops::oops::oops:

Reality stings sometimes, huh??!!!!:badgrin:
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Apparently around 300k turned out. And I remember when 30k turning out for Obama was a big deal.
Sounds like you've been overly-reliant on "conservative"-sources....typically not staffed with Math Majors.​

"Estimates on the size of the rally have varied widely. According to one commissioned by CBS News, 87,000 people attended the event. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R), who also spoke at the event, told a reporter afterward that she thought more than 100,000 people had attended.

Beck said that the crowd was between 300,000 and 650,000, and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), speaking at her own event after the rally, said that no fewer than 1 million people had been in attendance."

Apparently around 300k turned out. And I remember when 30k turning out for Obama was a big deal.

What a shame, senility in one so young.

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront |

Obama rallies tens of thousands at Portland waterfront
Published: Monday, May 19, 2008, 6:15 AM Updated: Monday, May 19, 2008, 11:16 AM
Jerry Casey, The Oregonian

Tens of thousands jammed Gov. Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland on Sunday to watch Barack Obama wrap up a busy weekend in Oregon and a historic campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The Portland Fire Bureau estimated the crowd at 72,000. About 60,000 squeezed inside the gates and 12,000 watched from outside.

It was a record crowd for an Oregon political event. In 2004, an estimated 50,000 turned out to see Democrat John Kerry, who brought along movie idol Leonardo DiCaprio and rocker Jon Bon Jovi.
And Beck beat the pants off those. :lol:

Yeah.....just ask MICHELE BACHMANN!!!!!


I think that he's going to have to answer..... in a big way, to his God, if his God exists.
Fact: America has a great number of people who believe in God.

Fact: The vast number of those people are Christians.

Fact: Beck is a Christian and has every right to hold a rally and center it on God.

Fact: Shintao does not understand the Trinity.

Fact: The left thinks Beck is meanless, yet spends huge amounts of time and resources to put him down.

Conclusion: BEck is on to something and the left is scared to death. They should be launching the you hater or racist crap any minute now.

Racist?????? :confused:

Pardon me Shaman, your stupidty is showing. School should start soon for you again. How many times does this make for 10th grade?
Apparently around 300k turned out. And I remember when 30k turning out for Obama was a big deal.

thanks for the link.

So Beck is now the new religious leader for the right?

Very interesting.

Beck/Palin 2012.

yes, beck is god, all the right worships him and his goddess palin.... did you find out about this closely guarded secret?

We've seen it all, before.......​

"The whole nation loves him, because it feels safe in his hands, like a child in the arms of his mother." - Josef Goebbels, on Adolf Hitler


"Who says that I am not under the special protection of God?" - Adolf Hitler


"We stand for the maintenance of private property... We shall protect free enterprise as the most expedient, or rather the sole possible economic order." - Adolf Hitler
Jumping to the liberal Nazi defense already? Seriously, I didn't expect that to be fashionable until September.
Was there some kind of vendor booth for those people to reclaim their honor....something like a Lost and Found booth?
If it was anywhere-near the Lost & Found, it would have been easy to overlook.

The Lost & Found was (apparently) the same scale as some kind o' MEGA-STORE, due the the number o' Minds (found; littering the grounds) it was holding.


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