Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Yea what a bummer. Talking about God and supporting our Soldiers. Two things Leftist loons truly despise. Face it Left,most Americans now despise you. See you on Election Day.

Didn't you post this same thing like three times already on this thread?

Alzheimers is a bitch isn't it?


The k00ks are stuck in 2008..........lets face it!!! Ive lived lots of days........never in my life have I seen conservatives gather on the mall in Washington DC. For 40 years its been populated by fcukking k00ks..........but no more. They got the keys to the store..........AND THEY BURNED IT DOWN!!!!

Our turn to do the poking in the eye!!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
Its not even lost on the New York Times........................

For Republicans, an ’80 Déjà Vu?
Published: August 28, 2010

. WASHINGTON — The incumbent senator from Alaska is taken by surprise in a primary. A new conservative movement energizes Republicans in a furious response to a Democratic White House. Little-known insurgent candidates prepare to storm the Senate.

While the 1994 Republican takeover of the House is regularly explored for insight into what might happen this polarized election year, parallels are emerging between the watershed Senate election of three decades ago and the campaign of 2010 as another conservative rebellion threatens to reshape the Senate.

In 1980, shocked Senate Democrats lost 12 seats in a rout that ended the Congressional careers of such notable lawmakers as George McGovern of South Dakota, Birch Bayh of Indiana, Frank Church of Idaho, Warren Magnuson of Washington and Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin.

Swept into office by the landslide victory of Ronald Reagan were a number of conservatives, including Jeremiah A. Denton Jr. of Alabama, Mack Mattingly of Georgia, Paula Hawkins of Florida, Steve Symms of Idaho and several others whose notion of the role of government and Congress was markedly different from those they succeeded.

They were labeled the “accidental senators,” candidates who won only by virtue of an extraordinary political environment. The culture of the Senate — and party control — changed overnight.

Yet the k00ks continue to talk about George Bush and the sentiment that prevailed in 2008!!!

Ive been political blogging for some years now.............but ask me..............has it ever been more fun than the last few months???:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Glen BEck has done more to promote change for America in one day, than Obama has all year. A change that can lead to less division and a strengthened nation. No insistence on wealth redistribution or government engineered living.
Glen BEck has done more to promote change for America in one day, than Obama has all year. A change that can lead to less division and a strengthened nation. No insistence on wealth redistribution or government engineered living.

Individualism scares the fuck outta the collectivists.
God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!

MLK's niece does not represent MLK. She says gays are an abomination and MLK was all about acceptance. Its insulting to not address the fact that no one in MLK's family is standing with her.

MLK's son has nothing to do with her and for you or beck to think that showing this pro life, anti gay nut as a representative for MLK is insulting.

By the way, Its funny how Beck and the word God is being thrown around. I wonder why he didn't mention the fact that he is Mormon. Christians and Mormons have opposing views of God. Very Opposing.

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop. The irony of all this is, MLK's views would have been looked down on my a heart beat. Example...Fox would have HATED mlk and his stance on the vietnam war.

does everything have to come down to gayness, ALL the time?

So please give us a link to Martin Luther King Jr.'s stance on homos.
Glen BEck has done more to promote change for America in one day, than Obama has all year. A change that can lead to less division and a strengthened nation. No insistence on wealth redistribution or government engineered living.

You are right..

He influenced me to change the channel
Fact: America has a great number of people who believe in God.

Fact: The vast number of those people are Christians.

Fact: Beck is a Christian and has every right to hold a rally and center it on God.

Fact: Shintao does not understand the Trinity.

Fact: The left thinks Beck is meanless, yet spends huge amounts of time and resources to put him down.

Conclusion: BEck is on to something and the left is scared to death. They should be launching the you hater or racist crap any minute now.

Fact: 90% of the Republican Party is white

Fact: Only 6% of scientists are Republican

Fact: Only 9% of scientists are conservative

Conclusion: The Confederate Republican Party of Southern Teabags is getting older, whiter, and dumber.

Yet they STILL seem to be winning can this be?
Glen BEck has done more to promote change for America in one day, than Obama has all year. A change that can lead to less division and a strengthened nation. No insistence on wealth redistribution or government engineered living.

You are right..

He influenced me to change the channel

So then I guess we can all dismiss your opinions on the subject since you didn't hear what was said.

OK...that's fine with me. Consider yourself dismissed

Looks like you lose.....seems Infidel has given you the crazy guy sign :cuckoo:

Actuallly, Modern Conservative thought, of which Glenn Beck is an expert in has identified Jesus as a proponent of Conservative ideals

-Jesus was known to go up to those starving and begging for food and telling them to get a job

- Jesus looked upon the sick and told them that healthcare was unattainable unless they could pay for it

- Jesus hung around with the wealthy and made sure they were never taxed too much

Doesn't get more conservative than Jesus
idiot, Jesus didnt provide healthcare
nor did he tell the hungry to take from someone else
you guys just never seem to understand

Divecon, you really are an idiot. Just sayin.
Looks like you lose.....seems Infidel has given you the crazy guy sign :cuckoo:

Actuallly, Modern Conservative thought, of which Glenn Beck is an expert in has identified Jesus as a proponent of Conservative ideals

-Jesus was known to go up to those starving and begging for food and telling them to get a job

- Jesus looked upon the sick and told them that healthcare was unattainable unless they could pay for it

- Jesus hung around with the wealthy and made sure they were never taxed too much

Doesn't get more conservative than Jesus
idiot, Jesus didnt provide healthcare
nor did he tell the hungry to take from someone else
you guys just never seem to understand

Divecon, you really are an idiot. Just sayin.
and you're just projecting
God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!

MLK's niece does not represent MLK. She says gays are an abomination and MLK was all about acceptance. Its insulting to not address the fact that no one in MLK's family is standing with her.

MLK's son has nothing to do with her and for you or beck to think that showing this pro life, anti gay nut as a representative for MLK is insulting.

By the way, Its funny how Beck and the word God is being thrown around. I wonder why he didn't mention the fact that he is Mormon. Christians and Mormons have opposing views of God. Very Opposing.

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop. The irony of all this is, MLK's views would have been looked down on my a heart beat. Example...Fox would have HATED mlk and his stance on the vietnam war.

does everything have to come down to gayness, ALL the time?

So please give us a link to Martin Luther King Jr.'s stance on homos.

This is what your going with? The fact that MLK's niece is very very homo phobic? I am not sure there are links to MLK's son stance on homo sexuals, but there are many on his "niece" saying they are abominations and her stance on trying to shut down planned parenthood.

It doesn't come down to "gayness, ALL the time" comes down to Beck using this "niece" as some kind of cumbaya moment. Its not. She is not liked by anyone in the King family and she lied about Coretta Scott King being with her about her feelings on homosexuals. She seemed to forget Mrs. King rallied for rights for homosexuals, just like her husband would have. You see, they tended to be for social justice, unlike Beck who said you are un american if you are for social justice.

There in lies the hypocrisy of Beck and his fans. if Dr. King were alive, he would have been against the Iraq war and fox would have been all over him for it. Fuck Fox.
Glen BEck has done more to promote change for America in one day, than Obama has all year. A change that can lead to less division and a strengthened nation. No insistence on wealth redistribution or government engineered living.

Individualism scares the fuck outta the collectivists.

That's because it requires them to actually do something.
idiot, Jesus didnt provide healthcare
nor did he tell the hungry to take from someone else
you guys just never seem to understand

Divecon, you really are an idiot. Just sayin.
and you're just projecting

I feel a neg rep coming...uh oh....

I knew it...

Hi, you have received -138 reputation points from DiveCon.
Reputation was given for this post.

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Divecon, you really are an idiot. Just sayin.
and you're just projecting

I feel a neg rep coming...uh oh....

I knew it...

Hi, you have received -138 reputation points from DiveCon.
Reputation was given for this post.

whine about a neg rep some more

and since i repped you at least 5 minutes before that post, you already KNEW it
what a pathetic dipshit you are
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God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!

MLK's niece does not represent MLK. She says gays are an abomination and MLK was all about acceptance. Its insulting to not address the fact that no one in MLK's family is standing with her.

MLK's son has nothing to do with her and for you or beck to think that showing this pro life, anti gay nut as a representative for MLK is insulting.

By the way, Its funny how Beck and the word God is being thrown around. I wonder why he didn't mention the fact that he is Mormon. Christians and Mormons have opposing views of God. Very Opposing.

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop. The irony of all this is, MLK's views would have been looked down on my a heart beat. Example...Fox would have HATED mlk and his stance on the vietnam war.

Oh Zona...why do all of you haters of the right have to show your true colors with stupid statements like

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop.

Beck is a recovering alcoholic...I assume you aren't one because if you were, you'd respect that. And he has, on more than one occasion, made acknowledgement of his Morman faith...anyone who actually pays attention to what he says would know that.

It is the playbook of the left to try to demoralize anything that shows the right gaining ground against a faultering left.

To claim that MLK's views would have been looked down on by Beck seems incredibly moronic on your part since he spent a lot of time over the weeks prior to yesterday and then some of his time in his speech praising the work of MLK and doing his best to give King's message a connection to ALL Americans, not just black Americans that we can use to apply to our current state of chaos.

At any rate, it's troubling that you don't support Mr. Beck's views that there are things that we WILL disagree on, but there are so many things that we can do in agreement that will change this country for the better...for all of us. I know you probably won't take this in the spirit in which I tried to convey it...but I had to try.
God,Da BOOOOOOSH,Sarah Palin,and Glenn Beck...The Left's favorite Boogeymen or Woman. This post just makes the Left look so desperate. Yea that bad ole God & Glenn Beck. What a bunch of nutters. Glenn Beck is a good man. Martin Luther King's Niece Dr. Alveda King spoke at Beck's rally and has appeared on his show on several occasions. She's a big fan and they have become good friends. If Beck is good enough for her to like & respect then that's good enough for me. You notice she spoke at Beck's rally and not at that dumb ass Al Sharpton's rally. So this post is just another pathetic & desperate Glenn Beck smear by the usual suspects on the Left. They're slipping for sure. What's next? They're probably gonna start atttacking his family next. That wouldn't surprise me. No one cares what the Left thinks anymore though and i'm pretty sure Glenn Beck doesn't either. So Rock On Mr. Beck!

MLK's niece does not represent MLK. She says gays are an abomination and MLK was all about acceptance. Its insulting to not address the fact that no one in MLK's family is standing with her.

MLK's son has nothing to do with her and for you or beck to think that showing this pro life, anti gay nut as a representative for MLK is insulting.

By the way, Its funny how Beck and the word God is being thrown around. I wonder why he didn't mention the fact that he is Mormon. Christians and Mormons have opposing views of God. Very Opposing.

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop. The irony of all this is, MLK's views would have been looked down on my a heart beat. Example...Fox would have HATED mlk and his stance on the vietnam war.

Oh Zona...why do all of you haters of the right have to show your true colors with stupid statements like

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop.

Beck is a recovering alcoholic...I assume you aren't one because if you were, you'd respect that. And he has, on more than one occasion, made acknowledgement of his Morman faith...anyone who actually pays attention to what he says would know that.

It is the playbook of the left to try to demoralize anything that shows the right gaining ground against a faultering left.

To claim that MLK's views would have been looked down on by Beck seems incredibly moronic on your part since he spent a lot of time over the weeks prior to yesterday and then some of his time in his speech praising the work of MLK and doing his best to give King's message a connection to ALL Americans, not just black Americans that we can use to apply to our current state of chaos.

At any rate, it's troubling that you don't support Mr. Beck's views that there are things that we WILL disagree on, but there are so many things that we can do in agreement that will change this country for the better...for all of us. I know you probably won't take this in the spirit in which I tried to convey it...but I had to try.

Did Beck mention mormonism ONCE during this rally of his "Christian army"...a term I read in here by righty's. The irony of a mormon leading a "chrisitian army" is just funny.

He is a classic dry drunk. I am not an alcoholic, but I did get training on alcohol and abuse because I was after care specialist (collateral duty) in the Navy. He shows all the signs of being one. Recovering or not, he is still an alcoholic skippy.

MLK would have been against the Iraq war. We all agree with this. Now be truthful would fox have treated him because of this?

Do you think Fox would have called HIM a socialist? Beck himself said being for social justice was you think MLK was for social justice?

Be honest for just one second here and address what I just wrote.
I repeat..

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop. Beck himself said if you take what he says as gospel, your an idiot and he called himself a circus of the few times he has been honest.

By the way, was he factual when he said Obama had a hatred for white people? Really?
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Did Beck mention mormonism ONCE during this rally of his "Christian army"...a term I read in here by righty's. The irony of a mormon leading a "chrisitian army" is just funny.

Nothing ironic about it as Mormons are Restorationist Christians.

Are you suggesting that we don't accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and try to bring people to Him? Seems kind of odd consider the Church is named after Him. That the Doctrine centers around Him. That we build Temples that stand as Testimonies of His Resurrection.

He is a classic dry drunk. I am not an alcoholic, but I did get training on alcohol and abuse because I was after care specialist (collateral duty) in the Navy. He shows all the signs of being one. Recovering or not, he is still an alcoholic skippy.

I'd rather hang out with a dry drunk who is right than a jerk who isn't.

MLK would have been against the Iraq war. We all agree with this. Now be truthful would fox have treated him because of this?

That's debatable, but it's also completely irrelevant. Would he have supported an event to restore honor and integrity in America? You honestly think he would have been against that? How about Faith, Hope and Charity?

They had a speech of MLKs playing between the Smithsonian and the Restoring Honor Rally. MLK was talking about charity for all men. Even one's enemies. I think MLK would have gladly stood next to Beck.

But then I don't think you understand the concepts of Faith, Hope, and Charity or why they are important.

Would MLK have been against Non-violent Protests as Glenn is?

Do you think Fox would have called HIM a socialist? Beck himself said being for social justice was you think MLK was for social justice?

Not as the left today describes it.

Be honest for just one second here and address what I just wrote.
I repeat..

We address what you say all the time. Not our fault if you ignore it or pretend we say nothing. Disagreeing with you doesn't mean we are dishonest.

Beck is a clown, alcoholic Mormon who had a rally with Fox fans and tea baggers. Big woop. Beck himself said if you take what he says as gospel, your an idiot and he called himself a circus of the few times he has been honest.

Glenn is always honest. Simply because you disagree with him doesn't mean he is dishonest. Wrong, possibly. But the man learned along ago not to be dishonest with people. That's why you don't like him that much. Because he will point out what you don't want people to see.

By the way, was he factual when he said Obama had a hatred for white people? Really?

It was an opinion based on plenty of good evidence. I'm of the opinion that Obama has a hatred and contempt for just about everyone myself.

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