Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Glen Beck got a full turn out of listeners, with his ability to draw a crowd. The message he preaches is a little scary tho, in wanting to roll his crowd up in religion. He doesn't explain which god he is referring to, an arrogant flaw in Christians that take it for granted they have the only god, and all other gods are wrong. And it is doubtful either Beck or Palin are Christians when they saddle themselves to the republican party of degenerates and misfits who hold no Christian values. If there every was a idol jesus (I see no proof there was), they surely do not walk in his foot steps.

Beck sees his god beyond imagination. That must be fantasyland, or never never land, somewhere beyond dreamland, believability and the Twilight Zone. And he wants to bring his political god into his republican cult of misfits. It won't be an idol jesus, because his claim to fame was helping the poor and down trodden, giving of one's self, community and socialistic pronouncements and behavior. So it really does get scary trying to ID what god he was talking about. Maybe it is the Muslim terrorist god, or Hitler god. Whatever god, media isn't doing their investigative work on Beck to shed light into this rare republican phenomenon. The Christian god says put no other god before him, so Beck can't be talking about a christian god.

Here are a few lines referring to Beck's Twilight god.

The organizer, Fox TV host Glenn Beck, who invited listeners to the U.S. capital to "restore America's honor. Beck and the Republican 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, both darlings of the Tea Party, urged a return to what they said were traditional American values of service to others and a belief in God.

"Something beyond imagination is happening," Beck declared. "America today begins to turn back to God."

I hope they had enough porta-potties. I always hate it when they don't have enough porta-potties.
Oh and did you hear? He talked about God too. OH NOOOO!! HE TALKED ABOUT GOD!! The audacity of that Beck! Why do Left Wingers think they have the right or authority to decide whether it's ok or not for someone to talk about God? Who do they think they are? They don't get to decide and control whether people can talk about God or not. If you don't like hearing the word God then don't listen. No one forced anyone to attend Beck's rally. That's why i always say,if you're looking for Freedom & Liberty,don't turn to the Socialists/Progressives. They don't believe in that.

Yeah...I thought that was some of the funniest parts.
I think Beck is a cool guy. I like the fact that he talked about God and supporting our Soldiers. What's not to like about that? Only a hysterical Leftist nutter would find a problem with that. What a bunch of kooks.
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Gonna be lots and lots of stinky shorts tomorrow AM amongst the k00ks!!!!!


Beck fans creaming their shorts?

Naah...........Im thinking Hanes is gonna do pretty well tomorrow outfitting the left with a few new sets of undewear!!! 'Cause poop sucks............

A mature grown up would not do such an immature post. What are you, 15???

Jesus was a liberal. And all liberals are socialists now, haven't you heard?


Looks like you lose.....seems Infidel has given you the crazy guy sign :cuckoo:

Actuallly, Modern Conservative thought, of which Glenn Beck is an expert in has identified Jesus as a proponent of Conservative ideals

-Jesus was known to go up to those starving and begging for food and telling them to get a job

- Jesus looked upon the sick and told them that healthcare was unattainable unless they could pay for it

- Jesus hung around with the wealthy and made sure they were never taxed too much

Doesn't get more conservative than Jesus
Yea because talking about God and supporting our Soldiers is just sooo crazy & extreme. Seriously,Leftists get stupider by the day.
Yea because talking about God and supporting our Soldiers is just sooo crazy & extreme. Seriously,Leftists get stupider by the day.

And the right thinks that if they wave the flag it excuses sending 4000 soldiers to their death in an unnecessary war
God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!

MLK's niece does not represent MLK. She says gays are an abomination and MLK was all about acceptance. Its insulting to not address the fact that no one in MLK's family is standing with her.

MLK's son has nothing to do with her and for you or beck to think that showing this pro life, anti gay nut as a representative for MLK is insulting.

By the way, Its funny how Beck and the word God is being thrown around. I wonder why he didn't mention the fact that he is Mormon. Christians and Mormons have opposing views of God. Very Opposing.

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop. The irony of all this is, MLK's views would have been looked down on my a heart beat. Example...Fox would have HATED mlk and his stance on the vietnam war.
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Yea what a bummer. Talking about God and supporting our Soldiers. Two things Leftist loons truly despise. Face it Left,most Americans now despise you. See you on Election Day.
Yea what a bummer. Talking about God and supporting our Soldiers. Two things Leftist loons truly despise. Face it Left,most Americans now despise you. See you on Election Day.

Didn't you post this same thing like three times already on this thread?

Alzheimers is a bitch isn't it?
Jesus was a liberal. And all liberals are socialists now, haven't you heard?


Looks like you lose.....seems Infidel has given you the crazy guy sign :cuckoo:

Actuallly, Modern Conservative thought, of which Glenn Beck is an expert in has identified Jesus as a proponent of Conservative ideals

-Jesus was known to go up to those starving and begging for food and telling them to get a job

- Jesus looked upon the sick and told them that healthcare was unattainable unless they could pay for it

- Jesus hung around with the wealthy and made sure they were never taxed too much

Doesn't get more conservative than Jesus
idiot, Jesus didnt provide healthcare
nor did he tell the hungry to take from someone else
you guys just never seem to understand

Looks like you lose.....seems Infidel has given you the crazy guy sign :cuckoo:

Actuallly, Modern Conservative thought, of which Glenn Beck is an expert in has identified Jesus as a proponent of Conservative ideals

-Jesus was known to go up to those starving and begging for food and telling them to get a job

- Jesus looked upon the sick and told them that healthcare was unattainable unless they could pay for it

- Jesus hung around with the wealthy and made sure they were never taxed too much

Doesn't get more conservative than Jesus
idiot, Jesus didnt provide healthcare
nor did he tell the hungry to take from someone else
you guys just never seem to understand

idiot, Jesus didnt provide healthcare


Never read the Bible I see

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