Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

MLK's niece does not represent MLK. She says gays are an abomination and MLK was all about acceptance. Its insulting to not address the fact that no one in MLK's family is standing with her.

MLK's son has nothing to do with her and for you or beck to think that showing this pro life, anti gay nut as a representative for MLK is insulting.

By the way, Its funny how Beck and the word God is being thrown around. I wonder why he didn't mention the fact that he is Mormon. Christians and Mormons have opposing views of God. Very Opposing.

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop. The irony of all this is, MLK's views would have been looked down on my a heart beat. Example...Fox would have HATED mlk and his stance on the vietnam war.

Oh Zona...why do all of you haters of the right have to show your true colors with stupid statements like

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop.

Beck is a recovering alcoholic...I assume you aren't one because if you were, you'd respect that. And he has, on more than one occasion, made acknowledgement of his Morman faith...anyone who actually pays attention to what he says would know that.

It is the playbook of the left to try to demoralize anything that shows the right gaining ground against a faultering left.

To claim that MLK's views would have been looked down on by Beck seems incredibly moronic on your part since he spent a lot of time over the weeks prior to yesterday and then some of his time in his speech praising the work of MLK and doing his best to give King's message a connection to ALL Americans, not just black Americans that we can use to apply to our current state of chaos.

At any rate, it's troubling that you don't support Mr. Beck's views that there are things that we WILL disagree on, but there are so many things that we can do in agreement that will change this country for the better...for all of us. I know you probably won't take this in the spirit in which I tried to convey it...but I had to try.

He is a classic dry drunk. I am not an alcoholic, but I did get training on substance abuse because I was after care specialist (collateral duty) in the Navy. He shows all the signs of being one. Recovering or not, he is still an alcoholic skippy.

MLK would have been against the Iraq war. We all agree with this. Now be truthful would fox have treated him because of this?

Do you think Fox would have called HIM a socialist? Beck himself said being for social justice was you think MLK was for social justice?

Be honest for just one second here and address what I just wrote.

According to wikipedia...
Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and involves a greater degree of economic egalitarianism through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution. These policies aim to achieve what developmental economists refer to as more equality of opportunity than may currently exist in some societies, and to manufacture equality of outcome in cases where incidental inequalities appear in a procedurally just system.

Do you think that MLK was after redistribution or was he after equal rights for all Americans reguardless of their skin color, origin or beliefs?

The social justice that is defined here at refers to redistribution is what Beck is opposed to.

I would venture to say that Dr. King would have been against ANY war so I'm not sure that picking just this one is fair. But you may be right that FOX...and maybe even a few others would have not given him much toleration...but then again, who knows...I guess it's all fair in love and war when it comes to the press and politics...I mean, let's face it...MSNBC hasn't been the Welcome Wagon for Sarah Palin.

I'm just wondering if you're maybe too focused on the whole "FOX is bad" concept. I don't think FOX would have called an equal rights activist such as MLK a socialist...have they done so? I'm not looking for generalizations here...have you heard ANYONE on FOX call MLK a socialist? Since we're being honest...I'll look forward to your answer.

And then finally, to your hideous and continuous remarks about alcholics, I'm curious as to whether or not you missed portions of your training. Or do they not offer any training on support of individuals with addictions that included a level of compassion for their condition?
And then finally, to your hideous and continuous remarks about alcholics, I'm curious as to whether or not you missed portions of your training. Or do they not offer any training on support of individuals with addictions that included a level of compassion for their condition?

Compassion? Isn't that the government's job?
Was there some kind of vendor booth for those people to reclaim their honor....something like a Lost and Found booth?

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Fact: America has a great number of people who believe in God.

Fact: The vast number of those people are Christians.

Fact: Beck is a Christian and has every right to hold a rally and center it on God.

Fact: Shintao does not understand the Trinity.

Fact: The left thinks Beck is meanless, yet spends huge amounts of time and resources to put him down.

Conclusion: BEck is on to something and the left is scared to death. They should be launching the you hater or racist crap any minute now.

FACT: Freedomworks has been instrumental in the culling and transporting teabaggers to bolster these type of events.

FACT: Beck has stated for posterity: “I’m a rodeo clown, it takes great skill."
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“
Fact: America has a great number of people who believe in God.

Fact: The vast number of those people are Christians.

Fact: Beck is a Christian and has every right to hold a rally and center it on God.

Fact: Shintao does not understand the Trinity.

Fact: The left thinks Beck is meanless, yet spends huge amounts of time and resources to put him down.

Conclusion: BEck is on to something and the left is scared to death. They should be launching the you hater or racist crap any minute now.

FACT: Freedomworks has been instrumental in the culling and transporting teabaggers to bolster these type of events.

FACT: Beck has stated for posterity: “I’m a rodeo clown, it takes great skill."
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“

FACT: You are a fucking idiot...but i still love you.
Fact: America has a great number of people who believe in God.

Fact: The vast number of those people are Christians.

Fact: Beck is a Christian and has every right to hold a rally and center it on God.

Fact: Shintao does not understand the Trinity.

Fact: The left thinks Beck is meanless, yet spends huge amounts of time and resources to put him down.

Conclusion: BEck is on to something and the left is scared to death. They should be launching the you hater or racist crap any minute now.

FACT: Freedomworks has been instrumental in the culling and transporting teabaggers to bolster these type of events.

FACT: Beck has stated for posterity: “I’m a rodeo clown, it takes great skill."
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.
Glen Beck got a full turn out of listeners, with his ability to draw a crowd. The message he preaches is a little scary tho, in wanting to roll his crowd up in religion. He doesn't explain which god he is referring to, an arrogant flaw in Christians that take it for granted they have the only god, and all other gods are wrong. And it is doubtful either Beck or Palin are Christians when they saddle themselves to the republican party of degenerates and misfits who hold no Christian values. If there every was a idol jesus (I see no proof there was), they surely do not walk in his foot steps.

Beck sees his god beyond imagination. That must be fantasyland, or never never land, somewhere beyond dreamland, believability and the Twilight Zone. And he wants to bring his political god into his republican cult of misfits. It won't be an idol jesus, because his claim to fame was helping the poor and down trodden, giving of one's self, community and socialistic pronouncements and behavior. So it really does get scary trying to ID what god he was talking about. Maybe it is the Muslim terrorist god, or Hitler god. Whatever god, media isn't doing their investigative work on Beck to shed light into this rare republican phenomenon. The Christian god says put no other god before him, so Beck can't be talking about a christian god.

Here are a few lines referring to Beck's Twilight god.

The organizer, Fox TV host Glenn Beck, who invited listeners to the U.S. capital to "restore America's honor. Beck and the Republican 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, both darlings of the Tea Party, urged a return to what they said were traditional American values of service to others and a belief in God.

"Something beyond imagination is happening," Beck declared. "America today begins to turn back to God."

Sarah Palin was there too. But Holy Cow--would you look at the size of this crowd around the Lincoln Memorial. Even Beck jokingly stated that the MEDIA stated there was at least 1000 people there--LOL. Looking at this picture there were 10's of THOUSANDS of people there.

$Lincoln memorial crowd.jpg

I have lived a long time--even through Viet Nam--and I have never witnessed this size of a crowd or anything of this size. I can't possibly imagine what is going to happen to Democrats this coming November--but I can assume it's going to look like Custers last stand--and it is going to be HISTORIC.

I have never seen this much interest in what is going on in Washington D.C.
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Fact: America has a great number of people who believe in God.

Fact: The vast number of those people are Christians.

Fact: Beck is a Christian and has every right to hold a rally and center it on God.

Fact: Shintao does not understand the Trinity.

Fact: The left thinks Beck is meanless, yet spends huge amounts of time and resources to put him down.

Conclusion: BEck is on to something and the left is scared to death. They should be launching the you hater or racist crap any minute now.

FACT: Freedomworks has been instrumental in the culling and transporting teabaggers to bolster these type of events.

FACT: Beck has stated for posterity: “I’m a rodeo clown, it takes great skill."
“I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“

You really don't get it do you?

Glenn has credibility because he doesn't want people just to take his word for it. He wants them to go out and learn for themselves.

No one should every take someones word for it. We should always go out and find out whether it's true or not. "Question with boldness, even the very existance of God"

Glenn encourages people to learn for themselves. That's what gives him power. Because people who educate themselves don't have to rely on others.

Apparently, YOU don't get it......either that or you're just goofing on everyone by writing this bilge simply to take a gain-saying position to get a response or rise out of people.

Let me explain it to you in no uncertain terms....BECK IS PLAYING YOU FOR A FOOL! He has taken his cues from "Elmer Gantry" and "Lonesome Rhodes" and parlayed it to make himself a millionaire. It's been documented what a liar and BS artist Beck is. What gives him "power" is his making people like you feel comfortable with venting your financial and personal frustrations through formats that use hate and bigotry.
You can try to ignore this all you want...but the FACTS don't lie, and won't go away.

So Beck's "idiots" give money to FreedomWorks for a bus ride to DC so they get thumb their noses at...what? The federal gov't? (curse them for forcing Civil Rights for black folk on us!) Obama? (curse him for getting fairly elected and putting oversight on the bankers and insurance companies that screwed us!) Osama Bin Ladin? (Curse him for eluding the Shrub!) Non-evangelists? Atheists? (Curse the public school system for living up to the Constitution and not envoking a national prayer as a requirement for children's education)? The "war on terror" (curse the liberals and progressives for providing proof that the Iraq invasion was based on lies and was a total screw-up)?

And why the very day of the March on Washington anniversary? Any student of King's legacy knows that King was a savvy man who could cut right to the heart of a problem. He would NOT have put up with Beck's BS, and would have savaged him on any interview or debate. It was King's push for Civil Rights in America for Black people that pissed off Beck's predecessors, because last time I checked, Teabaggers, neocons, right wingnuts and ultra conservatives wail about the gov't enforcing laws on States rights. So if these "idiots" were around in 1968, they would have been screaming bloody murder AGAINST King.

So again, why did Beck choose that day? When you remove all the flag waving and evangelical clap-trap, what's the point? Political? Social? What version of America is Beck and Palin pointing to that we should return to for "greatness" and "honor"? What I query about above, Beck and his "idiots" deny, but yet the convoluted logic and empty rhetoric that you just parroted still does not answer the questions.

Bottom line: If you and the rest of the Beck's "idiots" cannot come to grips as to exactly who is in power that is screwing you out of house and home over the years, then you will forever be denied "greatness" and "honor".
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For Republicans, a bunch of "white people" IS a "full house". As far as they are concerned, they are the only people who count. "We want OUR country back". They mean back from the likes of Obama and other minorities.

They get a black crazy lady who compares gay marriage to genocide and suddenly they're "inclusive".

You fuckers can HAVE the crazy lady. No one on the left wants her.

Every time the right shows how "inclusive" they are, by showing valued minorities such as Alen Keyes and Michelle Malkin, I gasp, and think to myself, "but those people are crazy".

Fact: America has a great number of people who believe in God.

And UFOs, Big Foot, Santa Claus etc. For some reason religious people get a pass on their psychological evaluations, but a Schizophrenic hangs himself everytime.

Fact: The vast number of those people are Christians.

That is a lie. You have to walk the walk and talk the mumbo jumbo, and they don't walk it, don't talk it, so they aren't Christians.

Fact: Beck is a Christian and has every right to hold a rally and center it on God.

You don't know Beck is a christian. Hell, you don't know if you are a christian. What a insane thing to say.

Fact: Shintao does not understand the Trinity.

Dork SL is a crystal ball gazer, currently gazing at mah balls. I understand the Trinity, I think it is bullshit. You might be onto something if there was only one son of god, but alas your Black book defies you. See if you can read mah cock for me.

Fact: The left thinks Beck is meanless, yet spends huge amounts of time and resources to put him down.

Ahh, the tea leaf reader is getting in deeper with each reading. :cuckoo:

Conclusion: BEck is on to something and the left is scared to death. They should be launching the you hater or racist crap any minute now.

Notice how the rightys are always using the fear words? Yes, scared to death. And hating people. My my!!! I do hope he recovers from those tea leaves. He wasn't suppose to smoke them.:lol:
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Lord, what fools we mortals be.

Apparently, YOU don't get it......either that or you're just goofing on everyone by writing this bilge simply to take a gain-saying position to get a response or rise out of people.

Let me explain it to you in no uncertain terms....BECK IS PLAYING YOU FOR A FOOL, AVATAR! He has taken his cues from "Elmer Gantry" and "Lonesome Rhodes" and parlayed it to make himself a millionaire. It's been documented what a liar and BS artist Beck is. What gives him "power" is his making people like you feel comfortable with venting your financial and personal frustrations through formats that use hate and bigotry.
You can try to ignore this all you want...but the FACTS don't lie, and won't go away.

So Beck's "idiots" give money to FreedomWorks for a bus ride to DC so they get thumb their noses at...what? The federal gov't? (curse them for forcing Civil Rights for black folk on us!) Obama? (curse him for getting fairly elected and putting oversight on the bankers and insurance companies that screwed us!) Osama Bin Ladin? (Curse him for eluding the Shrub!) Non-evangelists? Atheists? (Curse the public school system for living up to the Constitution and not envoking a national prayer as a requirement for children's education)? The "war on terror" (curse the liberals and progressives for providing proof that the Iraq invasion was based on lies and was a total screw-up)?

And why the very day of the March on Washington anniversary? Any student of King's legacy knows that King was a savvy man who could cut right to the heart of a problem. He would NOT have put up with Beck's BS, and would have savaged him on any interview or debate. It was King's push for Civil Rights in America for Black people that pissed off Beck's predecessors, because last time I checked, Teabaggers, neocons, right wingnuts and ultra conservatives wail about the gov't enforcing laws on States rights. So if these "idiots" were around in 1968, they would have been screaming bloody murder AGAINST King.

So again, why did Beck choose that day? When you remove all the flag waving and evangelical clap-trap, what's the point? Political? Social? What version of America is Beck and Palin pointing to that we should return to for "greatness" and "honor"? What I query about above, Beck and his "idiots" deny, but yet the convoluted logic and empty rhetoric that you just parroted still does not answer the questions.

Bottom line: If you and the rest of the Beck's "idiots" cannot come to grips as to exactly who is in power that is screwing you out of house and home over the years, then you will forever be denied "greatness" and "honor".
Beck sees his god beyond imagination. That must be fantasyland, or never never land, somewhere beyond dreamland, believability and the Twilight Zone. And he wants to bring his political god into his republican cult of misfits.

Are you able to see a difference between God the personality and God the concept?
Glen Beck got a full turn out of listeners, with his ability to draw a crowd. The message he preaches is a little scary tho, in wanting to roll his crowd up in religion. He doesn't explain which god he is referring to, an arrogant flaw in Christians that take it for granted they have the only god, and all other gods are wrong. And it is doubtful either Beck or Palin are Christians when they saddle themselves to the republican party of degenerates and misfits who hold no Christian values. If there every was a idol jesus (I see no proof there was), they surely do not walk in his foot steps.

Beck sees his god beyond imagination. That must be fantasyland, or never never land, somewhere beyond dreamland, believability and the Twilight Zone. And he wants to bring his political god into his republican cult of misfits. It won't be an idol jesus, because his claim to fame was helping the poor and down trodden, giving of one's self, community and socialistic pronouncements and behavior. So it really does get scary trying to ID what god he was talking about. Maybe it is the Muslim terrorist god, or Hitler god. Whatever god, media isn't doing their investigative work on Beck to shed light into this rare republican phenomenon. The Christian god says put no other god before him, so Beck can't be talking about a christian god.

Here are a few lines referring to Beck's Twilight god.

The organizer, Fox TV host Glenn Beck, who invited listeners to the U.S. capital to "restore America's honor. Beck and the Republican 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, both darlings of the Tea Party, urged a return to what they said were traditional American values of service to others and a belief in God.

"Something beyond imagination is happening," Beck declared. "America today begins to turn back to God."

Sarah Palin was there too. But Holy Cow--would you look at the size of this crowd around the Lincoln Memorial. Even Beck jokingly stated that the MEDIA stated there was at least 1000 people there--LOL. Looking at this picture there were 10's of THOUSANDS of people there.

View attachment 11386

I have lived a long time--even through Viet Nam--and I have never witnessed this size of a crowd or anything of this size. I can't possibly imagine what is going to happen to Democrats this coming November--but I can assume it's going to look like Custers last stand--and it is going to be HISTORIC.

I have never seen this much interest in what is going on in Washington D.C.

Yep, I think it is going to take these size rallys to get Obamas change. Beck sure told them to stop being obstructionists and start supporting their country again. Good man, and I hope these people take home the message.
Beck sees his god beyond imagination. That must be fantasyland, or never never land, somewhere beyond dreamland, believability and the Twilight Zone. And he wants to bring his political god into his republican cult of misfits.

Are you able to see a difference between God the personality and God the concept?

Oh, no, I don't follow religion and other unprovable beliefs. That just seems unnatural to me.
I;d like to see someone explain the difference between God the Personality and God The Concept.

Sounds rich.
If you think Beck is playing anyone for a fool, then you didn't listen to him.

Watch his speech at the Rally. You can't deny the power in it.
How many gods ARE there, in a political forum?

One might ask Beck who is attempting to draw christians (of some sort) back under the republican umbrellia at the ungodyly Lincoln Memorial.

"That I am not a member of any Christian Church, is true." Abraham Lincoln

I can asure you, there are many gods when christians denounce Islam.
Then, there's always:​

"The Bible is not my Book and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long complicated statements of Christian dogma." - Abraham Lincoln​

"The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge." - Albert Einstein​
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