Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!
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God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!

And MLK's son spoke at Sharpton's rally. So?
Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck! Bleepin Leftists. What a bunch of predictable douchebags. Thank God less & less people are caring about what they think.
God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!

And MLK's son spoke at Sharpton's rally. So?

Point is,if Dr. Alveda King likes & respects Glenn Beck,that's good enough for me. The Left is rapidly losing ground with these kind of stale attacks.
God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!

And MLK's son spoke at Sharpton's rally. So?

Point is,if Dr. Alveda King likes & respects Glenn Beck,that's good enough for me. The Left is rapidly losing ground with these kind of stale attacks.

I see more relevance in the fact that the left can't claim that the crowd was 'all white'.
And MLK's son spoke at Sharpton's rally. So?

Point is,if Dr. Alveda King likes & respects Glenn Beck,that's good enough for me. The Left is rapidly losing ground with these kind of stale attacks.

I see more relevance in the fact that the left can't claim that the crowd was 'all white'.

lol! Give em time. I'm sure "Those Damn RAAAACEEEEESTS!" is coming soon. Leftists really are very predictable.
Apparently around 300k turned out. And I remember when 30k turning out for Obama was a big deal.

thanks for the link.

So Beck is now the new religious leader for the right?

Very interesting.

Beck/Palin 2012.

If you want to believe that Beck is the new religious leader of the right, you are perfectly entitled to do so. Just, please, this one time - recognize the difference between your opinion and a fact.
Out of how many asked?

And where where they asked?

i could probably find some cray poll about the most absurd thing and make it look "Right".

Polls mean nothing. Just take at the political polls..
it was a limited ONLINE poll(note: not open to just anyone to vote, but online )

asking a specific group of scientists, not a random sample
he stopped giving the link to the actual poll when people actually read it because it says just that on it

Oooooh, you dirty flat out liar. I stopped posting the site because I was threatened with being banned for posting to the same site too many times.

Start here:

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

and you can go through all their "science and the public" research by hitting "next" at the bottom of each page.

Finally you get to this page:

Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: About the Survey - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press


DiveCon. You lie. You know you are a liar. You should be ashamed, but you have the morals of a termite. You simply don't know any better. I suspect you were never taught. You could have read this yourself at any time and didn't . You lie. Shame on you. Anyone could make a mistake, but what you did was "bear false witness", that 's "lying". Dirty lies. Shame, shame, shame.

And you two morons that thanked him? You were lied to.

24% response rate. Sounds like all the kook scientists replied and the normal ones took a pass. Surely it does not tell you the number of religious scientists or their party affliation to any reliable degree.
And MLK's son spoke at Sharpton's rally. So?

Point is,if Dr. Alveda King likes & respects Glenn Beck,that's good enough for me. The Left is rapidly losing ground with these kind of stale attacks.

I see more relevance in the fact that the left can't claim that the crowd was 'all white'.

Well, it was the anniversary of MLK's speech, and it was the site of it. I'm sure many black people showed up in spite of Beck.
Point is,if Dr. Alveda King likes & respects Glenn Beck,that's good enough for me. The Left is rapidly losing ground with these kind of stale attacks.

I see more relevance in the fact that the left can't claim that the crowd was 'all white'.

Well, it was the anniversary of MLK's speech, and it was the site of it. I'm sure many black people showed up in spite of Beck.

I hope you warmed up well.... wouldn't want you to pull a muscle with all that stretching. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The official figures bouncing around are a ballpark of 100,000 atttendees - of which 13% were estimated to be 'minorities' (I prefer to call them Americans but we'll say 'minorities to make it clear).... that is around 13,000 'minorities'.... Now, maybe they all got lost and ended up at the wrong rally - that might explain the embarrassingly low turnout for Sharpton's shit.... but.... logical would lead us to think that they actually just wanted to hear Beck and his speakers.

And you know what.... to make excuses for them being there, like they showed up because of the anniversary etc.... that's fucking insulting to them.
By the way, Jesus Christ was the ultimate socialist. :)

How so?

Because God is very busy and He put Zona in charge of deciding who is and is not a Christian. He also made Zona His representative on earth. We mere mortals should be very grateful that Zona is here to teach us all.... We can learn a lot from him..... we can learn what a racist looks like, we can learn how to lie, we can learn what an obsessional drooling koolaider looks like. So much to learn, so little time. :lol::lol::lol:
Oh and did you hear? He talked about God too. OH NOOOO!! HE TALKED ABOUT GOD!! The audacity of that Beck! Why do Left Wingers think they have the right or authority to decide whether it's ok or not for someone to talk about God? Who do they think they are? They don't get to decide and control whether people can talk about God or not. If you don't like hearing the word God then don't listen. No one forced anyone to attend Beck's rally. That's why i always say,if you're looking for Freedom & Liberty,don't turn to the Socialists/Progressives. They don't believe in that.
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I see more relevance in the fact that the left can't claim that the crowd was 'all white'.

Well, it was the anniversary of MLK's speech, and it was the site of it. I'm sure many black people showed up in spite of Beck.

I hope you warmed up well.... wouldn't want you to pull a muscle with all that stretching. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The official figures bouncing around are a ballpark of 100,000 atttendees - of which 13% were estimated to be 'minorities' (I prefer to call them Americans but we'll say 'minorities to make it clear).... that is around 13,000 'minorities'.... Now, maybe they all got lost and ended up at the wrong rally - that might explain the embarrassingly low turnout for Sharpton's shit.... but.... logical would lead us to think that they actually just wanted to hear Beck and his speakers.

And you know what.... to make excuses for them being there, like they showed up because of the anniversary etc.... that's fucking insulting to them.

Yeah, I'm sure the guy who called Obama a racist has an abundant black following.
I see more relevance in the fact that the left can't claim that the crowd was 'all white'.

Well, it was the anniversary of MLK's speech, and it was the site of it. I'm sure many black people showed up in spite of Beck.

I hope you warmed up well.... wouldn't want you to pull a muscle with all that stretching. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The official figures bouncing around are a ballpark of 100,000 atttendees - of which 13% were estimated to be 'minorities' (I prefer to call them Americans but we'll say 'minorities to make it clear).... that is around 13,000 'minorities'.... Now, maybe they all got lost and ended up at the wrong rally - that might explain the embarrassingly low turnout for Sharpton's shit.... but.... logical would lead us to think that they actually just wanted to hear Beck and his speakers.

And you know what.... to make excuses for them being there, like they showed up because of the anniversary etc.... that's fucking insulting to them.

By the way, Jesus Christ was the ultimate socialist. :)

How so?

Because God is very busy and He put Zona in charge of deciding who is and is not a Christian. He also made Zona His representative on earth. We mere mortals should be very grateful that Zona is here to teach us all.... We can learn a lot from him..... we can learn what a racist looks like, we can learn how to lie, we can learn what an obsessional drooling koolaider looks like. So much to learn, so little time. :lol::lol::lol:


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